Admiral Brett Giroir discusses the stalled transition during what he calls an "an absolutely dangerous" public health situation, telling Andrea that "I'm going to be as transparent with anyone in the Biden administration or in their task force as I am with you." He also tells Andrea Mitchell that people shouldn't take a negative test as clearance to go about their regular lives during the holidays, saying "that negative test today does not mean you're going to be negative tomorrow." Aired on 11/18/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#AdmiralBrettGiroir #BidenAdministration #MSNBC
'That Negative Test Today Does Not Mean You're Going To Be Negative Tomorrow' | Andrea Mitchell
45th administration of Liars and science deniers. DODGE the Super Spreaders, protect yourself and your loved ones.
@dozzer009 I dont think there is a political slant! I think top doctors like fauci dont have a clue! Wear mask, social distance, vaccination? Thats it ? Thats their expertise? Im smarter than that! Fire fauci and all the other frauds!
@Tim Jones
What a man you are…sending your wife out to do the shopping because you won’t wear a mask while she has to sanitize everything for you. I would think she’d be as against it as you but thankfully she’s not. And why does she wear a mask and take all the precautions? My guess is that she’s sensible and listened to medical professionals…like the ones you think should be fired.
@dozzer009 You all think its about masks and you never discuss depression , drug use, alcohol abuse , child abuse, divorce ! This is the result of covid lockdown ! Expand your thinking and stop being so blind for the sake of an argument! You sound ignorant!
@Tim Jones You know Heather? She didn’t promote or use masks in the past??? Not sure what you are implying but Masks Work! Have a good day?
@Tim Jones Yea,, so don’t wear one RINO… You won’t do it right anyway.
Test all you want great. But without contact tracing we wiil fall behind and are subject to continued cases increasing. Love all
there is contact tracing
@psycobleach46 tullis show me one state that has used it in enough circumstances that made a difference. Clown boy in the WH refused to make it part of the cdc plans. Small cities or counties are the only ones to make that attempt.
No point if President Donald Trump is telling Americans to vote on the day during a pandemic – right? Trump is recklessness and irresponsible.
@Jack Meoff I guess your title is my response!
@Tim Jones Answer my question, Timmy.
American Disgrace An American Story Please Read (CITIZEN’S LOOK) by DANIEL GLOSKY WWW. Amazon, E-BOOK PLEASE READ, THANK YOU
Is that a story about biden? Or just someones hateful racism?
@Tim Jones Answer my question, Timmy…
Just becuz he said it is so, does not make it so! In re: Covid “it will just go away”, “by easter”, ” by summer” its like the flue”, its not. He lied lied lied people died died died. Don the con.

“You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” THAT IS GREAT JOB YOU HAVE DONE!
And yet when he gave that speech, he’d already bought stock in Moderna (he ‘partnered’ with them according to their company’s prospectus) and briefed colleagues (all Republicans) who all went out and bought/sold stock which allowed them all to benefit from the severity of Covid. 2 of them were Purdue and Loeffler in GA. The lot of them should be investigated for insider trading and jailed.
Pfizer ceo sells 62 % of his stocks…

No. Donald Trump failed this nation. He continues to fail to take a leadership role and only divides and weakens us further. The breakthrough with the vaccine was his chance to be a hero to the planet and go down in the history books as such forever, but he’s too busy tweeting nasty hate speech about Democrats, firing Republicans for their honesty, casting doubt on our nation’s presidential elections results, fleecing Americans for slush fund donations, refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden and the normal transition process, all the while ignoring the pandemic and public health. What a spectacular failure!
@Gail Hitson
I believe the OP was being sarcastic, but you are correct. In fact, to your point about drifting money from his supporters, I wouldn’t be surprised if when the election is certified in Biden’s favor, Trump flees the US to a country without an extradition treaty.
They may have done all they could with testing but the man at the top undid all of their efforts with his approach.
For those who still believe Trump not to wear masks, GO AHEAD DON’T WEAR MASK!
Unfortunately, people around them suffer.
Just ask them to sign an affidavit that says: “I agree that I will not have priority in any medical unit”.
Unfortunately wearing a mask just protects others!!
Do not encourage these knuckleheads germ spreader’s
Agree, as long as they stay the F away from me and my loved ones and friends.
@Angie Alexis I’m sick and tired of these idiots not wearing masks because Trump told them not to wear masks!
Wasted interview by one of trumps henchmen..he’s not saying anything we don’t already know…get an icu doctor on the Frontline directly treating covid patients!! let’s face it this guy is purely a paper pusher trying to save face for this malignant administration!!
“…get an icu doctor on the Frontline directly treating covid patients!”
Better yet, get an ICU nurse. They spend more time with the patients.
Thanks and the press is not the enemy of the people especially during a pandemic god bless all be safe
By the time Biden takes over we will be too far gone!! Trump has poisoned the well
You really want to make a difference you want to be 100% truthful to the American people start by telling Americans that Donald Trump is out right lying start by telling Americans that Donald Trump has turned covid-19 into a political stunt. Silence is complicit. If people charge with health and safety of the US citizens is not standing up to this administration in my opinion that makes you just as guilty
@jozie white say it loud!
@mzw meathook Perhaps come together to rebuild the shambles your country has become? The rest of the world is shaking their heads watching your madness. Of course, you don’t care, because we’re all shitholes.
@conny lake

That was the nicest response I think I’ve seen on youtube in months!! Thank you
please keep safe and take care
@JCO2002 I just wanna say please don’t think everyone thinks like Trump and his goonies!! I get what you are saying and the point you are making, I just wanted to point out that not all of us are narcissistic incompetent dumbasses
Trump is the President. He DEMANDED to take over the reigns, this is all on HIM. Period.
Cheeto Head: “I’m not a president. I just play one on TV.”
Indeed. Mr. “I take no responsibility” would do well to remember what Truman kept on his desk. The Buck Stops with the President.
Remember the “carnage” he promised to fix.
Thats right.
Good try, Andrea Mitchell! But trump appointees seem to have an issue with ethics.
Sadly I feel the same. As soon as the spewing of numbers started …
This is what Trump should be saying…..but he’s playing golf or watching Fox news!
@gb nq But far superior to MSDNC and CNN who will lose their shorts when Trump is gone.
@R L T there is not such thing as leftist. Only people that care and want to see an united progressive nation. Don’t buy into that narrative.
@Jessica Roach did even joined the million maga hats, he joyfully pass them by on his way to the golf courses..
@Melisa leal diaz Sorry hon…there certainly are leftists …more rabid liberals. Your assertions are very typical…YOU want to control the discussion, terms used and ultimately the narrative. LOL. Sorry…..uh no.
@R L T – Fox News, the entertainment shows like Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, etc, Newsmax, OAN, Sinclair, and all other right-wing media r all disinformation, propaganda, and fake conspiracy theories to con enough M&L class voters to vote for Socialism for the wealthy and corporations at the expense of M&L class voters. Republican policies increase income and wealth inequality, shifts $ and power from the M&L classes up to the wealthy and corporations, weaken/prevent labor unions, decrease taxes for the wealthy and corporations way more than any tax cuts for the M&L classes shifting a greater tax burden on the M&L classes, allowing monopolies, giving the wealthy and corporations more and more of our tax $ (socialism for the wealthy) while they cut domestic spending much of which used to go to M&L class families through more generous and fair social programs, like k-college, work programs, healthcare, infrastructure, science and technological research, safety net programs, social security, unemployment, SS disability, GI bill, etc. What republicans and others refer to as “socialism”. They r really called social programs, where we all pay our taxes based on income and all receive that benefit. We already have many of these social programs, but we receive significantly less for about the same taxes M&L class ppl paid from 1933-1979. While M&L class government benefits have decreased, our taxes r about the same, M class wages have been stagnant, L class wages have declined, and the cost of living has increased, in some cases much faster than inflation, like College, pre-k, and healthcare. Social programs aren’t getting something for free, they r getting benefits which we have paid for in taxes and in many cases, benefits which previous generations received. Currently, that which was cut from M&L class programs, plus much of the national debt is going to the upper class and corporations. Many of them r paying a lower % of taxes than M class and some pay zero or, we the M&L classes, have to pay the wealthy or corporations a tax credit, which is in addition to the very favorable policies and socialism for the wealthy and corporations. As Reagan began his Reaganomics/Neo-liberalism/laissez-faire economy, huge tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, cut regulations, and passed other favorable policies for the wealthy and corporations, they had to cut domestic spending, run up the national debt, corporations have reduced some starting wages, or failed to increase them w/inflation and the cost of living like the federal minimum wage, compared to previous generations even though worker productivity and education has significantly increased. Corporations only gave an inflation raise or less than the rate of inflation for the lower half or more of the income scale which resulted in both adults having to work, to make up for the loss of income 1 adult, usually the men, used to earn which supported 2 adults and more children than most M class families have today. As M&L class ppl have come more and more squeezed, they’ve had to run up personal debt to try to maintain that M class lifestyle previous generations were able to afford. All of these changes since around 1980, has shifted $ and power from the M&L classes up to the upper class and corporations. Those at the top aren’t just working hading than the upper class and corporations did from around 1933-1979, they r legally stealing to money from the M&L classes. There’s a limit on how much $ can be in circulation at any given time. So when one class earns increased new growth, like the upper class who is receiving almost all new growth, it has to be taken from the another class or two. As income inequality increases w/in a society, we often see increases in violence, domestic extremism/terrorism, racism, xenophobia, suicides, drug/alcohol abuse, maternal/infant mortality rate, associated psych/medical conditions, teen pregnancy, incarcerations, poverty, homelessness, polarization, societal unrest, and decreases in social mobility, life expectancy, math and literacy scores compared to other countries, and trust in government and each other. The US has the highest income and wealth inequality of the wealthy countries and is usually the worst in all these societal ills categories. We r repeating the early decades of the 1900’s when income and wealth inequality were similarly as high, when republicans controlled the house, senate, WH, and Supreme Court most of the time from 1880-1932 & 1980-present, and when we saw many of the same issues we see today. The 1st republican period ended w/the Great Depression and the election of FDR, a far-left Dem, and a Dem congress who passed lots of progressive bills, pulled us out of the Great Depression, invested in America, and successfully led us through WWII. Most ppl loved FDR bc his policies significantly improved M&L class ppl’s lives but the elites called FDR a traitor to his own top 1% class. FDR was elected for president 4x and is always rated among the top 3 best presidents by historians on both sides of the isle. FDR’s policies allowed the economy to take off, widespread prosperity, no longer just among those at the top, made us the dominate superpower and the world leader. After FDR’s success, dems controlled the house, senate, and WH most of the time from 1933-1979. Progressive policies resulted in the lowest income and wealth inequality by the 50’s & 60’s until the Republican majority Supreme Court decisions began to change that. Currently, it’s the far-left Dems who support these policies, r the least corrupt, and take the least amount of $ from the wealthy and corporations. The world experienced the similar issue and the Great Depression. Italy elected Mussolini and Germany elected Hitler around the same 1930 time period. They were both right-wing fascist governments who conned their voters w/disinformation, propaganda, fake conspiracy theories, and told them the free press was the enemy of the ppl. Needless to say, it didn’t work out so well for either the right-wing corrupt governments or the citizens. It resulted in WWII in Europe and Japan, Mussolini was shot by a firing squad and hung for the citizens to abuse the corpse and Hitler committed suicide. Many of those who helped Mussolini and Hitler were tried and imprisoned. If ur not familiar w/our past, do ur research. Right-wing or even a right government won’t work long-term bc eventually the economy will collapse bc there’s not enough $ among the M&L classes to keep the economy going. Electing a government shouldn’t be an identity or an ideology, that’s how they con voters. Instead, electing a government is like steering a ship which all ppl in a country r in. When there’s too much $ and power at the top, voters should steer the government left to prevent or reverse too much $ pooling at the top. If there were too much $ at the bottom, which has never happened and would never happen bc the wealthy wouldn’t allow that, but if there was too much money at the bottom, which technically would make the lower class the richest class, voters should steer the ship to the right. Republicans scapegoat the left, minorities, the poor to distract their M&L class voters and prevent them from looking up at the wealthy republicans to notice what they r doing. Don’t get ur information from MSM, politicians, etc, get it by doing ur research on the issues, learning how the economy works, reviewing history, etc. Once u know the truth, then u can watch/read MSM and u’ll know those who r reliable, pretty accurate vs those who r selling u a bag of dog shi*.
Wear masks.
Wash hands and use sanitizer.
Avoid crowds.
Stay home as much as possible.
I like you youtube name I hate racist
@Jerry Hate It’s like, be racist against racists
Stay away from members of the trump administration.
@Mirle wherever floats your boat there are racist on both sides more on the Republican side I know I hunt them be safe
Trump: Everyone who dares to speak the truth must be fired . No place for honest career officials!
You are so right sir
His supporters love this and that’s the part that is totally NUTS!
What’s truly jacked up: sacking a cabinet member for BS reasons is just another item for his list of impeachable offenses.
It’s why Andrew Johnson was impeached.
And it’s never too late to impeach Don again. Obstruction in the Senate be damned.
Donnie wanted a slow down of testing, and this guy would not still have his job if had not delivered at least some of what Donnie wanted. In addition, there are plenty of stories that we have regressed in testing in some red states most notably in Florida.
In the end, he just can’t turn off that Republican Crazt Switch. He knows how serious the situation is, but cant get the GOP moto, “Party before the people” outif his head.
They all refuse to blame Trump, you see how quickly he swerved away from saying what we all know, which is that because of Trump’s (the man-child) tantrum thousands of Americans have to and will die.
Biden is going to keep the real doctors put more real doctors in get rid of the fake doctor’s like Frankenstein Atlas and others who would make better dog catchers
Trump, the republican governors and legislators who politicized the use of masks should be charged with criminal negligence cause death. There’s are the states that are now overrun with Covid-19 and innocent people are dying in droves.
The “Freedom Over Sanity” crowd.