Texts Between Diplomats On Ukraine Situation Released | The Last Word | MSNBC

Newly released text messages between former Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker and other diplomats show officials raised concerns about the Trump administration's attempt to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden. Congressman Eric Swalwell responds to the breaking news and John Heilemann, David Frum and Norm Ornstein break down what we've learned from the new documents. Aired on 10/03/19.
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Texts Between Diplomats On Ukraine Situation Released | The Last Word | MSNBC

Texts Between Diplomats On Ukraine Situation Released | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. @Robert King – Remember during his first weeks in office, Trump was always positioning himself in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson. Remember how an illiterate like Trump has always been talking about swamps, alligators and snakes. These are conditions that Jackson lived in as he was responsible for rounding up the Native Americans of the South and setting them on the “Trail of Tears”. Trump made it clear from the beginning that he idolized Jackson. As Maddow said, “Pay attention to what he does.” His 70 years of moves against both black and brown peoples should overcome anything he has said to the contrary. Of course, the son of a KKK member was intimidated by the influx of “brown” refugees. Of course, he would resort to outdated solutions of fences and cages to keep the “brown” people from infiltrating the society that he had already mastered. All bullys are cowards at heart. A righteous President of good character would have responded immediately to stories of voter suppression based on color bias in 2018. Trump and his enablers did nothing. Regardless of what he says, his actions are those of a dishonest, racist thug. Americans deserve better, and better has always been available.

    2. @David Lafleche – You are launching a Soviet style campaign of disinformation and flat-out lies. You are either a Putin paid troll or auditioning for the job. I have no particular allegiance to any of the candidates yet, but I Hate liars. That means both Trump and you are not even fit for the compost pile.

    3. @Kathryn Shaw No. I am not a “Russian.” I am a Christian, and I am telling the truth. Democrats are guilty of everything they’re accusing Trump. “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (9th Commandment). You are a liar, and you shall answer to the Lord Jesus Christ on Judgment Day (Revelation 21:8, KJV). Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!

    1. For The sake of humanity Puhleez I would love to know the same thing. It seems so elementary and like a gifts to the gods but they’re not publicly focusing on it.

    1. Cohen is watching everything from prison. I can bet he is placing bids on when Rudy will be joining them.

    2. Ryan Sproviero he might.. but we love watching Giuliani, it’s better than a train wreck hitting an oil tanker, and balloons come out.

  1. stable guenius.. so transparent, most ever… was not hiding anything… perfect (set up) call… and the republicans will defend him and so will the DOJ.. fox will tell them how to spin this…
    and the republican trump(blank strap) supporters won’t understand this…they will read their national enquirer and conspiracy (fox opinion journalist) radio idiots..
    so unfortunate the republicans are such sell outs… lindsey graham, jim Jordan and Moscow mitch..

    1. @mtronix I believe that Republicans still exist. With all of this evidence, the inquiry digging up more, and Trump shouting his guilt to the world on live television is the chance that Republicans needed to take back their party. Most of them hate Trump. Now is the time to act.


  2. #RudyColludy is my hero!!….He’s managed to implicate the Orange Fuhrer in a crime…..well done!

    1. @Noreb  The reason the delayed the money was Ukraine just went through a huge scandal and the government officials who received a guilty verdict in on tape admitted to helping the DNC create Russian gate. So when you say “Extort” it’s a dishonest spin off of the Truth. The Truth is DOJ is Investigating election interference in Ukraine. Trump asked him to work him because it’s legal and part of a treaty. You haven’t de bunked anything I’ve said

    2. @Dennis Manson asking what crime gives me something to attack directly all these broad accusations you guys are making it’s impossible to even have a conversation

    3. @Perry Walton view count?I don’t care about no view count I have nothing but truth no one can debunk what I’m sharing so if you can please do if not stay out the conversation

  3. This investigation has only just begun, and it’s already like shooting fish in a barrel. Tick, tick, tick, f-ing tick.

    1. @john emeigh You’re a fool, the House of Representatives is 2 year terms, the Senate is 6, only 9 Republicans were up for re-election in 2018, 24 Democrates were up and only 2 flipped, Democrat to REPUBLICAN, 2020 is the total opposite. Donald Trump, Moscow Mitch + 21 more Republicans in the Senate are up for re-election, only 12 Democrats. 2016 “National Registered Voter Turnout in Federal Elections” was the LOWEST it’s been in the last 20 years and you lost by just under 3 Million. 2018 set new Mid-term records, the HIGHEST Mid-term number in history, the highest % in over 100 years. 114 Million Citizens of the United States of America voted, and the Republicans lost by over 10 Million. Nov 3rd 2020 is still over 1 year away, and Republican members of Congress are ALREADY bailing out and saying they are not running for re-election. As of last week, 3 Republican Senators and 16 Republican members of the House of Representatives are not running. They are walking down the Gangplank of the Great Ship “The Donald Trump” while it’s tied to the dock, instead of waiting and having to jump off it later with nothing but a life-preserver.

    1. Some quotes from Jerry Nadler during the Clinton impeachment:

      “Benjamin Franklin called impeachment, ‘a substitute for assassination’ …

      “The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters as expressed in a national election. We must not overturn an election and remove a president from office except to defend our very system of government or our constitutional liberties against a dire threat. And we must not do so without an overwhelming consensus of the American people and of their representatives in Congress of the absolute necessity …

      “There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other. Such an impeachment would lack legitimacy, would produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come. And will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions … We have no right to overturn the considered judgment of the American people …

      “To impeach the president would subject the country to the trauma of a trial in the Senate. It would paralyze the government for many months while the problems of Social Security, Medicare, and a deteriorating world economy, and all our foreign concerns fester without proper attention …

      “The president’s accusers must go beyond hearsay and innuendo and beyond demands that the president prove his innocence of vague and changing charges. They must provide clear and convincing evidence of specific impeachable conduct. …

    2. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING f.You’re spamming, but it won’t work. In only ten days, the Democrats have collected enough evidence to hang Trump and any Republican who tries to stand with him. The Democrats keep collecting more evidence and Trump keeps right on burying himself. Republicans are going to reach the point that they can’t keep supporting him. The House already has enough votes for impeachment. All the Senate would require is, what, 22 Republicans to find their consciences? Those who don’t will destroy their careers. Stay tuned.

  4. Wow, trump is hella screwed now. Im be curious to see how the RepubliCANTS will try and explain this in the morning….

  5. Mike Pence saying he didn’t know any of this was going on is like saying “no officer” when he pulls you over for speeding and asks if you know why he pulled you over.

    1. @JJoe Yabutwaddabout … is the argument of a six year old. Logicians refer to this as the diversion fallacy or the red herring fallacy. They really should start teaching elementary logic in elementary school.

  6. This has been the natural de-evolution of Conservatism ever since Ronny Raygun. Through decades of AM radio talk shows & Fox Fuwit Fascism conservatism is now all about greed, selfishness, hate & rule by fear.

    1. @Warren Holly Everything that he does is toward that end. If Trump could have nixed the sanctions altogether, he would have.

    1. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING if trump does something as inconsequential as getting his nob shined and lying about it let me know…until then your Nadler quotes are woefully inapplicable.

  7. Wow, forcing Ukraine, who has been repeatedly violated by Russia, to exonerate them. Shameful. Holding an entire country hostage, that’s the U.S. President and his best people. It’s extortion. Lock him up.

    1. The fascist kind of danger. -45 is off his rocker and I can’t wait until he’s arrested for all the felonies he’s committing.

  8. It wasn’t “crazy” that security was tied to the “investigation” , it’s criminal.
    I’m really glad Eric Swalwell is back working on the impeachment inquiry rather than running for president. He and Adam Schiff are a good team.

    1. @Vilma Betancourt : No Piotr, but the response I was expecting. I think it is funny that you complained on someone else grammar but somehow didn’t see the fault in your own sentence?

    1. Yes., Moscow Mitch who claims he didn’t know that a Russian company was planning to contribute $200 mill to build an aluminum plant in his state when he pushed for lifting sanctions on Russia. If he did not know that a deal of this magnitude was happening in his state, then he was not doing his job properly.

    2. @Alex Hamilton No he doesn’t….NRA was BUSTED FUNNELING RUSSIAN $$$ to GOP…..period. The ENTIRE party is on the take…

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