1. Because she’s free to do so and why not ? I do it all the time. Should she or anyone else who wants to go hiking sit at home if no one else can go ? And many people love the solitude of hiking alone. Don’t be such a big baby.

    2. Cuz if she had any other person of average IQ with her, this incident never would have happened…

    1. In HINDSIGHT, she speaks sensibly.
      I guess she learned her lesson.
      It was a lesson that shouldn’t have needed to be taught, though.
      LOW IQ

    2. @Javier Fernandez . I’m glad she’s ok, but she could have been killed. 100% preventable, yet she made the time to record herself placing herself in harms way, then posting it to viral status . I am NOT the weird one, or lacking in common sense in this.
      She should have done some research about the animals in that territory ( about 20 seconds worth of effort) and been careful. Again, absolutely HER FAULT, and she doesn’t get a survival trophy from my perspective.

  1. Some people just ain’t too bright when it comes to wild animals! Invading their space can have serious consequences!

  2. The bison was protecting his HOME from an invader. And one who’s ancestors probably killed and skinned HIS ancestors. Ahh, if only the bison knew how to use a gun…

  3. I don’t recall what state we were in and we seen a few of these bison and I took my parents camera out wanting to get a few shots of the buffalo. Yeah that was a mistake once that Buffalo heard the click from the camera I turned and ran back to the car hollering at anybody in the car to open up the car door. These animals may look like they’re slow moving but they can move pretty quick when they want to. It’s too bad that we killed off so many in the 1800s or so they should have put a stop to it way before they got as low as they were.

    1. @Brad Mehler
      Especially the alpa male. About like trying to approach a cow with calves. Will not end well for a tiny human. Lol

  4. I remember on my family trip to Yellowstone there being signs not to park in the road and not to approach the wildlife. Yet people did exactly that.
    I am glad this woman survived, but the lack of common sense in getting that close…

    1. I lived in the Canadian Rockies for a while. Despite loads of signage warning people about the dangers of getting too close to wild animals, tourists always thought of themselves as some kind of exception to that rule

    2. @Faux Que I’m not going to try to pet something that breathes like a locomotive. That’s *their* house, not mine.

  5. Respect these animals! Don’t be fools and respect them. We are lucky these gorgeous animals are still with us.

  6. Thank you for sharing your story, and you are so fortunate your able too! I love the Country side too! However, I wouldn’t want to be near a bison.

  7. I used to work in Yellowstone Park, and every single year, MULTIPLE tourists were seriously injured by the wild animals that live in there because they REFUSE to use even basic common sense. I’m glad this lady survived, but the fault was entirely hers.

  8. Omg 🙀 🦬 Although I don’t personally know you I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. Such a horrifying experience to endure. However I am pleased to see these creatures having life restored after what our forefathers did back in the day.

  9. It’s so refreshing to hear someone admit they made a mistake. She learned from it, is better for it, and trying to pass that knowledge onto others.

    In our current political and cultural climate there’s not a lot of that going on. 😢

  10. I was prepared to see another awful tourist, instead I have been pleasantly surprised by her humility and self awareness. No victim complex. She seems great! Love her and her attitude!

    1. Same I like how she’s getting all the attention she deserves and she posted the video as a bonus on the #socials

  11. I like that she’s taking responsibility for her actions. Refreshing in this day & age when NOBODY accepts responsibility.

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