The Texas Tribune political reporter Patrick Svitek discusses the new bill in Texas that would get rid of the current requirement to have a license to carry a handgun.
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Texas To Allow People To Carry Handguns Without Permits | MSNBC
This is madness
Why? Have you seen how many mass shootings happen everyday now?
Great! But if the police TELL You to drop it you better listen.
Texas will be the first state to legalize the surgery to replace your arm with a machine gun.
@zingerman11259 been legal here for a long long time
…justification = to hunt deer or pigs. It’s not hard to imagine, is it?
@FirehorseCreative you do realize no pro 2nd amendment liberals or conservatives believe that the 2nd amendment is about hunting, or recreation right? That’s a none argument.
@Hayle Seyton I can see De Santos and Abbott coming up with this together! Those two are so brilliant!
Madness, sheer madness.
Now this f-stick. Not enough death and destruction for them. NRA dude bought a pricey house in Texas with NRA members’ money.
@Elizabeth Ayres Ruger is a German gun I doubt the NRA is selling them lol
@John Flemming No. It says we’ll regulated militia
@Elizabeth Ayres leftists take your cow and give you a carton a third full so it’s “equitable”
@Elizabeth Ayres I too took Government in high school and college, so I’m confused as to why you don’t understand “shall not be infringed” I honestly am baffled because you appear intelligent (I mean that earnestly not a jab) though we disagree on political issues. We were founded on Rebellion. Our very founders were radical in the face of tyranny. That’s what the 2nd amendment is all about. The God given right to protect your life and liberty.
@John Flemming No. I wouldn’t dream of it. I don’t care about your guns…I care about being a responsible gun owner, and making sure those who are unhinged don’t get them. If the government wanted your guns, they would spank you and take them. A 6th grade fired a gun at school and a 3 year old child shot a two year old child……last week. Carnage. For what? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were the inalienable rights listed. The Amendments came 2 years later. We weren’t even gonna get those, at first. Hence, Amendments.
Well, there’s just no way that THIS is going to backfire in the least (and for the stupid among you, yes, this is sarcasm).
@Nonya Biznes For what? Not understanding your nonsense?
@Rob Summer Everyone does have access in the US and every law abiding citizen should carry. Taking away the ability for self defense, especially in a criminal loving culture like ours, is taking away humanity.
@bean tea Your attack failed when you brought up assault rifles. Nobody’s going to be carrying them around.
@Nonya Biznes You failed when you completely missed the point of that comment.
@bean tea And your point was?
I’m confused. I thought if you open carried you didn’t need a permit already. Only if you concealed carried you need a permit. So are they saying that you can conceal carry without a permit now.
In Texas you needed a permit either way, until this new change
@Cruisin Guy Needed a permit? That’s downright criminal.
I understand why you are confused. It’s because states like Washington open carry is allowed without permit but places like Georgia, open carry is for those who have a carry permit.
@Jayman#1 so basically this is really no big deal. Because there are states already. That Allow you to open carry without a permit.
@KongKing Live 2.0 the open carry thing is less of an issue for me living in an open carry state. Whats concerning to me is that any schmuck who can legally buy a gun can now concealed carry without any sort of additional training/licensing process. Im a lifelong gun owner/hunter and i know plenty of people who can legally buy/own firearms that i would never hunt/shoot with. But somehow its a good idea to allow any non felon to concealed carry on a whim? Makes me wary.
When the population of Texas goes down drastically they should get less electoral college votes. The Census needs to be redone.
Population in Red states are going up while people flee for rhier lives FROM CA and NY
On the contrary, the population of Texas has been only going up, up, up.
Despite texas having some of the most liberal gun laws in the country their gun violence rate is dramatically less than that of California which has by far, the most restrictive gun laws in the country. In fact if you look at gun crime it seems to rise conversely with legal gun ownership.
I would tell you to look up the statistics on both the rising population of Texas and the low gun violence rate; but I know how you liberals hate facts.
why does it matter about the electoral college votes? Our votes don’t even matter in the first place lol
Why not? Got to keep the funeral business working.
After another mass shooting we are giving everyone guns let’s see what happens. Background check is 2 minutes any job background checks can take days to weeks.
It’s the Purge, people
I get guns no issue. You must be from some other state
I thought they already did. Georgia should do the same.
Tenessee, kentucky, iowa, utah, idaho, west virginia….20 other states already.
Already legal in nh. Open carry always has been legal here, but a few years ago they passed legislation making concealed carry legal without a permit.
So many people in these comments have no idea what “permitless carry” even means but it doesn’t stop them from proving their ignorance.
@wisegeorge365 cool
So tell us what it means.
@Jeff Williams I did, scroll up.
@PointZeroTwo it’s a who’s who of who to lock up in this comment section just brilliant. The brainwashed foot troops of the fascist block in America. Screaming for laxer gun control cause their overlords tell them to do so. While thinking they are free. Are your parents siblings? If you don’t mind me asking. I am curious what’s wrong with white rural America and the cognitive diablilty because of inbreeding thesis seems rather valid to me.
@Mozilla anyone carrying a gun is obviously tempted to use said gun all the time while carrying the gun. If you are not allowed to carry the gun you probably don’t shoot someone because he parked in your spot or whatever reason. Are your parents siblings? If you don’t mind me asking. I am curious what’s wrong with white rural America and the cognitive disability because of inbreeding thesis seems to be explaining a lot.
This town ain’t big enough for the three of us. You, my gun & me.

Are you feeling alpha now? Jesus christ just an gene defect it’s really heart breaking. Probably beyond saving. You still have to give your pointy sticks to your mothers Btw.
You better get outta town then
In order for background checks to be useful, you have to assume most dangerous people already have some kind of record. But what if it turns out that most school shooters, for instance, have no criminal record; how would a background check prevent them from buying a gun?
and luckily for the parents of these killer kids who shoot up their schools, there are no consequences for them.
@City Of Angels Candle Studio There are over seven billion large apes on this planet called (by themselves), human beings and the situation is now completely out of control as we slide into the proverbial behavioral sink.
Best decision ever. 2A is non-negotiable.
Just after a guy gunned down his wife and kids – the guys on the right, are not so bright
deep in the heart of Texas
Deep in the heart of Swamp Gas ….
@Dave Gilles Exactly! If only the 5 and 6 year olds at Sandy Hook had been armed, they wouldn’t have ended up dead.
And that 2 year old who found a loaded gun under the sofa cushions and shot his 3 year old sister… IF ONLY she would have been armed, she could have protected herself from her brother…
And that 6 year old boy who was shot and killed a couple of days ago by a road rager… IF ONLY he would have been armed, he could’ve shot the rager while his mom was driving… if only…
Yup… the answer is definitely MORE guns, not less…
… or don’t you believe that CHILDREN under the age of, oh, let’s say, 6… deserve to protect themselves from somebody WITH A GUN? (Obviously you gun nuts are okay with teens getting shot at school, so there’s no point in asking you whether TEENS should be armed but COME ON)…
Why would you be against 5 and 6 year olds protecting themselves by getting a gun? Huh?
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to be a good guy with a gun”…
…are the 5 and 6 year olds not “good” people?…
…You aren’t doing ANYTHING to protect them in school, so why can’t they protect themselves, huh?
Not only do you gun nuts misconstrue what the 2A ACTUALLY says and MEANS to suit your gun fetish but you ACTIVELY DO NOTHING TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN…
…not to mention that most of you couldn’t hit your target from 20 feet away, so you’d be USELESS in protecting children in a mass shooting anyways… even the police, who have mandatory training in firearms, miss their targets in real life situations more often than not; most of the time when they shoot a gunman they aren’t shooting alone and that gunman gets hit by more than one officer – after those officers have unloaded their weapons and maybe 1 in 5 bullets hit their target…
All gun owners should have to PROVE at least once a year, tgat they can actually hit a target… in fact, they should have to prove that BEFORE they are issued a permit to even own one… LIKE THEY DO WITH DRIVER’S LICENSES… You have to LITERALLY PROVE that you can operate a vehicle SAFELY… you have to stay in your lane on the road, use your signals properly, use a seat belt and PROVE you can AIM your vehicle into that tight parking spot.
The same should be done before you’re allowed to own a gun.
@Jenella Budge should have been people like you
@Jeffrey Hershey Waaahh…poor liddle 3 week old troll can’t handle things here?

Like I said before… 5th Avenue awaits your arrival… let the draft dodging coward prove he’s not a liar… body bag, toe tag… waitin’ for you…

Repubs are tryna increase gun violence so they can point fingers at dems and scream, “they’re tryna take away your rights” Can’t be having paper trails when the rittenhouses of the world go off script. Ultimately up to Texans but I’d be asking, does this make my state better?
So now I can understand why all the tornadoes and hurricanes keep ravaging Texas and the south.
That’s what your mother said as well?!
@Juan Pinga Jokes on you loser troll bot
Developed,CIVILIZED countries are laughing at you USA.
“No problemo!” If anything happens(bound to happen), blame game is always there in hand to play on China.