1. I’m so sorry for the parents that are completely broken right now. This should never happen 😭


    2. So what was the reason this ‘ever happened’ at the start of 1844-2014, Texas-Crimea world tour? This area was razed the same way, Hispanics in Texas were originally pushed out like native Ukrainians, because Americans wanted to establish their plantations. Now Russia tries to mold the same miracle in Europe as the economic wonder of American Texas, and it is opposed with 40 Billion. That’s money that could go to mental health of Latin Americans in Texas, but instead it’s spent to make Ukraine the new Afganistan. That’s a drug export haven, unless you didn’t know, producing heroin also for the use of these Texan kids.


    2. @CaneFu Law abiding citizens would hand in the guns… maybe. Which would leave only people with bad intentions with guns.

  2. I feel terrible for these parents and as a teacher, I am beyond frustrated. There are people right now accusing teachers of indoctrinating students, of being pedophiles or being so many terrible things. Please remember that it is teachers who are the ones who step between the gunman and the children. Our goal is to protect children, to nurture them, to assure that they are ready to move on to the next grade. We are also the ones who must protect them from all the terrible things out there in the world that are trying to come onto school campuses and hurt these precious children. Something needs to be done, enough is enough and I wonder who has to face a catastrophic event in this world before someone steps up and says enough is enough and actually does something about it.

    1. ​@carol Lund If we’re bringing religion up, I’m Christian & I was never taught to hate on other religions or anything else you listed. The bible teaches we’re supposed to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. I’m from a heavily religious area & going back to when I was in elementary school, we were never allowed to bring religious gifts or symbols to school, etc. in respect to everyone’s beliefs. If my friends said Merry Christmas to me, if they were another religion, I’d say Happy Holidays. No one acted hostile towards others who weren’t like you, like you are about respecting mine & no teachers ever preached or said hateful, rude things to the students like you claim. I’m sure they exist out there. There are Christians who are hateful, but that’s still a stereotype because it’s an automatic assumption and association tied to Christianity. Just like the stereotype that Muslim people are all like Isis, when that’s obviously not true. That’s a wrongful stereotype. You’re doing the same thing with your spiteful words towards Christianity, when some Christians are intolerant & many aren’t. It’s an ignorant & hateful stereotype & no one should live thinking through stereotypes or assumptions.

    2. @Bobafrost Ah I see, so you weren’t taking about Christian indoctrination? You weren’t talking about the teacher who sent emails to a student telling her she needed to ” find Jesus”? Then just what kind of indoctrination are you accusing teachers of?
      Edit: I see you eliminated your post in which you said well of course not all” teachers try to indoctrinate children or are pedophiles, but.. ( responding to a post from a teacher who repudiated such an accusation) , in other words implying that there is a lot of that…You don’t seem to get the sarcasm of my reply. Obviously you are insinuating that teachers try to indoctrinate children to be..what is the ungrammatical term Americans use,, woke? In other words to be kind to everyone and accepting of differences. That is what conservatives accuse teachers of, their interpretation of it being they are trying ro turn kids gay or trans🙄. But if a teacher tries to force her own religious beliefs onto others,,.crickets. Hardly ever happens you say? Exactly mt point. By the way, I am Christian. Just not a fake one.

    3. @Clint Coop the teachers shouldn’t have to pay for anything. How about our government quit sending billions to other countries and on illegals and put that money into securing our schools!?


  3. The public never sees what the living have to deal with in the aftermath of a shooting. Thank you Senator Murphy for letting that be known.


    2. I’m curious, why do you never focus on why they did such extreme actions to end their lives, but only on guns? As far as I know, most school massacres in the United States are related to school violence, and most schools fail to protect these victims of school violence, or even provide assistance to the perpetrators, causing these people to use extreme methods to end their lives. Why do you never pay attention to these? Ignoring is the root of the problem. You ignore the essence of the problem and only consider the issue of guns. Even if there are no guns, things like this will happen in the United States.

    3. The boy is hispanic, descended from the people america treated the same way Russia treats Ukraine, plus where Russia encourages slavic multiculturalism, USA has encouraged animosity and suppression of hispanic culture and language. E Pluribus Unum, but speak english or go back where “you” came from, Latin America.

      Of course these families get fractured, and with supply of heroin from Afganistan among others. Now they committed 40 Billion to escalate the war, which would be the same if Mexico did it to escalate US Civil war, aiming for “independent” Texas. That would not happen, then Texas would just be a gang-run opiate haven just like Afganistan, and same awaits Ukraine. The gang activity is already boosted in Latin America by US exclusionary policies.

  4. This is utterly heart breaking and sad. Imagine dropping off your child and feeling like they are safe at school, then to hear such awful news later that day. I don’t know how I would react,

    1. I never drop my children off and assume they are safe at school. I’m a firefighter and truly believe that they are in more danger at school than I am on the job.

    2. Tucker Carlson gives whiny and incoherent criticism of Joe Biden’s public address following Uvalde massacre

  5. A gut wrenching, heartfelt exercise in futility, the biggest crime for these so called law makers. It shouldn’t be lost on anyone at this point these elected officials have gone to Washington to serve themselves and not the people.

    1. I’m curious, why do you never focus on why they did such extreme actions to end their lives, but only on guns? As far as I know, most school massacres in the United States are related to school violence, and most schools fail to protect these victims of school violence, or even provide assistance to the perpetrators, causing these people to use extreme methods to end their lives. Why do you never pay attention to these? Ignoring is the root of the problem. You ignore the essence of the problem and only consider the issue of guns. Even if there are no guns, things like this will happen in the United States.

  6. “Makes plea” that alone is disturbing. Sick society we live in. To plea for common sense. Smh

  7. Thank you Sen. Murphy for having your heart speak out today. You were so right. We the people need to step up. We can’t live like this anymore. We can’t be afraid to go to the mall, grocery store or to send our children to school. God help us all.

  8. I can’t imagine being the parents, having such a broken heart of never getting to see their kids again.

  9. I am completely numb, I first heard this story on news 2 hours ago I was doing yard work all day, I feel numb and that is scaring the hell out of me, I have no answers for my son , I feel helpless and hopeless, I have lost all faith in our leaders who should have done so much years ago, I’m tired of prayers, I’m tired of flags lowered, I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired someone with power or money or influence just do something to help protect the American people

  10. From Saudi to all US citizens warmly condolences to you and to the victims families, reltives and friends. God always have mercy on those whom gone, Amen.

  11. I totally agree with Senator Murphy thoughts and prayers are no longer what’s needed.
    Action is needed and we need it now!!!

    I am so sorry for all of those families that have been destroyed by the senseless killing!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏💔💔💔

  12. this is just sad, really sad. souls lost too soon. condolences to the families of the victims and to the community. RIP🕊️🙏🏻

  13. I can’t comprehend this. So sad, RIP to all the families and the ones who continue to fight to support the end of violence and mental health.

  14. So sad.
    Even in those so called “third world countries” this is not happening.
    My condolences to all families.
    Republicans are complicit in all this by doing nothing.

    1. We have nothing to be proud of in this country. I did not experience this violence when I was growing up. Certainly not when I was going to school and even into adulthood. Something has changed in this country. Violence happens in all countries but mass shootings…we are the only country that has as many as we do…it’s become common. We have to act in every way to change our focus on violence and for sure violence has been glorified. People are armed and people have so much hate. How is it that an 18 yr old has a gun and how is it that so many people think they have the right to kill someone because they are pissed off.

  15. R.i.P. to all innocent life taken by someone who caught a misfit they didn’t graduate. R.i p. To the people that were victims of a young man’s rage. R.i.p. to the victims that lives were cut short because one person disregarded their life as worthless. Take a stand against violence against LIFE!!!

  16. On behalf of the Dutch, we are so so sorry for your loss. We can’t imagine what those communities are going through. Thoughts and prayers to all of those who need it 🕊🕊

  17. This is heartbreaking, I was helping a customer on the call earlier when I heard his TV background saying about a breaking news where 14 children were killed. I cried during the call and I have to ask the customer to be placed on hold, so that I could calm myself. My nieces are of the same age and they are living in the US. And we are people of color. I feel afraid for the safety of my love ones living there in the US. After the Buffalo incident here we are again. I just hope they go back here so that we could take care of them.

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