Executive Editor of The Texas Tribune, Ross Ramsey, breaks down the Texas abortion law which gives citizens up to $10,000 to help enforce abortion ban.
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#Texas #AbortionBan #MSNBC
Call it what it is……a BOUNTY!
It is a bounty provision they have added to the law..
You better start swallowing cause im comin to collect!
What do you expect from people who think that they WON at the Alamo ?
It’s an old ploy, Abbott and co. are trying to buy the riff raff’s loyalty. Otherwise, like all fascists, they picture themselves ending hung upside down in the middle of the capitol.
Can I watch the hanging? It would ease all of the years we women fought for our rights.
Gevowavemagnet, do you mean hanging from ropes — or hanging like the vampire bats they are?
How is the Uber driver supposed to know what is going on? Driving a woman to a clinic or OBGYN could mean anything.
I hear Uber is putting out an app update as we speak. Before you book any trip, you now have to declare if your purpose of travel is to have an abortion.
Better safe than sorry. People are gonna get rich off these thots!
Yes, those clinics provide all types women’s health services — including prenatal care! Very few of the women who go to those clinics are there for abortions. Most go there for prenatal care for babies they intend to have.
And many have been murdered in those clinic attacks over the decades that ignorant Republicans have been protesting. Murdering babies and their mothers in the name of their “right” to force microscopic pieces of biological material to turn into life inside of a woman they don’t even know.
Hey, I’m calling the tip line on any woman with a few extra pounds. Even if she’s 55, I ain’t taking no chances. I want those Benjamins
Let’s face it, Afghanistan is clearly a failed exercise in nation building. The US should have left a long time ago. Wait, did I say Afghanistan? Sorry, I meant Texas.
@Winston Smith wait you said “make excuses “ I see, so you need someone to excuse your failures. Nice, nice
@Classic Matt I know you are but what am I? You’re not very good at this
@Sue Zbell thanks for reminding me I have the right to say no to a vaccine my body my choice
If Bidet couldn’t care less with fellow Americans and SIVs, why would he be bothered with the unborn?
Informants like in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. This apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.
@Daniel Hawthorn Don’t feed the TROLL
@Jeremy Ramey Don’t feed the TROLL
Yes, back in Soviet Russia the state rewarded it’s citizens for informing on their own fellow citizens, to the state.
What a crazy move for the Republicans in Texas, to be copying something out of the playbook of Soviet Russia.
Yeah, I think people need to be careful what they wish for. This can open a can of worms.
But no money for strenghtening the powerlines….
Or powergrid…..
Or gas for heating……
Texas in a free-fall, obscene outlaw republic
We really are on the edge of Fascism. Now we’re going to have abortion bounty hunters? Decent people better speak up.
They are adding to the existing methods they use to “Divide and Conquer” their own citizens.
Don’t worry. We got this.
we need to crush the GQP at all levels in 2022.
You support unborn babies being killed by by their mothers, you indeed are a butcher, worse than Charles Manson
How are you gonna do that? The GOP just promised me 10K if I rat out a pregnant chick. Come up with a counter offer and we’ll talk.
@Winston Smith you’re exactly the reason why abortions are a good idea in the first place. to prevent degenerates polluting our population.
@mike’s corner of the universe Ah yes… a lib talking about cleaning the gene pool. Getting rid of the undesirables… Follow liberal logic long enough, and it always leads to the same places- reeducation centers and death camps….
@Winston Smith have fun spending that $10,000 on lotion, because that is all the action you will ever get.
Anti-Vax “small gov” republicans: My Body My Choice
Same ppl: We are going to force you to bear an unwanted child and get paid by the state to stop you
And then in a few years the baby will go to preschool in a school where masks aren’t allowed so they can get covid and die a horrifically painful death. Circle of Texas life.
Absurd isn’t it
Zoe , Canadian neighbor
Called being responsible.
@Nick Molezion Oh, do tell us how any of this stupid law is going to encourage women to be “responsible”, when half the problem is men who can’t seem to keep it in their pants. You friggin’ hypocrite. When men like you can become pregnant, women might care what you think.
Im glad texas is stopping the murder of unborn children. Finally some protection for the innocent lives.
GOP has some taliban in them so it seems.
The taliban is strong with these ones!
I agree 100% my body my choice I will not be receiving the vaccine
Texas will pay when its Tech firms feel the pinch.
Fascism now encouragimg fellow citizens to inform on each other. Sick Republicans. Sick society.
Trumpublican Nazi ideology
Just like they’re strong men in Texas there’s some really strong women in Texas and they do not like this one f****** bit I hope they remember who did this to them
Words of the wise: You’ll live longer by staying out of other people’s business. I pity the fools that try to benefit off a stranger’s sorrow.
Imma get rich off these thots!
@Joe Potato
bout to become a millionaire
“Who’s in charge of enforcing this law?”
Why the American taliban is, that’s who!
@Stephen Hatt your are right!!!
@Joe Potato BWAHAHA TrampS Deal. Spud boi. Use ur real name
Y’all Qaeda
@I am jacks complete lack of surprise NO. That WAS HUSSEIN obama and his beer hood know as the JIHADISTS. He freed over 400 of these/his homies from Gitmo. Man r u a youngster r just a radical demo airhead?
Joes “trusted allies”?
That’s how North Korea controls its people too.
Dear women of child-bearing years in Texas: There are other places to live outside of Texas. Abandon the men to their own devices, and see how quickly they come to their senses.
It’s almost as if America is promoting vigilantism toward one another. What a fine country..