The move by the Justice Department to bring two top aides to former Vice President Mike Pence in front of a federal grand jury is the most aggressive public step taken yet by prosecutors investigating the plots to subvert the 2020 election. CNN legal analyst Elie Honig has more. #CNN #News
Testimony of Pence aides brings DOJ Jan. 6 probe into Trump’s White House

I’ve never thought that the “Garland isn’t doing anything” view was very convincing, and this shows that the DOJ is definitely doing its job and TFG is likely to be indicted.
@Annette Pora yes he does need the peoples permission, he works for US! He’s not a private attorney! And btw Timothy case is super shady once you look into it , not as clear cut as you think
@Melissa Smith Forget about Trump for a minute. I’m engaged to a crazy lady!Help!
What makes Trump think he can lie to his supporters like he does? He has to have a incredibly low opinion of them and think they are totally stupid. If Trump lied to me to my face he would not do it a second time.
@Steven hello Mcfly!!! Answer the question because one of your buddies has become silent when I asked! Come on Steve you can do it! But watch what you say people are watching! I know Lia is a knuckle dragger but do you?
@Jeff Hearty Thank you. I thought it was pretty good too.
Finally, some indication that Garland is making progress
The only reason for the grand jury is Jan6 put so much pressure on that Garland had to try and catch up.
@Cornpop is a good dude he worked on convicting the guy, along with other high profile cases. He was not the investigator
@Belly Dancer Em Slow is correct. Garland has not been working quietly, he’s been watching Jan6 on what to do next. Garland is slow and lost.
@Belly Dancer Em *They , then. They would still be . . .
If I could ask Donald one question I’d ask him what the f—- is wrong with you?
Narcissism. Textbook.
I’d ask him how that audit on his taxes is coming along cuz we want to see those taxes right now
@acekelly1000 news flash 850 domestic terrorist down and 350 more pending due to social media self-incrimination
I love how he says “newly resurfaced video” in the beginning.
@Kristy Campbell what’s this? Someone cooking?
@Alexandra Zepeda spammers
“Testimony of Pence aides brings DOJ Jan. 6 probe into Trump’s White House” so let’s #ConvinceItForward
@Kristy Campbell , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, Kristy, and others reading my comment at the top, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?
@Kristy Campbell , your not being able to reply appropriately over the past 26 minutes since being greeted here means, Kristy, you’re #StatCOVID19Test **positive** indicating that it’s possible you’re unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic) needing to call your doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
I’m sure glad Heart doc Andrew is not my doctor. This bs posting about hunger and COVID Is like misdiagnosis and giving medical advice without seeing or knowing the patient. I think someone should have a look at your license and you tube should stop your misinformation and personal medical defamation of other commenters.
Let’s go DOJ!!!
Lets go bannon! Opps.. he is going.
Don’t you just love how the Republicans want nothing more than to forget what they did on January 6th! However, we can’t allow this to happen. Just because they want to move on from their violence doesn’t mean that the rest of America does. Furthermore, there has to be accountability to what happened, before anyone can move forward…which is coming.
@SMS Was thinking it was good to hear you condemn both riots then you went on to justify 2020 riots. GF may have died anyway o.d but what cop did was terrible. And he was arrested, convicted, and will die in prison. All the riots didn’t bring him back and justice was served. A bad cop in a democrat city in a democrat state isn’t the GOPs fault. And I despise the GOP almost as much as DNC. I’m not Republican. “Cheered” maybe wrong word but they justified and excused the riots. Still won’t condemn them. Nothing at all the reaction to j6. Personally I hope Trump doesn’t run, prefer DeSantis, but if he’s runs I’ll vote for him over any democrat (since I know they’ll never nominate Tulsi) That does not mean a Trump voter supports an insurrectionist bc that charge has not been proven, at all.
Pence needs to testify and they need to subpoena him.
sweet happy ending page lol
@January Johnson you’ve only been paying attention to CNN havnt you?
@Fool’s Foil —> “you’ve only been paying attention to CNN havnt you?” <---Tell us whatcha got?
@U.N. Animations this is a nonsense statement.
Do you understand that or dont you?
If you understand, rephrase coherently.
Now we know that the 9 to 0 supreme court ruling over all of this debacle would have been 8 to 1 with Justice Thomas vote if his wife had anything to do with it.
My thoughts on Trump’s involvement in the attacks on our U.S. Capitol, “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!”
Is Trump your safe word for Nancy Pelosi?
The DOJ is heading to the top!!! Great!! Talk to Pence!!
1 Kathleen Austin Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Of course ” HIS ” ppl can’t be prosecuted . No matter what they’ve done, it was on his behalf . It is ok no matter what ” it ” is, even murder, because it was for their love for their deranged cult leader
@Metal Guru And it’s people like that are the reason that God doesn’t talk to us anymore
@Doogie Bear LoL!
Marc Short maybe a Pence brown nose, but he’s won me over with one of the best and the most absolutely hilarious takedowns of Matt Gaetz to date.
@Nayla S You’re gonna want the video for the full effect
Oh it was epic!!!!!!
It was a CNN interview. If you check their channel you’ll find it.
“No one is above the law” Where is Merrick Garland’s investigation if he believes that!
1 D mpk Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He’s been talking about it, most recently with Lester Holt (preview available if you search).
Pence says don’t look back to the GOP because it slows you down when you run from the cops.
Why is it that Trump-supporters don’t know basic spelling, grammar and punctuation and struggle to string a coherent sentence together? Is it a side-effect of the Kool-Aid? Reading their rants without an interpreter is seriously challenging!
1 Trial by Wombat Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Benedict Bonespurs giving a keynote speech to a group focused on Law and Order is like Jeffery Epstein giving a speech to a group focused on quality young adult career opportunities.
1 Richard Alexander Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Love the name. Benedict Bonespurs. Haha.
… At beauty pageant