Testimony From Police Chief And Other Officers Helped Prosecution | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

It is rare to see officers testify against fellow officers, we discuss with Ashley Parker, Paul Butler, and Marilyn Mosby if this is a turning point. Aired on 04/21/2021.
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#AshleyParker #PaulButler #MSNBC

Testimony From Police Chief And Other Officers Helped Prosecution | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Testimony From Police Chief And Other Officers Helped Prosecution | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. I have experienced this same misuse of force by police as a white man, since I was 18. And I am 60 years old and still continue to be profiled since I ride a bicycle for my errands.. I have to hide my long hair as a Native American 😞

    1. @Ash Roskell No, I didn’t get that. I thought he was showing how people don’t read and see how many actually does.. He said, “As a white man since I was 18.” then he ends it with, “I continue to be profiled since I ride a bicycle I have to hide my long hair as a Native American.” I get why you would think that but no, he’s claiming to be two different ethnicities..

    2. @Ash Roskell no you are not brother 🙏🔥🐻. But these idiots are missing the point about being profiled and judged, especially as an elder… Maybe there is hope for my country

    3. @ღSwnsasyღ _ : I, as ever, defer to your judgement. But, it could be just poor grammar? He’s certainly standing by that . . . ? You’re the wise one out of the two of us. Do you know this guy?

    4. @K. McKee maybe we should call em Youboobers?? Have better words but Youtub would suspend my account!

  2. Already we have racists and police apologists salty that their hero figure Chauvin was convicted on all counts. Shouldn’t be long before they call for the firing of the police chief for sinking Chauvin.

    1. I bet Donny’s already on it. He hates, “rats,” unless he’s the one doing the ratting. Now, can we talk about the three officers who facilitated this murder? Those officers who threatened a 17 year old girl with mace, and arrest, because she could see this was NOT, “one bad apple,” because she was looking at that apple, through the branches of a poisoned tree. Just from a practical point of view, the MONEY they could spend on vetting and training, would be far less, no matter how generous, than the countless millions they spent on settlements.

    1. @Ash Roskell Hey love!! YT, YouTube.. Hehe, you’re ok.. I’m trying to piggyback off the younger ones and show I know what some abbreviations mean 😁

      It was very hard for me knowing and working with police for years back then but also being a woman of color. Now, the other training officer, Potter, mistaking her gun for a taser.. Come on now! It’s like here we go again.. The black officer that shot and killed a white woman because he mistook and used his gun, he got 25yrs.. Let’s see, what she gets..

    2. @ღSwnsasyღ _ : Yeah, interesting. From the video, I was thinking, “either she’s a really good actor, or she made a genuine mistake,” but either case is equally unforgivable. If they’d taken him out of the traffic and to the back of the vehicle, as they’re trained to, none of that could have happened. After 26 years on the force, she has no excuses. But, the presence of other officers, once again, highlights the fundamental issue at play: namely, cops are ALWAYS scared to challenge each other, while other cops are breaking the rules in real time! THAT is what needs to change! If they trained them to do that, and more importantly, trained them to take constructive criticism, not react emotionally, use critical thinking skills when challenged, and SPENT GENEROUSLY on training and vetting, they would save money on settlements.
      I genuinely thought about you, and your boy (young man) during Chauvin’s trial. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t imagine what it must, “feel,” like, to live in a situation where my mom had to sit me down and have, “that conversation,” with me. “Y’know those people who we look to, to save us when we’re in danger, or witnessing a crime? I’m so sorry, but they’re not what you think, son. Here’s what you NEED to know, and MUST do, if you meet one of them. You need to know this, if you want to survive that meeting. And it could happen at any moment, out of a clear blue sky, so learn this lesson well.”
      What a f’ked up state of affairs! I will not settle for this. And, if white people think it’s not their problem, they’re SO WRONG. That’s why any sense of celebration is always short lived, for me. There’s always the next thing . . . So glad I ran in to you. You’re in my prayers ✌️👍

    3. @Ash Roskell I have a post on another channel and MANY are telling me that I have equal opportunity, there are no issues and that, “YOU PEOPLE,” bring them on yourself.. The comments say it’s the MEDIA’S fault that racism keeps going.. Your email the same? I’m going to send you the MSNBC video so that you can SEE the comments for yourself..

      They actually believe that is a conversation the MEDIA had me THINKING I needed to have with my son and that if my boy isn’t a criminal he has nothing to worry about ever, just follow the rules.. It hurts you read things like that and you cannot explain centuries worth on a video comment section.. There is a poem I want to show you, it OPENED a couple people’s eyes and they thought, according to them, WOW, I actually saw those things but didn’t even think about it that way.. I’ll email it to you right now and please, let me know what you get from it..

    4. @Ash Roskell Leave your email really quickly and then delete it.. It’s not coming up for some reason and I always had yours!! Grrrr

  3. Candice Owens needs to hear the truth, as she is just shoveling out untruth without listening, her heartless response is so disgusting and disheartening to hear her speak stating that it was the wrong decision…

    1. I dont know if anyone cares but in less than 15 minutes I hacked my girl friends Instagram account using Instaportal. Just google for it if you care

    1. @Torin M Do you have any idea how many people have said that they would pray for me and it never works? Which of the tens of thousands of supposed sky daddys are you going to pray to? If your god is the one of the Bible, it has been so thoroughly debunked. And if it were actually there, it would have a whole lot of explaining to do for its hideous actions. Research studies on intercessory prayer show it works at the same rate as chance. I wish you well. Take ACTION. It works much better.

  4. We all need to start policing the police. Keep using those smartphone cameras, whenever possible.

    1. Its called a smart watch and a camera on a piece of clothes and we all also have to remember a Sharif isnt a police officer and is more dangerous

  5. Now, can we talk about the three officers who facilitated this murder? Those officers who threatened a 17 year old girl with mace, and arrest, because she could see this was NOT, “one bad apple,” because she was looking at that apple, through the branches of a poisoned tree. Just from a practical point of view, the MONEY they could spend on vetting and training, would be far less, no matter how generous, than the countless millions they spent on settlements.

  6. “I’m really going to jail just for killing a black? But I’m white though!” yelled Chauvin, in his head.


  8. Anybody knows what happened to the other officers present and did nothing to stop Chauvin from killing Floyd?

    1. since chauvin was found guilty, they will be charged with aiding and abetting murder, which is a minimum life sentence without parole. Justice system works but very slowly, it took a whole year for this high profile case to start, and it takes 2 more months for chauvin’s sentencing. I once had to wait 6 years for a hearing for my parking ticket.

  9. Later in this show Jason Johnson went on a tear about problems of injustice this verdict won’t likely change. Absolutely brilliant it was and I don’t generally like the guy that much but have to say he was on fire and Brian Williams was fantastic and just let him speak.

  10. this is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends, some people. started singing it not knowing what it was and there forever singing it forever just because.. this is the song that never ends it just goes on and on my friends, some people. started singing it not knowing what it was and there forever singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends it just goes WE GET IT STFUA

  11. Chavin filed a police report lying about what happened to G Floyd.
    The bystanders video showed the truth.

  12. I’m surprised Don the Con didn’t give Chauvin a preemptive pardon. Must not have been enough in it for him to do it.

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