‘Terrible Failure’: Trump Blasted For Poor Leadership During Coronavirus Pandemic | MSNBC

President Trump has been criticized by many for his disastrous response to the coronavirus outbreak, from downplaying the seriousness of it to going against expert advice on when to reopen the country’s economy. In an interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber, founding director of Defending Democracy Together Bill Kristol argues that Trump is doing a “very bad job” at leading our country through a crisis and Americans are “paying a terrible price” for his shortcomings. Kristol added that Trump has “made it much harder for other people to do the right thing” and that he’s “making our public discourse extremely stupid”. Ultimately, Kristol believes it will be a “test of the American people” to judge Trump’s performance during this critical time. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber,” a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 4/22/2020.
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‘Terrible Failure’: Trump Blasted For Poor Leadership During Coronavirus Pandemic | MSNBC


    1. Still don’t hear Trump being denounced. Concerned his reelection may be a reality. Oh, my, what a lack of leadership in a time of crisis! When will those who support him be honest and truthful that they got it all wrong when they endorsed this guy (Trump). Stop being so loyal to the Party and be honest that Trump is not fit to be President.

  1. Trump and the republicans was playing golf and dumping stock effected by the ick in January and February while 🇺🇸 got sick

    1. So true! Finally the u.s became no1 in the world of most people died of incompetence handling of a pandemic!🤔

    2. I believe the previous Prez played more games of golf than most any other in recent history! And while we need help Nancy is out in San Fran eating ice cream! The Dems priorities are upside down!

    3. Now, isn’t that typical Republican leadership? In my books there is no leadership with this gang of misfits.

  2. I blame Fred Trump for not wearing a condom. I hope the putin-trump team doesn’t get mad at me for this one LOL

  3. Of course Trump couldn’t deal with a crisis of this magnitude, he can’t even deal with reporters questions that he doesn’t like.

    1. @Ellie MM Ellie – so you would rather have a president that spouts off any ridiculous nonsense that crawls across his grey matter than one that relays information derived from a consensus of experts? Good grief

    1. Vlodec you haven’t cried in 25 years yet all your posts I’ve seen are crying about the president . You lost 4 years ago after fake news Obama promised Trump wouldn’t win . Get over it

    2. @thomas fletcher you don’t have a clue – do you. And I guess neither do I, cause haven’t a clue what you are going on about now. Peace

    1. @Donald Carter no and neither are any Trump supportees or Republicans , you just don’t believe in white babies aborted! I don’t think it is a form of birth control and there are situations that justify abortion

    2. @Donald Carter
      Your so called ” great President” is a hateful bigot career criminal conman predator and pathological liar. And you still support him? The USA is a worldwide embarrassment.

    3. @Cj’s Vinyl
      Instead of whining and crying why don’t you do something? You’re the true snowflake.

    4. @R Mad
      While people were dying of this virus Trump was golfing and having his hate rallies. That’s the best that you got? How sad for you.

    1. @Mark Haddox You have no idea what you’re talking about. The Dems will take over the Senate- and win the Presidency. And then we’ll start the process of rebuilding this once great country.

    2. @Li Li You think that the American people will vote for a party that is pushing open borders and free healthcare for illegals? You think they will vote for a politician that family has been taking so much money from China. I think you are rich and out of touch. We will all know in November I guess.

  4. Put your trust in a man who has filed bankruptcy 6 times and has been married three times and hasn’t been faithful to none of his wives good luck with all of that😈

    1. *I surely did not*  – I fought against him from the very day when he started to descend this
      silly shiny escalator …. he never stopped descending.

    2. crowlimite, I fear deep down everybody knew but hid it in the dark corners of their brains,
      where no light bulb is enlightening them. ,-)

    3. @Johanna Fath-Koziol trump has killed more Americans than we lost in Vietnam and I fought over there in 68, no bone spars here.

  5. Many of us knew he was a failure long before he got into office. That is why he lost the popular vote by 3.5 million, but touted being “the most loved and popular president”. I wish I were that delusional.

    1. @R Mad Republican McOnnel wants to let states go Bancrupt, Do you think that would be a good idea? No Police, no firedepartment, no schools?

    2. @R Mad I don’t live in a failed State like you do. My government has flattend the curve, unlike yours. Womb womb loser

    3. Dems think they are original free thinkers–but are really just a mass of brainwashed excrement. Viva Trump y la REVOLUCION!

    1. exactly, that’s why I’m stunned that people especially his followers expect him to show leadership skills even just minimal leadership during this crisis. impossible for him too, it’s just not in him, he’d rather lie

    2. @Robert Goines Many say that Democrat operatives colluded with China to unleash the virus. Now Dems can drag their feet on restarting the economy and keep asking for bailouts. If bailouts don’t keep coming, people will become homeless and desperate. Then the Dems can say “Trump did it.” This is a truly sinister act that could DESTROY OUR COUNTRY AS WE KNOW IT! We know the Dems are capable of trying to overthrow Trump by ANY MEANS! Remember the Dems used the CIA FBI NSA Deep State etc. to destroy Trump. They are EVIL and must be stopped! It’s Trump AGAIN in NOV! Thanks patriots!

    1. @Blue Toile Exactly they are around the same age. It’s not like Trump is in his 50’s or 60’s they are both in there 70’s. Duh… People should really think before speaking. Don’t be fooled by all of the McDonald’s & Kentucky Fried Chicken that he eats.

    2. Trump has never filed for bankruptcy!!! You people do not know the difference between some company he had an interest in and him personally.

    1. Trump banned travel while so called experts called science created virus nothing to worry about.
      Pelosi called Trump racist while wanting open borders.
      What great judgement.

  6. t’rump’s great leadership on display:
    1. Accountability – “No, I don’t think I take any responsibility.”
    2. Honesty – “Everyone who wants a test can get a test.”
    3. Rational Thinking – “We’re at 15 cases, soon we’ll be down to 0.”
    4. Fact-based Decision-Making: “I have a hunch that these malaria drugs will work and be a blockbuster. So go take them!”

    1. So true! Finally the u.s became no1 in the world of most people died because incompetence handling of a pandemic!🤔

    2. What do you have to lose? just ask the guy who drank fish tank cleaner, but you’ll find the conversation a trifle one sided ..

  7. “poor” leadership ?? Really ?? How about unfathomably horrific handling of a pandemic that is killing tens of thousands of people.. with the death toll rising at alarming rates .. DAILY ! From inept bungling to willful misrepresentation .. The lunatic in chief is literally KILLING people .. “poor” leadership doesn’t begin to address what he has done .. and NOT done !

    1. Dems “horrified.” Blaming Prez for all the bad in the world. Poor Dem crybabies–still filling diapers over 2016. Biden is the cream of the Dem crop–that says it all! Sick & sad people.

    2. When all else fails just cry “MURDERER” hilarious these ppl think bill crystals some kind of “Repubican” (crystals a repubican as Romneys a “Severe Conservative” 🤭)

  8. Breaking news… Trump can’t close an umbrella. What took you so long to conclude he is clueless?

    1. @Steve Greer while I agree with you a 100%, let’s add that Trump is a bent flathead screwdriver who thinks it’s a hammer and is trying to rebuild an outdated race engine by putting nails in it.

    2. ConTroller The media is a disgrace. The media loves China, illegals and open borders yet hates Trump. Pathetic

    3. @Guylaine Goulet Stupid businessman and human. How can he be a good businessman for filing so many bankruptcies, 2 casinos went bankrupted. Who on earth can do that? People literally gives you money every day.

    1. Donald Trump– when you’re a star, you can do whatever you want….grab em by the Pu$$y…har har har har….

    1. @N A Cook I don’t think so he went down low I don’t think he can get out of this jam because he keeps digging his hole deeper. First off he needs to stop the l lying and I don’t even think that will help at this point because he’s told sooooo many of them that if he starts telling the truth no one’s going to believe him. Don’t know only time will tell .

  9. The one good thing about the Corona virus is it is Trumps “Waterloo” he is done come November

    1. I hope he is gone too but I’m afraid that is a faulty assumption. They will lie, cheat and steal to stay in power. With the help of trump’s boss Putin I might add

    2. Umm, with an 80% approval rating for how Trump handled this virus I think you are either delusional or blatantly stupid if you think of this as any kind of a “Waterloo”. I’m not sure where you’re getting these insane ideas, but, dude, what have you been smoking? and send me some.

    3. @Romulus Paradise 80% approval rating from 15% of the citizens…let’s see – where’s the calculator…

    1. Blaming Prez for virus? Poor Dem crybabies–still filling diapers over 2016. SAD. Trump 2020–the ONLY choice! Biden is the cream of the Dem crop–that says it all! lol

    2. R Mad
      Blaming him for not acting in time and calling it a hoax, fool. Everybody should if they are not too stupid to understand what is going on.
      Not a democrat, by the way.

    3. I don’t think that Donald Trump is a killer by negligence. I do believe that Trump is a killer and, with Donald Trump it’s calculated and sick manipulation of anything and EVERYTHING and anybody and everybody because Donald Trump HAS TO WIN at all costs and I don’t think Trump has ever been bothered by the death of Americans or Mexicans and their children or any other death. I’m pretty sure that Trump thinks the deaths of Americans is worth it and he deserves the sacrifice of people just because he is so special.

    4. @Carol Smith Trump Derangement Syndrome at its craziest. lol Dems are anti-American, corrupt & evil. May Trump haters suffer misfortune in life for their hatred.

    1. Tom Vana …Russian troll!! Just read your troll comments in a different vid. You must be working overtime l.

    2. @Stevie Bee May terrible misfortune and tragedy come to the families of Trump haters for inciting unreasonable & blind hatred for our President.

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