Tensions flare over land dispute in Caledonia, Ont.

CTV's Akshay Tandon shares details about a land dispute in Caledonia, Ont. following a court injunction against First Nation land defenders.

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Tensions flare over land dispute in Caledonia, Ont.


  1. Only people’s in history , who were conquered , almost to the point of extinction , who have more rights , ( in certain aspects) than their conquerors….
    A similar comparision , might be Israel and Palestine… and look how well , that reconciliation is going….
    Not debating the morality of factual history, or emotional history either…
    Just stating, the current approach isn’t working, perhaps a perspective adjustment ( from all parties ) is required….

    1. They don’t want to live in peace so take away their statis……… so they are Canadain citizens not first nations.

    2. The approach of not stealing other people’s land is the bottom line….. anything else is just sugar-coating systemic injustice

    3. @Canadian Nomad with what written language?.
      From stone age , to , iPhone , in what..300years…
      Pretty sweet deal…ask ANY other culture

  2. Yep burn stuff government will give you a new house. Block the trains etc etc. The rest of society fix things or work to replace things

    1. Then the treatises should be null and void….. as a Canadian citizen we have to work to earn and support what we own…..

  3. One says it’s ceded land and can prove it, the other says it’s unceded land. To be fair a large swath of eastern Ontario is unceded land so who knows. The indigenous ppl have been treated so badly. I hope if that land is unceded they meaning the government get off it and stop infringing on their sovereignty!!!!!!

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