Tensions Escalate With Iran | The Last Word | MSNBC

Tensions between the Trump administration and Iran have escalated again after Iran claims to have arrested 17 CIA spies in their country and the Trump administration claims it’s a lie. Ben Rhodes joins Lawrence O’Donnell to talk about the Trump administration's foreign policy.
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Tensions Escalate With Iran | The Last Word | MSNBC

Tensions Escalate With Iran | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. NON of this would of happened if the orange land walrus, had not pulled out of the agreement with Iran , just because Obama’s administration , had negotiated it with the rest of the countries signed up to it. Lets hope common sense prevails , before lives are lost , needlessly

    1. @Lord Of frog
      ISIS = Israel’s Secret intelligent service.
      Force the Israeli regime to get rid of its illegal stash of weapons of mass destruction and the world will be much more safe.

  2. Who would u believe in, Iran or Trump ?! I wont believe either but CIA has a bad history of meddling in Iran

    1. I think you should believe who you work for…Terrorist Mullahs (with 40 years of colourful blood management)

    2. @Zarathustra I would not ever say no If the Mullahs want to employ me. I would not say no to the US gov either. As long as you get paid it should be fine.

    3. Persian..
      America creates enemies for herself because of her arrogance. As more countries develop nuclear capabilities, the less intimidating America becomes. You don’t see her trying to start a war with Russia or China,

      Americans are number one in threats to world peace! 
      Last in education, but first in propaganda.

    1. Warren Webber Oh please- DEMONcrats stop your stupidity and get deliverance from your Narcissistic Personality Disorder- we are tired of your Projecting and Gaslighting rubbish 🐑🐑🙈🙈🤡🤡

      Most Stupid Nonsense Bias Clown news channel👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

  3. In other news, t’rump just said that he could nuke Afghanistan and end the war in a week.
    Oh look how far the US has fallen when this is just another day in the dumpster fire that is t’rump’s presidency.

    1. Fallin you think so he just told them the truth moon you mean if anything that country is swollen stop supporting terrace

  4. Trump should be be convicted to spend the rest of his life in silence, not talking, not writing.

    1. greatest president in American history.
      He has the most vibrant economy on over 70 years…. how many heads of state can boast that??? NONE!
      With a strong America, all ov her trading partners will do well as well.
      Prosperity is peace
      This is what Islam does not understand.

  5. Of course this goes back to Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal. He withdraws so Iran is released from its obligations. Then the UK tries to enforce Spanky’s sanctions by taking an Iranian ship and the Iranians respond with the same reaction. Then the Iranians shoot a drone that they say had been in their airspace. Following that the US navy appears to have shot down one of its own drones and spins that. Now the Iranians arrest 17 of their own citizens accused of being cia recruits. You have to ask yourself what would Spanky do if the boot was on the other foot. Would he accept Iranian protests or put them on trial for treason. The hypocrisy is just breathtaking.

  6. A game of chess is being played and we, the people, are the pawns, ask any working American, Brit or Iranian if We want to go to war, the answer will be an overwhelming no.

    1. It is the purview and responsibility of We the People to e mail our reps, and our, “reps,” to convey exactly this.

  7. Seems that Obama had a deal, Donald Duck mess that up, was that because Obama had made it. And he doesn’t like Obama. What’s next hope its not War.

  8. First up, I don’t support the theocratic government of Iran. But, if I could offer the regime in Tehran one word of advice: Play it cool. Trump will be relegated to the scrap heap of history soon, and you’ll have your deal re-instated. Don’t fall for Trump’s provocations.

    1. And you shouldn’t fall for the idea that trump is really making the decisions. American policy is always the same just the acting by the presidents is different.

    2. @Mntside – When Bernie Sanders becomes President, Israel’s influence on Middle East policy will diminish greatly. 😉

    3. Another mistake believing that one man in that is in the system is going to make a difference. Have you ever thought that change will not happen if you continue to believe and participate in your farcical democracy

  9. Some People in this comment section are missing the threat. It’s not solely Trump, it’s the military industrial complex infiltrating our government pushing for war with the help of the neocons and neolibs

  10. Trump says screw the “if ain’t broke, don’t fix it” use his idiots idiom “if it’s working, break it”.

  11. Putin did a very good Job .. Trump lifted the Lid of the
    American cesspit .that was always there. Is going to take generations, to flush
    down those maggots back into the sewers. MAGA arrest paedophile trump and vote
    2020. It’s very clear, 1/3 of the US is ready for the 4th Reich, 2/3 must stop
    these idiots!! “Paedophile trump is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the
    lowest common denominator.” ~ Stephen Hawking. (T)reasonous (R)epugnant
    (U)nstable (M)oronic (P)sychopath.

    MAGA arrest paedophile trump, vote paedophile trump out 2020.

  12. “Crying wolf” will cause irreparable damage to our society–what am I saying? he has ALREADY done that!

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