Cal Perry joins from Louisville, KY where another night of tense protests is underway over multiple police-involved deaths. Aired on 6/1/2020.
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Tense Protests In Louisville As Protesters Demand Answers From Police | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Ok so how do you not have the body camera on? I don’t understand that. NONE of them had their cameras on? NONE of them? Honestly, what’s even the point of forcing them to wear it if you’re not going to force them to keep it on at ALL TIMES? That’s so ridiculous.
@King Ez How did we go from “cops should have better equipment that works longer, records them better, & doesn’t allow them to turn it off” to me condoning killing people?
@Live FreeYou are fckn STUPID, why buy them from China to follow your MORONIC comment.
@Live Free what if they were not made in China? Would that change the equation for you? And why are you so enamored with China? The premeditated murder of a African American Male is a chinese issue, how?
@K-oz Dragon so, you examined the equipment and determined that it was faulty?
@Derrick Hopkins Did you do George Floyd’s autopsy & determine his cause of death?
no body camera, no witnessess.
@Amanda Francisco That literally has nothing to do with a cop. Just a manager accusing someone of stealing. Plus it ain’t even the whole story so we dont exactly know if she really is stealing or not
Jesus is the answer. Fear God. Not a virus. Wake up time 2020 eyes to see. Repent.
@Amanda Francisco Philadelphia Walgreens video from the 4th of July.
@Hector Velazquez Finally, someone with some common sense. Thank you Hector.
on purpose??? raise your voice for black lives. shop on using 1LEMTJKH0B code and get a discount.
Another man killed by police
All the privileged people that’s commenting under my comment why do you feel like your voice even matters you’re privileged you’re sheltered you’re babied iYour whole entire life you work half as hard to get what you’ve got so why do you think that anyone would care what you have to think it’s like listening to the spoiled child
S R why don’t you tell me what you mean by “privileged”. And why don’t you stop pretending to be a victim while you type on your smart device. I doubt YOU know what it means to be underprivileged
@Hingle why do you insist on embarrassing yourself?.. Is your reading comprehension so bad you cant follow the facts of YOUR OWN link???…. There is ZERO evidence anyone connected to any protests had ANYTHING to do with the cop being shot… Learn to read kid.
@Matt ….The burden of proof is on you not me…. I just pointed out that YOUR OWN LINKS are saying theres no evidence at this time to back up anything youve said. A police officer being shot from a moving car NEAR a protest doesn’t automatically mean protesters shot this cop.
Now go put your helmet and armpads on before you hurt yourself.
Why is this not surprising?
At this point, the public and cops, military have the right to defend themselves.
not with the peoples resources they don’t
That’s their mo… deny access to witnesses and proof.
Almost got targeted by the ss these rioters have targeted police for the last 6 days now with Molotov cocktails, rocks, bricks, and gunfire, stoned a man almost to death, wrecked countless businesses and have done millions of dollars in property damage, and you need proof the police were fired on? Really? It’s a miracle this didn’t happen sooner. Oh yeah, let’s not forget about the federal officer they murdered during all this too. This is on the rioters, but they’re going to use this as an excuse to do MORE violence. It’s this kind of mentality that got that man killed tonight, and it’s not the cops fault. Ppl need to grow up and go home, this is absurd.
Go to his house to talk with him
“Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.”
it’s not that difficult a change
poker bruh damm you deep
1 city, 1 weekend.
And every society has it idiots who just want to destroy and steal.
Putin: We won look at them they point their big american fingers now they look just like us….
Xi: yes yes my friend what a beautiful sight
Xi: Comrad so what is plans after they take each other out
Putin: We split them in half like Germany WW2 Chairman haha

* Both Laugh
No, I doubt that’s it.
I think its something else.
Going to take a min. to think about.
Got alot going on here an there.
Everyone’s saying it’s just bad people
Regardless though, It probably will
Somehow never be solved.
Keep dreaming buddy. We’ll fight ourselves, what makes you think we’ll sit idly by and watch a foreign government take control.
and these two countries rule w/ an iron fist but I guess that’s how you would like it.
Rule with a iron fist is that not what donald trump is trying to do now? Those people outside the whitehouse were standing there peaceful protest he had them tear gassed and pushed down for a photo opt… he could have given his speech and went back to the oval.. come on…
body cam off??? hmmm… suspiciously convenient
@Live Free two body cameras were experiencing technical difficulties. You really believe that?
@Darth Vader nothing that that the white folk haven’t been up to for the last four centuries☻
@Ash Roskell it happens to be all of them.
Live Free ALWAYS

It kind of sounds like some armed group of troublemakers ran up on the cops and started a fight. It also sounds like body cameras were new to these particular officers. Usually, the protocol is to turn the cameras on when arriving after to dispatched to a call. This could actually be an honest mistake.
I’m so glad the whole world is watching how America really is .
@Sarah Shah the will not have an intelligent response to your inquiry.
@Michelle McGuire it starts in the cities and stated the ones with the most problems are democrat run, videos and pictures don’t lie! 16 complaints on that murder cop. A democrat DA did nothing in a city led by a Democrat mayor backed up by a demo governor, I see how you can blame trump, Trump2020
the Devil will reveal himself.
Derrick Hopkins I’m not the one complaining, cupcake
@Michelle McGuire democrat states lead by democrat governors and mayor’s have had the most suffering with the VirusC19 and now the riots ,which all started in a Democrat state and city,
Police body cameras need to be running their entire shift, anything else is straight up censorship.
@Live Free teachers and doctors are not committing premeditated murder of African American men☻
@Darth Vader you are all over the place aren’t you? They kick you out of the Kremlin?
@Darth Vader still at it?
@Ash Roskell reading anything would be too heavy of a lift for this particular
@Ron Weasly a battery is available that would power most cams for a 24 hour period.
“A shinning city on a hill”
I like that he says just blow me every time during the end card.
He said below? Need to get your ears checked.
Chris says Bah-low me. Sort of a schwa § e sound, instead of buh-low. I probably say bih-low.
So where’s Moscow Mitch?
playing with judges
Hiding under a judges skirt
Trying to find more conservative judges online they seem to be out of stock on Amazon
Goodbye MOSCOW Mitch
I’ve see this comment more than once. You do realize the left is the politico group that favors communism right?
Tear gas is a chemical weapon.
Louisville Ky — Is under a state of seige by the armed forces.
Execute Lawrence Slaughter, Maxamillion Mcdonald and Christopher Patterson.
we must start to demilitarize the police
david fazenbaker because our constitution is clear on a standing army, this is the exact reason America split from Great Britain. Our forefathers are rolling in their grave.
…and what?? militarize BLM? You’d have another civil war, hope you are ready.
Chad S Nah we already have a group, it’s called boogaloo bois. It’s full of libertarians and leftist against police and Tyranny.
@Chad S good, they would lose
Starting to seem every month something bad happens