Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) went head-to-head with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin during a House Financial Services Committee hearing. Mnuchin supports moving $455 billion in coronavirus relief from the Federal Reserve back into the Treasury's general fund, which makes it harder for the Biden administration to access the emergency funding.
#CNN #News
Katie Porter is my spirit animal. A genuine public servant looking out for the well-being of her constituents.
Should have asked him if he was a crook, and waited for the pause..
omg Goya! Love that. Can I share powerful totem?
@Neal Sandy Exactly, the same guy who almost saw everyone in his administration go to prison or get investigated and is currently even considering pardoning himself. The irony.
So James Kelly, we should ignore the facts that were presented in public on the record. You think distracting from the actual questioning and answers with network “background” makes a difference in what actually transpired?
Let’s clear things up Trump lost legitimately. The cyber security chief said the election was the most secure ever. The DOJ has declared there was no fraud. Every state has certified their results. The states that have recounted have found no discrepancies. Trump has collected over $170 million since the election for legal challenges, with the first $5,000 of each donation going to a “slush fund” meaning that the overwhelming majority of donations went into his slush fund. He has lost 40 of 41 suits, lawsuits, yet he continues to raise funds to sue. So basically he’s scamming his supporters out of money for his slush fund as long as he continues to sue. Trump is also going to be indicted for state and federal crimes once he leaves office, the statutes of limitations would expire after his second term. There was no conspiracy, Trump is a liar and he lost the election. He’s taking advantage of his donors to create a slush fund. Get over it you’re being scammed, not by Biden, or the Democrats, but buy Trump, that’s what he really does
The haves decide the fate of the have nots. People are going to die over this.
meanwhile in Oregon lets legalize meth and heroin
rape your next
and noone notices Bill Clinton buying houses in Oregon ¡:-p
@avedic Sorry about your plight but this is what we get when we vote for Con men to put in the whitehouse…they have no public experience and are all for their own private wellbeing while the small businesses and the small man keep going under and dieing each day. These ppl should be locked up for years…this is the greatest loss America has ever suffer while a president sits back in denial.
All ready folks are dying.
@Tommy Devine And if I’m not mistaken, Kamala let him go free for law breaking.
She cares about human beings and wants what is best for humanity which makes her unique in American Politics.
@Reed Richards No doubt. Scary as hell. What amazes me more is the fact that I had no idea there were so many of them until Trump gave them the confidence to come out. I’m dumbfounded.
In American politics that makes her “radical left”. Its ridiculous. Katie Porter is a fantastic representative.
@DaTruf Hurts Can you say this vid was false or can you not?
@TheBase1aransas So? where’s yours?
She’s BOSS!

Porter actually knows what she’s talking about, whereas Mnuchin is just grifting for the gop donors.
He didn’t have a chance.
@Kathy Downing you sound like a miserable hater
@Marti San people died to protect our constitution , and now you want to violate it so badly it is null and void! So no. You’re living in the twilight zone where lying and stealing is okay, go look at the hearings . All those people lied under oath? Or you’re a horrible person
@Marti San also the covid numbers are a total lie , i wonder how many of you are paid bots
@DaTruf Hurts
Who told you these lies about me? I bet they don’t even know my name.
@Mochamad Farid You are out of your mind
I love Katie Porter. Every time someone tells me ALL politicians are the same- I dorect them to Ms. Porter.
Hes gone in 40 days too,Bidens new treasury secretary will be a real human being not a thief.
I love Katie Porter. She’s exceptionally tough, has a sharp mind and a quick wit. I’d love to have her as POTUS one day. She is on it!
@Granny Qute @Death Dealer sacrificed they’re last brain cell for that one. Give them some credit.
@Death Dealer I know you’re really trying hard to fight for Trumpanzee. But let’s face it, he lost, and so did you. America won!
@Zipemova my dream cabinet would be AOC as pres with Corey Booker as VP, Elizabeth Warren as Sec of State, Bernie as Sec of either the Treasury or the Interior, and Ohmar as Speaker
@Zipemova CIA in congress…
@Anthony Arredondo “THAY” TELL’S, TRUMP UNIVERSITY GRAD, “THAY” SURE TELLS. man, i worked a little in the army, 2 years of it was mixed MI against the russians, chinese, and NOkorea, primarily. lay it all on me big trumpfed fella, i can handle it if your bonespured warfighter can. you a Go, or, No Go, red?
Other than Bernie, Katie Porter is the only person who actually gets it. #Porter2024
I love katie porter. These people need someone to talk to them like they’re children. That’s how they act
Yes, she can draw them pictures on her white board then they may understand better.
Thank God that we have people like Katie Porter in Congress!
Put the money in the people’s hands and they will decide what are essential businesses.
sounds like a federal crime, explains the pardons he want’s to give out to his friends and family.. that is sick.. these people are not human..
She exemplifies what our elected officials should act like. Trump is a parasite which is killing its host.
Amen! I am so tired of all the hostility, its so refreshing hearing someone with empathy and sense talk.
“Are you a lawyer?”
Me: He brought a stupid rich guy brain to a big brain fight.
You can tell by this man’s face, mannerisms and attitude that he has a lot to hide. Very defensive……….HMMMMMMM.
We need more Katie Porters. We need more representatives who do their homework and make sure that the laws passed are followed appropriately.
Katie Porter is a beast. I love her straight fowardness, her expertise and more importantly her HONESTY!!
OMG, the pursed lips and creepy complexion… Mnuchin makes me want to hurl.
When Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are your mentors, Katie Porter is what you get. She is amazing and bonus, she is from my State.
@Tim Kozlowski #BlueWave.. I’ve been to Nevada so many times and all I’ve ever seen was drug addicts and homeless people who are natives of Nevada
@Trent Timoy It’s also because of less regulations, taxes, cheaper gas, cheaper home prices. But both of the Governor’s are idiots.
@K. B. Then stop going downtown to buy drug’s.
@Tim Kozlowski Yes, of course, and those issues as well (making it Blue is just the cherry on top). I know Newsome is an idiot not sure about Nevada’s. There are so many idiots out there it’s challenging to keep up with it all.
@K. B. Hahahaha! So, the influx of Californians with disposable income moving in should change that dichotomy ten-fold. Got it!
I think she’s absolutely brilliant.