NDP MP Rachel Blaney asked Katie Telford if she'd would support a public inquiry into alleged election interference.
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As Pierre Poilievre always says “Yes, or no”.
National security? I thought we were a “post national state”. Lol
Simple avoid the question, did you expect something different.
What a joke! Put her in jail!
blah, blah, blah…… answer the question! She must have gotten training from Justin LOL!
No. She trains him.
@Gabriele she’s the one that taught Trudeau how to avoid answering questions.
She also used $80,000 of our money (from taxes) to move from Toronto to Ottawa. $21,000 of it was essentially stolen: went in her bank account without having a reason.
She did. So where did you get your education?
She’ll be out of a job next election
Sure hope so, sooner the better
Interference. She was training very hard to convey those answers in that word salad style that gives anything but a clear and concise determination of fact. They probably used chat gpt
That word salad was perfectly understandable. Maybe it’s time to question your education.
Not answering the question. The special rap is a complete waste of time. Hes been given his direction from trudeau, his buddy, to come back with a report that says “nothing to see here”.
lieberals don’t answer questions, ever
I’m 45 and Even in the economic fluctuations, I’m so excited I’ve been earing $45, 000 from my $10, 000 investment every 10 days.
Explain sir
How is it that uncle David hasn’t stepped down yet,absolute conflict of interest
So sickening
This is clearly going nowhere! She will never tell the real truth.
You wouldn’t recognize truth if it slapped you in the chops.
Katie ‘run the clock out” Telford….
Bye-bye Telford
It’s a political question. Telford needs to spell it out because of that.
I don’t know what the usefulness of asking for Telford or Butts opinion on a public inquiry is when we elect Parliamentarians to make these decisions.
Thank you Rachael. She definitely did not want to answer your question. She is no better than our PM in ensuring real transparency does not occur.