‘Ted Lasso’ stars stop by White House to talk mental health | USA TODAY

Jason Sudeikis, along with other cast members of TV series "Ted Lasso," visited the White House to discuss the importance of mental health.
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Jason Sudeikis, co-creator and star of the series "Ted Lasso,' met with the Bidens along with many of his co-stars on Monday to "discuss the importance of addressing your mental health to promote overall wellbeing."

A White House official told the Associated Press that the Bidens had seen some of the show about an enthusiastic American football coach managing a British soccer team in London, and are familiar with its "message of positivity, hope, kindness and empathy."

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  1. Last people that should be giving mental health advice are people that spend their lives pretending to be someone else

    1. ​​@Dark Brandon’s Revenge how is it on the street corner with mouth hpv

  2. Very fine. But I’m not sure why a group of actors are supposed to be experts on mental health. That’s like asking Leonardo DiCaprio to share his ideas on regulating the stock market because he starred in “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

    1. @Dark Brandon’s Revenge So if you want to bring awareness, why not invite a group of mental health professionals?

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