SNL's Britney Spears demands apologies from mock Ted Cruz, Gov Cuomo, Gina Carano
RELATED: Feb. 13 'SNL' mocks Trump's impeachment trial lawyers
"Saturday Night Live" wants apologies from Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and actor Gina Carano.
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Spot on Ted Cruz
Flyin’ Cruz “I’m going to Cancun. The rest of you miserable people can rub two sticks together.”.
Texans: Mr Cruz you are a meany why didn’t you tell us that snow is cold.
@Burgers Were you the guy throwing rolls of paper towels at people whose water pipes froze?
Perhaps Mexico should have put Teds kids in cages??? Just saying. How about Ted. Resign
Mexico has a beautiful weather and also has a better weather than the U.S. Beautiful culture, very good food ,clear crystal ocean water. You could survive with 1,000 dollars a month living in Mexico.
I’ve seen murky water while snorkeling near Akumal, Mexico. Now, Jamaica DEFINITELY has Crystal clear water!
No going back on this Cruz
You should of had a cold opening of Anderson Cooper’s townhall with Biden. They could have joked about the softball questions he was given.
That’ll get you thrown in the gulag.
All town hall meetings have softball questions. Not a new thing.
Pete did Cuomo very well.
Cruz looks Extremely Obese in that shirt.
He loves pig meat.
Ted se ve mas viejo
And were it’s the apologies of Mario Coumo?
رسوم متحركة
Why won’t SNL do a skit about AOC? Or Bumbling Joe Biden? Or sharting Larry Nadler? Or ice cream eating Nancy Pelosi? Or Nursing home Cuomo?
Why not write one yourself and put it on YT?
Because SNL worships Democrats.
Samuel Lee it’s coming… patient
@Maroon Horizon “It’s just around the corner.” LOL
Now Cruz is saying he checked the weather forecast before he left ….
I’m surprised that the trumpdogs Ted was not quarantine on arrival from Cancun.
If he’s infected.. Voilà !!!
An Asian Observer since the days of Ronald Reagan.
Ted Cruz ! We who are father , mother understand and sympathise you . This is a lesson for us and you . Courage , courage . Who are they ?
Ted Cruz,another Trump flunky that will have his resume ready when tossed back into the general population.