New Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on education come down hard in favor of opening schools. Katie O'Connor, a 5th grade teacher in Colorado, joins CNN's Brianna Keilar to discuss the emotional warning she shared about socially distanced learning.
#CNN #News
Open or not my kids aren’t going back until this is over, I don’t trust one word this corrupt administration says. How many more will he be allowed to kill before being declared unfit?
@Mason Thornsmith Even more of an idiot and still a coward!
@Ruth Harris good who cares?
@James Ludwig i mean kids are pretty dumb already in the us. Not missing much.
@charles deyo
Horrible idea, just do distance learning or America will have the flu and coronavirus be fire
come fall and winter will be devastating
That distance learning sounds really good in theory but what about those who live in rural areas that the internet isn’t good enough for dial-up, and there is no high speed internet? How are those students supposed to be able to do their homework, or school work?
You do realize that pretty much EVERYONE is going to get it right. The social distancing and mask wearing was to “slow the curve”. Well here we are on day 120 of the 15 days to flatten the curve, and people are still buying into it. Also, what happened to the regular flu season that kills the same or more amounts of people?
“liddle donny” has his “thinking cap on” = children cannot vote…hence, acceptable collateral damage
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
This teacher tells it like it is. We need to teach our children at home until it’s safe for children, parents and grandparents
@Callum Matias Clearly you’re not a teacher! It’s not that easy…attention span issues, boredom, fear, mentally health issues not seen. Poor familes don’t always have high speed internet or even a computer…
Master Blaster Says the libtard that still trusts CNN!
Did you see Nick Sandman settled with Washington Post today over FAKE NEWS?
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
Teach them at home but don’t complain about not being able to work and want the government to keep sending checks. Also stats have shown that it’s mainly deadly to elderly or underlying conditions. Most of the country is going to work using precautions. Is like a paramedic saying I can’t go to work because I might catch covid. If that’s the case just stay at home until there is a vaccine but don’t expect a handout because you are scared of the world, you take a risk anytime you step outside your home for everything else when you drive, go out at night, etc. Society these days is so fragile.
That’s abuse to force kids to stay in their seats all day
@Major Minor cdc said open the schools? _did they give guidance for how that would be safe?_
@Major Minor I like your efficiancy as a troll. Hit every comment. As it is a lie, i intend to report you each time i see it being propagated. Bratan ?
@Angel Gutierrez why would you “always” hated school? how old were you in 2008?
the recession limited recess?
^ real question
(DON”T say “look it up.” it’s fucking lazy bc I did and that’s why I’m asking.)
Have you ever had a job. Same thing
@Emil Ogborn it’s the opposite of a “job”.
kids can’t choose.
what tf is wrong with you?
This is why my twins are staying home out of RESPECT FOR LIFE
And your opinion on abortion?
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
Candyass liberals
Trump 2020
@Stuck Case your mom might have needed one.
I have to agree. Don’t open the schools. Feels like a ticking time bomb.
It’s disgraceful that there is any talk about going back to school buildings, now.
Really. Then, why can’t movie theaters open up? If you just have to stay in your seat.
3’ apart, hadn’t heard that one yet. So we ensure if a kid is sick, they all get sick
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
@Angel Gutierrez – do tell these stories. I can only imagine. Thank you for your service and I’m very sorry you had to leave, but it’s the best thing to do for your health and sanity. They are just going to force it it open and have us moving backwards. I’m glad you got out of dodge.
Ya cuz their smaller they only need half the space
What next?
@Major Minor Ha! So true! They are just laughing at how easy it is to manipulate these fools. Sad.
De Fuerher has decreed for his political reasons, the children must suffer.
@William like obama???
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
Yea! Where’s two finger Joe when we need him?
@celticman That’s probably because he’s taking his plays from Hitlers’ playbook!
Social distance 6ft
Educational distance 3ft
Makes sense, the American education system is a horror scene

Next month its two feet she didn’t factor in real registration numbers and square footage but atleast in stay alive land and be respectful of others theory its still 6 ft at least its what there yelling when I accidentally get close looking at products in groceryland
Other countries are doing it.
“I don’t think that people know the reality of what it’s going to look like.”
Reality is not even a distant consideration for those pushing this.
Five words for Dirty Don
Children : Teachers : Virus : Spread : Death
Person: Woman: Man: Camera: TV
Um. This isn’t gonna work. Sorry my kids are staying home till this is over.
Don’t worry, you’ll get the 3 feet and them some, because most won’t be there.
Most teachers are going to refuse to return until it’s safe.
As long as they can repeat “ Person, Woman, Man, Camera, Tv” they’ll be fine.

Good luck for Biden saying that lol, is he even alive in his basement
Meanwhile the tRump administration is covering their ears and going, “la la la I can’t hear you!”
Any parent who allows their child to return to school without assurance for their safety, when they get sick, it will be on your hands.
When Trump says “children need to go back to school”.
What he’s really saying “adults need to go back to work”.
And pretty much ANYTHING he says is diametrically opposed to reality. If he says “kids will be safe in school” then he knows that “It’ll be a freaking kid-killing armageddon”.
it occurred to me that trump is doing this bc kids/teachers are the one part of society that can be strong-armed.
he couldn’t bully businesses to re-open. he couldn’t force customers to return to businesses that DID re-open.
—> *_kids/teachers are the ONE part of society that he can force into his “EVERYTHING IS NORMAL NOW” theater before the election_*
Lets review
CDC says wear a mask and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged when someone is not wearing a mask.
CDC says open the schools and CNN propaganda bottom feeders are outraged that the CDC would suggest such a thing.
Enjoy your fear mongered psychotic paralysis you CNN nut bags. SMH
Bingo. That’s what this all about
Yes sir single parents need to get back out there to failed businesses, bankruptcy central and closed during corona did these guys go outside lately I haven’t even raged during the rush hours wait there is no traffic everybody is at home trying to stay alive and not spread the disease.
My kids will be home. This is prison for children. WTH if they aren’t “social” and have to be distant, then let them be social via the Internet
crimescene25 lmao
Major Minor lol
@Major Minor “Psychotic Paralysis”? Do you even know what that means? The two smart women in the video discussing serious concerns must scare you…
Honestly parents need to start homeschooling their kids.