Taxi Driver in Viral Video Charged | TVJ News – Feb 1 2022

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    1. @Steago 876 its not about driving without license, here in Ireland ppl also do that,however it’s the fact that he put a number of ppl life in danger including himself absolute madness..

  1. What a man wicked. All he had to do was stop the police maybe would give him a warning or the punishment wouldn’t be like it is now smh

  2. I’m just glad that the police did not cause any harm to anyone but it just shows how lawless some of people are
    Jamaica is a very hard place to police because the people don’t respect law and order

    1. How was the police going to cause harm?
      Stop blaming the police and blame the man for breaking the law and the passengers for helping him to break the law.
      The sooner people realize their role in criminality and stop doing it, the better off we’ll be.
      The police fired warning shots to get the idiot to think about what he’s doing.

    2. @B BLESSED Logically, they could of Radio’d and set up a Roadbock ahead. Glad seh no-one was hurt. Keep Safe 🙏🏿

    3. @Empress Jade Simeon Ellis This is Jamaica not the USA. Police force is stretched thin. That would have been an option only if they had the resources to do. Firing a warning shot is acceptable being that he posed a threat to the public.

  3. He showed no regards for other people’s lives including the young child who may have been traumatised.
    The government of Jamaica needs to take crimes more seriously and not just a slap on the risks for law breakers.

    1. @Tinbeef let who go how would the police know who they were letting go it could have been gun men or a kidnapping dont you realised the what we are watching is a video of person in the vehicle the police may not have known who’s in the vehicle nor the driver.

  4. I can say this if the police had not fired warning shots into the air maybe he wouldn’t have stopped but kept on driving until he crashed and this story would have been about the numerous people killed or seriously injured in a crash involving a robot taxi driver trying to elude the police at high reckless speeds.

    1. @Chris baba boss so it’s OK for the driver to hit down ppl but not ok for the police to do their duty. Did you not listen to the news, AFTER he was pulled over they did their checks and realized he had outstanding tickets

    2. @shanni89fromMS lol what did you here yourself? He had outstanding tickets. Babe f they didn’t chase him he wouldn’t be running. If he kill someone, he’ll yeah chase him down. For some tickets no one life is worth that.

    1. @EE BLEG your assuming that the police knew who was in the vehicle and what they were about before the chase ensued, they could have thought its gunmen or a kidnapping so why would they let them go just like that.

  5. ‘Station Bail’ why? He should appear in court and remanded in custody until court. Dont let others think they can do the same and not spend a night in jail. Ja justice system NEEDS REFORM!!!

  6. No the police is not wrong stop blaming police for doing their job he put so much people lifes at risk 🤮 disgusting behaviour.

  7. How the hell he got bail the same day driver like him should never ever able to drive again he should be band for life

    1. Absolutely. They caught a worser than worse one. They have to know this and disable him from driving in every single way.

    1. Me too. Traumatized out of my gourd. And I’m watching this from a distance on social media. Imagine those People in that car. That moment created a lot of trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress…

  8. Too much recklessness with these taxi drivers, no care for peoples lives. If the police hadn’t fired the shot . God forbid what would happen.

  9. He would not have stopped and probably would have crashed killing the occupants and himself. He could have also killed other drivers or pedestrians , I say well done to the police in getting him to stop .

  10. Released on bail? The man put his passenger’s lives in jeopardy, hit a biker, ran not to mention putting other motorist’s life in danger to evade a ticket, a minor traffic infraction, and uno give him bail?! Jamaican Justice system is a joke!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Anybody wa commit a crime come to Jamaica. No problem!

  11. How can you release a driver on bail that have 19 unpaid traffic tickets? Secondly the same driver had used the car he was driving to hit a motorcyclist and also operating a robot taxi???
    What kind of stupid law are these Jamaica?? It’s fulltime now for the old time laws be scrap from our society and make new modern laws that can punish people seriously with these nowadays crimes…

  12. Can we ensure that these Men, Women & CHILD get counselling? Let us not leave them be. I was not a part of this horrific setting, yet I was devastated over what took place. He should be charged for attempting something. It is with deep regrets that he got away easily.

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