1. “It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain. This sums up most Trump supporters.

  2. It is inconceivable how a huge chunk of the population have gone all in, no matter what for Trump. A failed reality tv star, failed casino owner, banned from running a charity.

    1. Couldn’t even sell his booze brand. How the hell does one fail at selling liquor? Seriously, just consider the lengths some people will go to to get a buzz and realize he failed at that.

  3. “It’s no longer a question of if the Former American President is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”

  4. The day we NO longer have to hear Trump’s obnoxious traitious voice, coming out of “Karm-a-Lago”, EVER again should be declared a ‘NATIONAL HOLIDAY.🎉🥳

    1. When I hear Trump speaking on t.v. I immediately hit the mute button, I cannot STAND hearing his voice.

  5. Many of us who were lifelong Republicans left the party….or should I say, the Republicans have gone to far right for us who were in the middle of the road.

    1. It’s awesome to hear from moderate conservatives who don’t support what’s going on. We need to be able to work together, at least sometimes! 💙

  6. As an independent I’ll admit I got caught up in the woke scare earlier this year and was planning to vote Republican. Then I realized that even though this craze is annoying it’s not that important, harmful, and forced upon as politicians and social media make us think it is. There’s actual real issues our there and most republicans seem to be running without plans and platforms. Just love letters to trump and boogeyman stories about trans people and diversity

    1. What is a “woke” craze”? Can you define “woke”..? What do you mean by woke? Are you on the CRT bandwagon too? People really need to stop referencing the phrase “woke” and start being intellectually honest and say the quiet part out loud. Be loud and proud about it.
      It is my opinion that teaching ppl about this nation’s racism and racist legacy is not wrong. That’s history. The term woke comes from a bunch of racist ppl or ppl who don’t like to talk about the way minorities were and still are treated. They are more concerned with hidng the truth than our children being taught the truth about our dark past. More concerned with their feelings than this nation owning up to it’s flawed past. It is still a great country. I served this country. However, this “woke” crap is getting on my nerves. It is stupid and I want to know what exactly ppl mean when they say it.

  7. I am old enough to remember Watergate. What Trump has done to America, makes Watergate look like a pool party.

    1. Creek, you are SILENT about the FASCIST behavior of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY in silencing ANYONE who speaks against the Democratic Party.

  8. The worst thing we’ve learned isn’t about Trump, it’s what we’ve learned about our friends, family and neighbors who support him.

    1. @Beverly but it’s just your opinion… and that’s very much your right to have. And I love it. ….is there a chance you could look at the contributions to your country, from the current and former POTUS without any bias, and be truthful in your opinion after comparing accomplishments between the two?

    1. If it’s were only that symple. This is a true authorities dictator, who’s only wish and drive is a strangle hold on power by any means.

  9. This country owes Bob Woodward a HUGE thank you. This man, not once but twice now, has done his best to SAVE this country from a rogue President. I’m 67 so I KNOW about Nixon, I watched all the hearings and watched John Dean be a hero. I also saw two young reporters do their jobs better than anyone I’ve seen since that time. Yes, we’ve had some incredible investigative reporting, but not like those two, and certainly not the story. And now Bob is warning us again about an “Occupant of the White House”. I happen to like Democracy folks, and I don’t like this big push towards Fascism that’s coming from the “Right”. It scares the crap outta me to be honest. We need a President, NOT A DADDY!! And if you DO need a daddy, either grow the eff up or move, cuz you’re in the wrong country.

    1. Amen. I’m pushing 80 and left your Golden Shores 53 years ago when Nixon was elected. You’ve been going downhill for decades.

    1. The DOJ doesn’t control who runs for office. Conviction of a felony does not prevent you from running for President. You just have to be over 35, an American citizen, and lived in the U.S. the last 14 years. That’s what the Constitution says.

  10. Having Trump at the helm at the start of the pandemic was like having a first grader in charge. Too many people needlessly died with incompetent Trump denying it was as serious as it was and not taking appropriate action at the start. My condolences to those who lost loved ones to the virus.

    1. That was THE single event that made me realize how incompetent and dangerous Trump is. I never cared for politics before. It was all the same, with little change, and then there’s Trump. I never realized how dangerous a fool can be.

  11. Perhaps if what Donald Trump said about how to force a leaker talk is applied to him when he pleads the fifth, he might decide to talk.

  12. Reporters are being somewhat dishonest. The “base” who follow and “put up” with his vulgarity are NOT Putting Up with it. They LOVE his vulgarity. They are craving his vulgarity and if he does not give them the VULGARITY they desire, they will find someone who will give it to them.

  13. I’d rather hear that those in power have stopped this menace to our society instead of being warned of a threat we the people can do little to stop.

  14. At Trump’s “first 100 days in office” interview, he actually referred to the United States Constitution as Archaic, it gave to much authority to Congress, because of all the “checks and balances” he couldn’t get away with everything that he wanted to, check it out.

  15. What amuses me is Trump agreed to be interviewed multiple times by Bob Woodward and when the books were released Trump was shocked about what was written about him. The truth.

  16. HE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN PRISON. If any regular person like the rest of us did what he does and has done, we’d be hunted down like a turkey.

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