Tapper says Hutchinson’s Jan. 6 testimony transcript ‘like a mob movie’

CNN's Jake Tapper, along with a roundtable of experts, breaks down insights revealed from transcripts of former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony before the January 6 committee. #CNN #News


    1. @M Hall Incorrect, Muller didn’t say there was no collusion. That’s what Barr said, but I don’t expect someone like you to know that. Don’t worry baby, 45 is still president 😂

  1. If someone calls you before you testify under oaths and says anything besides “just tell the truth” they aren’t looking out for your best interests.

    1. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

    2. @Richard Stuczynski why is Pelosi so dangerous, because she was Texting and Emailing instruction to Security Officers. She decline President Trump’s offer to bring in 10,000 men and women of the National Guard.

  2. Bravery comes from deep within…and Cassidy demonstrated that and her true inner integrity shined like a bright beacon of light. 👏🏼🙌🏽

    1. No, she ratted out terrible people because her future job prospects got fucked up. She did the right thing ONCE after working for trump and supporting him for years. She’s a coward who got out while the getting was good.

    2. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

  3. I’m very proud to be an American with this young lady. To be so young, in her position, she could have been fully bent to Trump’s will like so many others much older and more experienced than she. But, no. In the depths of her being she has expectations of herself that are pure and good and she had the moral fortitude to turn around when the path she took felt wrong, and make it right. She has earned my respect and gratitude.

    1. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

  4. The more we learn about her family, the more impressive Cassidy’s witness to truth becomes. Her mother seems not to have given a sh/t how working in this White House could destroy her daughter’s moral character–refused to believe anything could be wrong about the team supporting President Grab’em by the Pssy. Her MOTHER, for chrissake. Cassidy has how shown that she infinitely superior to both her parents. She needs to part company with them and never look back.

  5. Watching her testimony at the time it was clear she was scared, but also clear she was telling the truth. She was courageous.

    1. Repent. Believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

    2. @sam rut Every witness is coached by their lawyer, but I think I get what you’re saying because every time she said, “something to the effect of…” it was clear that she was coached to hedge her words if she wasn’t 100% sure of what she recalled. But as I listened to what she said after that hedge, I got the sense that she was getting the words almost, if not exactly right; not that she was making up alternative facts.

      Quite a bit of what she talked about was second hand knowledge – hearsay – and probably not admissible as evidence in court. But remember that this wasn’t a trial, but an inquiry into what people know, and her hearsay can be used to corroborate what others have said, or open a line of questioning to be corroborated by other witnesses.

    3. Sam rut is just another Troll farm boy that joined 4 months ago spewing bullshit. Report the clown for misinformation ✌️

    1. @Shlep Messing “Except the secret service already said she lied.” It’s called the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. They do make it sound really hard don’t they it’s not hard for me if I screw up I say I screwed up I don’t lie I don’t cheat and I’m not a thief and if you lie you’re all three of those things

  6. In the 2016 election Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election? He said Yes only if I win. He was always like that from the beginning. The only problem is that we did not believe him then.
    When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time. They know themselves better than you do. 🦋🙏☔

    1. And Kari Lake has just done the same thing in Arizona. She said before the election that she would accept the results when she won. After she lost she said it was rigged.

    2. He got my vote as soon as I heard he liked having golden showers with a russian hooker. It was the most entertaining election ever!

  7. This testimony of Ms Hutchinson will be with her forever and will change her life for the positive as her conscience will be clear and light and she will have a happy life. That is my 2 bits on this.

  8. I hope somebody in this country gives Cassidy a really good job for her standing up and being an honest human being. You didn’t hear her pleading the fifth.

    1. I haven’t read everything related to her work experiences, but I don’t think there was a basis for her to assert the 5th because she never did anything illegal. One could make the argument that she wasn’t completely truthful in her initial testimony, but she corrected her previous testimony before anyone had proof of it. One would have to look at the applicable statute, but her timely efforts to correct her testimony probably constitute an affirmative defense. That said, she’s to be commended indeed for showing such emotional fortitude given her age. I do hope things go well for her.

    2. Why? Nothing she said is any sort of evidence. Go and read her entire testimony, it was full of unverifiable hog wash. What she said is useless in a courtroom because even a newbie attorney would rip her a new one.

    3. @Bryan It’s easy argument to call everyone and anyone a good actor/actress. Especially when one has no basis for his own judgement, or simply lack of one.

    4. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

    1. @Sin3xtreme You don’t get to testify that something you heard, 2nd hand, is fact. Only libtards are dumb enough to believe that.

    2. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

    1. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler falsely Demonized Jews
      As part of Sinister Plot to Rule
      Guaranteed Evil Govts don’t exist
      Plan False Flag attacks,to suppress Masses Uprisings?

    2. @Ursula Soameshe’s just one of those people who go around posting inflammatory comments for sport. Just ignore him and don’t give him any oxygen.

    1. If you read her transcript, she was out of a job with limited financial means and talked to a lot of attorneys trying to find one who would represent her pro bono or for a fee she could afford. But she didn’t have any luck and fell into a Trump World attorney, who told her she wouldn’t be charged but wouldn’t tell her who was paying until later when he let it slip that it was an entity affiliated with Trump. The attorneys who represented her after she terminated the Trump World attorney did represent her pro bono. One of the partners had been in the Justice Department during the Trump administration.

  9. She was given the choice of signing a deal with the devil. It’s so surreal because it’s unfolding, as she is revealing how they tried to entice and persuade her..

    1. I downloaded and read her 138 page 9-14-22 deposition in its entirety. It was riveting!

      Before each of her first 3 J6 depositions, the folks from Trump World would contact Cassidy dangling lucrative job offers to get her to play ball. But then typical of Trump, once the deposition session ended, the job offers would mysteriously vanish — until Trump World heard she was going to appear before the J6 committee again. Then they’d ramp up the offers again.

      That’s the problem when making a deal with a Devil who doesn’t honor agreements!

  10. “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.” -Albus Dumbledore

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