New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reacts to past attacks from former President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
Tapper rolls the tape on Trump’s attacks on Haberman. See her response

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reacts to past attacks from former President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
It would be an insult to American justice system for Trump to get away with his accountability
The American “justice system” is different for white people with money
*It’s pretty simple… as the RICH GOT RICHER our Democracy became Weaker!*
@Deborah Donnelly narcissist is the nicest thing they say about him, hes beyond narcissist
@LotWizzard Just needs one simple word before narcissist, – insane- is adequate
@Soul Crewblue nice, perfectly adequate, concise and very accurate
“Campaign contributions are given to both parties.
Yes and no. Plenty of rich people in — let’s say — Germany or Spain, and their democracies haven’t been weakened in the same sort of way. (Not saying either of those are perfect by any means.) In the US there’s an unusually toxic mixture. Wealth inequality, an oddball and creaking 18th century system that’s near-impossible to change, gun, religion, and a huge hangup about its waning (if still considerable) global hegemony.
Then add social media and a TV star into the mix. Hoboy.
Trump ego is bigger than himself…thus, accepting the truth is no way near him
@5rings16 what polls the same ones said trump won??? Lmfao
@Robin Lillian like we have at yall for last 2 years lmfao
@Cindi Smith all BLUE I’m in Maine surrounded in the mountains by trumpets. Oh Baby

@ConservativesAreCrybabies Already has! I win!
I can’t decide… should he be allowed to testify live ? His lies shouldn’t be given oxygen but at the same time I so want to watch him trying not to lie, not plead the 5th better still come clean and stop this nonsense

He won’t ever come clean.
He will lie under oath so I think it’s worth it
….to catch him lying and then ….. I hope Prison with NO access to media
His supporters seem to like crazy; so, let him testify live. If anything, it would be hilarious to see him melt down on national TV.
@Elizabeth Stanley your remedial attempt to insult the committee achieves absolutely nothing. lets count the
views of this hearing of all channels that post it. after this weekend, that number will be huge= multiple millions of american patriots are indeed listening to the evidence of dtrumps guilt
You align EITHER with trump OR the constitution. That’s the choice.
I am “align” trump lmao!

Hmmmm well I have served 15 years ACTIVE duty Army, two wars, multiple eastern Europe rotations and I am a HUGE President Donald Trump supporter. I have and continue to protect the US constitution, so your statement is absolutely false.
Criminals belong in jail NOT in the highest offices in the land .
@Elizabeth Stanley It was a choice between Trump/Covid or the old guy. Not hard. We chose to take a chance on sanity and it paid off.
@Elizabeth Stanley
He is stating a simple fact. He is leaning toward illiteracy.
@Elizabeth Stanley please point to the intelligence of your reply, “then why did you vote for the big guy”.
Asking him last puts him in a spot, he can defend himself or let the facts stand as they are, and he cant say he never had a chance to defend his narrative he chose not to.
In any case you work your way up to the top.
That’s right. The J6 Committee is giving him a chance to speak the truth.
He would still claim he never had the chance to speak for himself….and his supporters would believe him sadly.
But he will say exactly that.
Don’t tell Trump how awful it would be! Encourage Trump to tell his side before the January 6 Committee. Let it rip Trump we’re all ears
@Micheal Nagy ?
@J Coopes for whom?
I don’t get why Trump doesn’t want to speak for himself under oath. He says he has “nothing to hide”. He says he’s “the most honest person” in the whole world. He says “everyone in government is stupid.” He says “claiming the 5th is an admission of guilt.” He says “he has a very big brain.” So he should have no problem!!!
@Tommy Diaz he says alot of things that he does not mean, or are meaningless. He also lies. Like a rug.
The only reason he hasn’t, is the last shred of his sanity is whispering for him not to do it. I really would love him to do it, because more than 5 minutes of grilling and he would go off script, and screw himself.
@Micheal Nagy twice impeached is a best president? Are you writing from jail?
Oh, but Trump DID speak for himself. On Wednesday, August 10th while being deposed by lawyers for the Southern District of New York, Trump invoked his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination nearly 450 times. That’s the only thing that matters. Everything else he says should be ignored.
Trump should be a wakeup call for all those who cherish freedom, democracy and rule of law.
Can you imagine trump testifying. Comedy at its best.
@Anson Arnold and you wouldn’t be able to comprehend a coherent complete sentence.
@m b what’s the matter, time for you to go to bed junior
I admire Maggie Haberman! She doesn’t ‘sugar-coat’ the situation, she goes for the jugular!
@GJ I don’t see any regard for The Orange Clown on her face. She’s serious and well spoken.
Refusing to accept reality. That’s the reality Trump lives in.
And a danger to our country.
Exactly. In his world, he is king and everyone who doesn’t worship him should walk the gangplank.
@tina “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
This woman refuses to be flattered. She’s a true professional.
Steve Colbert got a few good smiles and a few laughs from her the other night. Beautiful smile
@David holy hell you people are weird
@LotWizzard Tobias was just using his degree from tRUMP University in the ART of the BS! PU
“…a very, very long time…” when trump was bashing the USPS about reliability and votes- that was a huge clue in!! Knew what he was up to.
Yep it was pretty obvious.
“Refusing to accept reality on anyone’s terms but his own”. Yep. There’s a word for that: Delusion. Why do some people want a deluded liar to lead them? That’s what I still don’t get.
@LotWizzard No doubt. I hear he studied that book, admired H.
Ever listen to his niece talk about his family….? Mary Trump. Smart. Nails the real problem.
@MMW the good in the world loves mary trump
@LotWizzard She’s grounded. We need grounded.
During his rallies before the election he said that when he was reelected he would make so that Presidents could go longer than the 8 years. He was jealous of Putin and wanted what Putin had. We were forced to call a spoiled crying baby President for 4 years so now I’m glad that we are telling him to wipe away his tears with his own damn hands.

Maggie has a hard time accepting compliments. That’s quite refreshing for once
If he testifies, make sure the Committee Chair has a button to shut off his microphone so he doesn’t interrupt.
amen to that
I didn’t think that it was possible but Maggie Haberman does have the ability to smile and a nice smile it is! Seriously, Jake Tapper as usual conducts a fine interview of this very talented writer. Thanks Jake