The Milwaukee Bucks boycotted a playoff game against the Orlando Magic after the shooting of Jacob Blake. CNN's Jake Tapper reports.
#CNN #News
The Milwaukee Bucks boycotted a playoff game against the Orlando Magic after the shooting of Jacob Blake. CNN's Jake Tapper reports.
#CNN #News
America is
23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
34 in raising a family index.
No high speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans, where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of population, it’s wallet of the rich!
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling!
I have left ample of proof on my playlist, if you would like to check.
Let’s make our country better together……
#1 in obesity
But “THE BEST… IS YET… TO COME!!!!!! ”

Hey look at the bright side, according to all the propaganda…sorry news from the US you folks at the greatest country in the world. If Trump is the apex of your country, i seriously think you need to redefine what you think is great cause to tell the truth, i wouldn’t cross the street to pi@@ on Trump if he were on fire.
Don’t forget that the USA is also close to being No. 1 in obesity.
@Burrknee Δnderson As in real working democracies, all together after income
I’m proud of them for their gesture.
Really? We’re idolizing criminals now?
..Proposal for a safer 3-day election. Please debate. This can save thousands of lives.
I swear….no lie I wanted to watch the the game but this is what’s up I’m really proud of them

, nobody is watching anyway
@John Harrison criminals?? What the F*##k?? Fox and Trump are idolizing a militia who shot protesters and got away with it
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
We will also remember these idiots taking the side of criminals! Police lives matter
@Andy Rodriguez I guess it’s idiots on both sides then cause some police are criminals
@AJ Swan totally agree with you. But, everyone is treating every cop like a dirty cop.
@Andy Rodriguez Not true you just looking at it how you wanna see it. Again key word SOME police are not criminals. This is just how the black community reacts because it’s always been OK to kill and mistreat us. It’s 2020 I’m tired of this imma kill whoever trying to cause me harm. Hope they are not white because self defense will be thrown outta the window.
Thats perfect we all need to stand up, black.lives matter
Good for the NBA. This is just a start, as more organizations will take a stance in protest of the killings of Blacks by police in America.
Well now they are back to playing. Regardless, how does them not playing ball help stop racism or police brutality or black lives at all? These pro ballers are millionares, if they want to help black lives, they can make a real “positive” change by helping poor black kids who live in ghettos and have nothing. Not playing a sport is not going to help poor
black kids lives and its not going to stop cops from brutalizing black people.
It is a false narrative, junior. Wise up.
Great news. I hope this goes on for a long time.
@A pierro you can’t live with out them

Kimberly some of us working people watch sports in our free time to distract us from lives issues. Nowhere is safe for escapism anymore I suppose
Steve Smith really. I think the people that like to play the victim all the time are the ones that our racist.
Activist athletes suck. Just play the game and keep quiet.
NBA a bunch of spoiled brats. Through a temper tantrums for dumbest reasons.
finally the “buck stops” with… well… The Bucks.
@Antonio Black they tee’d it up for me.
Lololol FAKENEWS CONCAST CNN MSNBC, AND , Political crap NBA !!!
They will get lesson hard way…. Nobody watch the game no money, no fame!!!
Go Caps Park I agree they supporting a hate group
It’s the best!

good, its about time these amazing athletes use the tremendous power they have.
Destination Paradise also I live in Australia. I woke up at 5:50 am to watch bucks vs magic. To find out that it’s canceled I was pissed off. Still am
@Anxiety 101 These idiots, including yourself apparently, are protesting something that has not been formally adjudicated and the Blake shooting appears to have been justified.
@Anxiety 101 Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Political correctness and stupidity is rampant in the U.S.. It’s affecting all parts of our society. We hope to clear it up soon, but I’m afraid we’re probably talking about at least a year.
DeskAgent look I get why they did it. But it is annoying to wake up 2 hours earlier to watch a game that is suspended. However, I believe that it is important to protest this serious matter. I feel like this is the wrong way to do this. I am aboriginal. Which are possible treated worse in Australia.
@Anxiety 101 The fact is, there is really no such thing as systemic racism in the U.S.. It is a lie promoted by extreme leftists and their propaganda machine, the media. You will not find honesty or the truth at CNN. They have been proven many, many times to be deceptive and liars. If this ridiculous situation continues, you may have to find yourself another hobby.
Quite a few “huge moments” this year.
More to come…
@Jerome Lund Great. Have a wonderful day.
Lincoln25 How can you compare the stealing of a gum ball machine to domestic violence and sexual assault of a minor not matter what colour they are!?? Looks like he had a weapon and you don’t know what he was going to do. From his rap sheet he shouldn’t have been anywhere near those kids
Jerome Lund Beg to differ. I have great respect for the police. I have witnessed their heroism and kindness firsthand. I have also seen the BS they have to deal with when dealing with idiots who make poor choices.
The only people who should fear the police are criminals but many of them think they can fight them and that’s not going to end well
You beg to differ on what?
In your first post you stated that these events stem from people’s lack of fear for the police.
Should they be Gestapo?
We’ll see some real fear then, won’t we?
I work in a field where I have routine contact with law enforcement. I too have seen the best and honorable heroics of these men and women.
I’ve also seen the burned out, jaded, couldn’t give a damn amongst them also.
What we don’t need is more fear.
Fear doesn’t cultivate respect, trust and understanding, for the law or the people.
Fear breeds more fear… justifiably or not.
@Jenny Two words best fit you and the people like you: Shameless and Despicable!
“The United States is not a racist country”– Nikki Haley, less than 48 hrs ago, first day of the Republican National Convention.
William Matthews do you? Seriously will you for once actually point out the racists specifically. Or just keep bitching and moaning about how the idea of racism in general is bad and pretending racist ideologies running rampant in this country. Horribly unproductive and divisive.
@April Jones-Foston oh the humanity LOL
According to you and jussie smollett.
Ooh. Stung by a boomer scorpion y’all
This is going to grow, top black college players are going to start going to HBCU’s instead going to colleges like Alabama, Clemson, Georgia etc. etc. etc.
Nope and yes…only because of rich people making donations…..that why….most likely going to follow the money. MYSELF I no longer go to anything to do with sport…too dangerous..
All this b.s. now make it’s to dangerous, just to go out too eat now. I was eating a burger
and a bunch of people, went in there to trash the place… much anger….and hate…we as in the workers and the fellow customers…we had to run for r lives….wow so much hate. …..
@arnibah vanst and I stand right next to you…am a disable VFW….am there right with you to fight the racist…and always will be there with you. I have stage 4 cancer…inoperable…
@Lynda Austin nope born here and am a disable VFW….
@The super Ostrich
That’s right.
Brewers/Reds – Mariners/Padres – Dodgers/Giants games also postponed for the same reason.
Jackie Robinson 

@Richard Pancoast that part .
I just actually read my post and the one I’m commenting on truth is stranger than fiction. God bless y’all I in SE Houston preparing for the coming hurricane. In my lifetime I have actually seen many. I take none for granted. It’s my sincere hope that all can get through and with covid that a whole another factor to evaluation during a pandemic. Peace, Love and Hope for America !!!
who cares
Is he gonna send federal troops to make them shut up and dribble?
Trump dont care about sports.
@Latino 4 Trump Really? He won’t stop tweeting about college football getting canceled. LOL Latino’s for Trump? Guess you haven’t figured out Trump hates Latino’s and only wants your vote than he’ll deport you whether your American or not.
do it big NBA! go all the way! – let them know their brutality is to be cleansed
@Colin Montgomery stupid repugnican
Cleansed? Interesting choice of words.. We already knew you were communists in disguise. There will be a knock on your door soon son.
@Sir Ious still awaiting when is the knock again?
Let who know??? If you killed a black man,what the hell is talking about it going to do?
“Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Junior
@Obsidikis Necrosine You don’t get to decide what is imminent danger because you were not there. All you see are some video recordings from a distance. The police must make life or death decisions to protect us and themselves. We do not know if there was a weapon in the car or if Jacob Blake was reaching for a weapon.
Again, just put yourself in the police officer’s position. If there was a chance that Blake was reaching for a weapon, would you just stand there to be nice and not cause trouble? I say it again that you need to deeply think about how you would have handled the situation and know ALL the facts before judging. Again, you need to know ALL the facts rather than what you see on some video clips before you say that the police should have reacted differently.
I think I have been pretty clear but if you do not understand this then as the saying goes, you can’t argue with stupid.
@TONY Interesting how someone with a criminal history is being defended and a baby is not being defended. Just a continuing agenda to tarnish the police.
Yea, like all dems
@Jason Haradyn You watch too many action movies. I don’t get to decide what imminent danger is, and neither do you, and neither does the cop. The law does. And the law is clear; imminent danger means “right now; at this very moment”. Your life is not in imminent danger if someone is walking away from you, even if it’s to go get a gun. Your life is in imminent danger *the second the suspect picks it up* , and not one second before. Period. End of. That’s what the law says (the same law that applies to us applies to them, they’re not above the law), so nothing you say or the cop says on the subject is relevant.
@Jason Haradyn Oh and in case you’re wondering; a cop is paid to serve and protect everyone, including Jacob Blake. A cop is NOT PAID to protect themselves above all else. If a cop is willing to shoot someone without being *sure* that person is a threat, then they should resign; they are not psychologically fit to do the job.
“Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Junior
@Wade Wilson I painted my PC black so it would run faster, now it won’t work.
@The Truth wtf lol
Here the problem they have with that, they know who you really are under that skin and they know most of us don’t through their lies…
CNN doesn’t judge murderers of a certain skin color at ALL. Where are the reports on these murdered Americans, executed for the color of their skin??? And I’m supposed to give a damn about rich NBA cry babies??? Please spare me.
Democrats use minorities. If you vote Democratic your political chump.
Malcolm X.
It’s as if all the socio-economic and political shortcomings of our country are all coming to a huge giant pus-filled head at once.
It’s a frightening convergence of decades+ of issues, all culminating at once….talk about a powderkeg….
Better late than never.
Boycott them
gatewaytobeing. WOW, you read my mind??? America is going through a huge ‘perfect storm’ of it’s own makiing!!
If white America had listened to, understood and taking action on the black community decades ago, America would not be going through these cataclysmic issues today!
A phrase that is universal in our religious texts of Muslim, Jewish and Christian origins resonates loudly at this moment… ”You reap what you sow”!!!
America sowed hatred, suspicion, cruelty and violence on it’s people of color for over 2 centuries, they are again reaping the rewards of their own intolerance.
Race riots and mass protests are nothing new… African American protests leading to rioting and death go back to 1824, with 150+ race riots during ”The Long Hot Summer of 1967”. Again over 100 cities saw rioting in 1968/9 after the murder of MLK! Now 2020 will now be included in that shameful list of deadliest African American protests and rioting against systemic prejudice, injustice, poverty, inequality, police brutality, and white supremacist violence!
So nothing is new here, and no one is saying all black people are good, or all white people are evil.
Nor is it one person’s, one president’s fault alone. However, I have watched and listened intently to the current administration’s three and a half year: it is painfully, tragically clear to me that it’s Trump’s divisive and intentional cruelty, along with his bizarre and spineless puppets that has fanned the flames of the burning streets of today by their lack of action and defending rifle wielding KKK and other white supremacist organizations marching with tiki torches chanting hateful racist slogans! Change or be forever doomed to repeat the vicious cycle and watch more cities burn, more lives lost…the choice is yours America,
I’m proud of the NBA for this move.
Christopher Morningstar for standing up for a lawless loser?
Bet you won’t say a thing about CNN ignoring these murders RIP NICK WALL
Should’ve never started playing in the first place like Kyrie Irving said.
“The era of Mohammed Ali ”

Somebody should start a go fund me for poor LeBron