CNN's Jake Tapper explains how the 2020 election and the doubt cast on the results by former President Donald Trump and those in his orbit could have lasting implications for the 2022 midterm elections. #CNN #News
Tapper previews what to watch for on election night

We have the most security election system on the planet so there’s nothing to worry about

Red wave incoming – lest the Dems manufacture enough votes. Let’s just hope the margin of victory > the number of cheated votes.
Ted Koppel told Sean Hannity he was “bad for America.”
View it on YouTube.
Dude you are worried about election security when you can’t compose a sentence in english?
France bans mail in ballots………. why
Looks like my comment disappeared. It’s confirmation of the conspiracy between government, media, Hollywood including Youtube. Now my device is acting up. This happens after certain comments on anonymous comment forums too.
Jake, only a week more until you run back to that late afternoon time slot with your dismal ratings.
Jakes rating are garbage no matter the time. Ok, propaganda tv CNN’s rating are garbage but their 3 viewers love it.
*They closed your:*
City, state, and national parks
*They banned:*
Get togethers
Graduation ceremonies
Nursing home visits
Hospital visits
*They said without the jabs you shouldn’t have access to:*
A job
Admittance to school
Health care
A meal in a restaurant
Flying for travel
@Mike B “As needed”…, as we can tell now by the state of the economy and the lefts refusal to even talk about it without rampant misinformation, that’d be wrong. To put it lightly, mistakes were made. As democrats led the way for closures FAR past what was necessary, including school closures which eneded up harming and setting some kids back by up to two years. We can see now the damage that political and media driven leftists fear mongering has caused. Not only to private business, but also to education. It’s a shame that our children, the least affected by covid, had to be the ones who paid most for the cowardice of the panic driven liberals.
@Farva’sStache Your children are your problem. Never forget that.
@Franklin Jesus is King.
Trump is the Messiah
Biden is the president.
You forgot something! They kept the strip clubs, marijuana stores and abortion clinics open during all that time. They didn’t close the border. They argued in favor of protests and eventually riots against the police.
@An Acc right on!! Trump wasn’t gonna shut that party down!!
Every time I think of that presser I die laughing. Then I remember how serious it is and if someone with half a brain was in charge they may have been successful.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !
CNN literally on the Eve of Election Day November 2022, is still litigating Election Day November 2020. CNN is still talking about January 6 2021. Boring. CNN: your name says Cable News Network. Key word news. What’s new.
I want to wish all Republican candidates the very best of luck. Hopefully the results of these elections will signal a return to safety and sanity.
@Mikayeel Bashar have you been paying attention. There will be a new speaker

And a return to Insurrections Against America if not.
@Mo Green Well if that was the best insurrection they could muster we don’t have much to worry about do we?
And they will take you SS and Medicare. Is that what you want?? Wow
I never understood why we can’t get a receipt after voting.
They give you that red sticker saying I voted. It’s stupid.
I can get a receipt for a pack of gum but not something as important as an election?
They have illegals coming in by the truckload. Probably have them voting with no ID. Don’t think they’ll give them any receipts
That would make too much sense…. a receipt or ticket of proof of vote and to then check on an online data base to see your ticket number and tally. Check and verify.
That’s a cool idea tbh
“Last chance” is an interest selection of words.
Vote R.E.D (Remove Every Democrat)!
Is all this election drama from two years ago, relevant the day before the current election? There are some top five issues that voters care about in this cycle. Why is it so hard to talk about real issues, Mr. Tapper ?
Keep trying to explain your cheating tactics. “It’s going to take Days to count.”
Its always taken days to count. That’s what happens with paper ballots.
Especially when I mail in 20 votes.
Mexico even has voter i.d. But that would stop cheating in America.
Many other countries use paper ballots and can count in one day. I get that the US has a higher population than these countries, but wouldn’t they just use a proportionally higher amount of people counting?
We have to wait for the military or any American out of the country to send their votes. A lot of mail in voting is not counted until after the polls close. Counting takes time. Anyone with a brain knows that.
This BS started in 2018!!!
What changed???
@Mike B It leaves room for MANIPULATION
No, it doesn’t work like that; supply and demand do not scale proportionally. Supply scales linearly while demand scales exponentially. It’s like the income-expense disparity and how they diverge. This is all just more problems caused by overpopulation.
@m We need a “REAL PANDEMIC”!!! Not a “SCAM-DEMIC”!!!
It would be interesting to see what happens if there’s a sudden surge in Mail-In ballots a day after the election while counting the votes, mostly in favor of Democratic Party Candidates. Just Like 2020.
Its just another election.
That’s called voter intimidation by MSM.
What happened to the 2 comments?
This fix is is in. Record everything dems do and drink plenty of coffee. 3am is their busy time
managed to count votes in one day .. This is bull
Crime, inflation, border. Who’s fixing these? That’s all I care about
It isn’t going to be fixed no matter who is elected. Sorry.
I just checked the status of my mail in ballot and it has been accepted..
It’s utterly self-defeating to think you can time the market. Of course a crash is coming. There’s always one coming. I invested through the dot-com crash, the 2008 financial crisis crash, the 2011 debt crisis crash, and of course last year’s pandemic crash. I never sold stocks out of fear the market was overvalued, and I never sold during any of these market dives. I did take profits here and there in individual stocks that I thought had gotten expensive, but overall I kept my portfolio intact. And the market overall has continued to rise all through my 25 years as an active investor. I was there in 1996 when Greenspan warned of “irrational exuberance.” Care to guess where the DJIA was trading then? Near 6,000. It’s 32,000 now despite the three major crashes it’s been through since.
The markets have been interestingly crazy I cleared a $350,000 mortgage in 5 months literally from my stocks portfolio. But it’s sad that whenever something big goes wrong, a lot of people panic and hold on to money that should be working for them. Having monitored my portfolio performance return huge six figures from the last 2 quarters, I have learned why the market will remain a money den for those who know where to look.
@Holland Hoff After I got screwed in the Tech bubble years ago I’ve been solely investing in real estate. But with the recent hyper home pricing I’ve liquidated a few things and have $1M in cash laying around idle. I will look up this your adviser, to know what her services looks like.
@Holland Hoff Do you just give her your money or copy manually? I have a full time job. And what does Karen Marie Emma charge for her services?
@Brown Hilton You don’t give out funds here. My account only mirrors her trades in real time that’s the ideal for this system. The lady I just recommended is a renowned advisor and knows what the heck she’s doing. Check her out and get in touch if you’d need help. Charges 10% of profit.
@Holland Hoff Alright thanks for your recommendation.
We now find ourselves in the ironic but not funny position of trying to vote our way out of a dying democracy.