1. These politicians are disgusting. Tapper asked a simple question about the Analysis and he couldnโ€™t answer the question.

  2. The irony, of him wishing Happy Motherโ€™s Day, all while bashing women and moms, telling them they are too dumb to have control over their bodies and the state knows best.

    1. @Lorraine McFarland maybe you should learn what internalized misogyny is. Say no, wtf, rape, incest, so many other issues. between a woman and her doctor.

    2. @Joey S The Supreme Court isn’t banning abortion. They are following the 10th Amendment to allow states to decide.

  3. What annoys me about this whole issue is that the child is protected in the womb, but once the child exits the birth canal, it and its mother are left entirely on their own with no support at all from the states that legislated the birth.

    1. I know plenty of people who PURPOSELY have children just for the taxes and welfare. Give me a break. You people just can’t be adults. Sad.

  4. I canโ€™t believe that after the trauma of being raped or incest you want to force these women to carry a baby for nine months and deliver it. How insane are these people. So glad to be a Canadian. This is cruelty in the extreme.. so wrong.

  5. When as anyone in the Republican Party fixed anythingโ€ฆwell, aside for anyone else but themselves.

  6. That was a great question. There are many procedures that are happening in these states. Have they really stopped to think about what will happen if they take away the right for a woman to get this medical procedure done by certified doctors? It seems like they seem to think that they will just not get abortions and raise children in an ideal environment. Also, I think rape and incest allegations are about to go up for those states that have the exception.

    1. @SweetSue420 I know. They only seek one thing and thatโ€™s authority and the power it brings

    2. @GO-GO SO-SO Yes, however some states are making it illegal to seek services in other states. Some are making it illegal to assist someone in getting an abortion (help them get to another location). Also, many Americans cannot afford to travel somewhere else, or take the time off of work (if they even are able to get time off).

  7. This governor needs to fix the problems in his state before trying to take away people’s rights.

    1. He’s also silent on the high infant morality rate in his state among poor women in his state due to lack of resources and access to healthcare facilities.

  8. What right has any man got to force women to have children? To force women of incest to give birth is just cruel and shocking..

  9. Thatโ€™s just straight up cruel and inhumane reversing this legislation. These men should have to carry these rape and incestous pregnancies to term. What about pregnancies that baby is missing brains etc or it will kill the mother who has other children at home. I am old enough to remember the consequences of unavailable termination of pregnancy, illegal procedures and usually death for the female. Itโ€™s a terrible way to die.

  10. Tapper: “Did you make an analysis as to how many women/girls might die from this law?”
    Reeves: “Yes… blah blah blah…”
    Tapper: “So what did the analysis say?”
    Reeves: “I can’t predict that.”
    Me: “Uh, isn’t that what an analysis is supposed to predict?”

    1. Why didnโ€™t Taper call that out? Iโ€™m so tired of these commentators letting people get away with misinformation and evading questions. Didnโ€™t even push back on Governor for saying abortion laws being extreme for western countries

  11. If those situations are as rare as he claims, then there’s absolutely no reason NOT to include exceptions for them.

    1. Roberts could have solved this problem. If he convinced two other justices to agree with him, they could have ruled that Roe remains as a precedent, that states could set reasonable limits, and that limiting abortion to the first trimester is reasonable.

      What did the leaker accomplish, other than to make total reversal of Roe more likely.

    2. They do have some exceptions in place and the governor said they would be willing to consider others … and he also pointed out the vast majority of abortions don’t fall into these categories.

  12. “Yes we did the appropriate studies about how many women would be harmed by this legislation”
    “What did those studies tell you?”
    “Jake I can’t predict the future”

  13. “That’s a great question”… and then proceeds to not answer the question. Dishonesty on parade, folks.

    1. This fool refused to answer what would happen to the rapist/relatives of incest. Not a damn thing. He/they wouldn’t be arrested, but the child/woman would be arrested if she had an abortion. That seems freaking fair to me. Stay out of our freedoms and bodies. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜ก

  14. When the governor says young ladies he’s actually saying children but children becoming pregnant by a raper or incest it’s not something that people want to talk about.

  15. This is awful, I live in Mississippi and for anyone to follow the things they want here is really insane. You have stepped back into time when dealing with that type of mentality.

    1. @Sophie Robinson thatโ€™s how they describe babies โ€œdomestic supply of babiesโ€ ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ

    2. @Chris Davis Good point, but I don’t think it will be law for more than a few months to a year. Cooler heads will prevail. There’s more of us than them.

  16. “Regardless of what the polling says…” Translation: “We cherry picked answers from goobers who agree with US!”

  17. Thank you for covering this issue, Mr. Tapper. I wish the interview hadn’t been cut off. I really wanted you to keep grilling him on more issues (like the comments I posted herein). Please keep trying to get these people to realize that what they are mandating is illogical and immoral.

  18. How dare he say happy mothers day after what he is doing – taking away all our rights. Despicable

    1. The arrogance and smugness of it all. And then they say “my body, my choice” and refuse to mask!

  19. His response to “what about cases of incest or non-viability of the fetus” is “those cases are very rare”.

    Ok, so… sucks to be those women, then? He’s not even arguing that abortion is wrong in those cases. He’s not offering any solution. He’s just saying that because these cases are relatively rare, women in those situations aren’t worth helping. Rare or not, it would be super easy to just add an exception to the law for those cases at the very least (and I do mean VERY least).

  20. Dear men of Mississippi: help your ladies and vote for reason. A governor who admits he didn’t do his job has got to go.
    Send the babies of 14 year Olds to foster care that doesn’t work.
    Someone who can’t choose, can’t choose to carry out a child. They are made to carry the child to be taken away. Framing, nothing but Framing.

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