Jake Tapper questions Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) about his party supporting far-right Republican candidates in the primaries. #CNN #News
Tapper presses DCCC Chair over Dem spending in Republican primary races

That’s why I didn’t give them a dime!!!
Right! I’ve sent small amounts to candidates I like who are not running in my state
CNN starting to grow some balls asking pertinent questions…
They have to or they will be fired. Discovery took them over and the mandate is real news. The crap from the last 4 yrs sunk the channel.
Can say one thing the democrat politician hates is a video camera
You don’t need to see just take our word on it jack😂
people have made up their minds. all these spendings are wasteful
These democrats always have this smug look on their face… even tho they keep making stupid decisions…
Democrats suck. They think they’re better than everyone.
He’s a mick,what else do you expect?
Sean Maloney used to rep my district, he seen he wasn’t going to win so the weasel ran in another district.. I hate even seeing him go on TV
You failed to mention he lives in the district he is running in you dolt. It was redrawn.
Mondaire Jones ran all the way in brooklyn lmao
CNN: I come for the moaning, but I stay for the TEARS.
It’s hilarious that these establishment politicians, Republican and Democrat, sit down with dedicated journalists and think that they don’t bring the receipts when they ask a question.
That’s when you pull out your fake police badge….
CNN Usually does not.
This is why I don’t get all worked up when these clowns cry about democracy
“It will take several days to count all the vote.” Joe Biden 2022
The most important process of the US systems and we cannot even be done in one day. Even Brazil counted the votes faster.
Why is it so damn important to you ( & your friends ) to have them counted by voting day ?
@David Bullis because that is what Election Day is for, to vote and then to tally all the votes by the same day. Even in the US territory of Puerto Rico they found multiple boxes full of votes in a warehouse on 2020 so this is a wide spread problem.
@Luis E Morales Falcon No it isn’t. I’m a retired logger, I don’t know what you do but why do you care how long it takes to count over 200 million votes ? I don’t care how long it takes for you to put fries in a bag . Why not apply as an election worker and see for yourself how it works? Instead of believing what some idiot politician tells you?
@Luis E Morales Falcon Roubles or crypto..?
@David Bullis with the amount of tech in today’s market taking more than one day to call an election is BS specially since the US territory of Puerto Rico can manage and then to confirm they take a few days extra but that is it.
Maloney’s smugness is so offputting. It’ll be rewarded soon enough. He’s well on his way to losing his seat.
Amazing how he can flat out lie about this.
A good question from Jake: This fool will be part of the damage on Nov 8th for the Democrats
This is why I vote independent. If even one of these people win, this guy should be brought out and every Democrat should be allowed to kick him in the balls.
They did this in my state. They should give some of that money to Tim Ryan in Ohio
Jack finally asked a good question and this guy said omg . Hahaha
Too late. I just heard his evening show got cancelled. 😁😁
I can think of only one scenario with John Gibbs in Michigan where the problematic candidate was in a particularly close primary so maybe you could argue Democratic meddling made a difference, in most cases they won in a landslide so it is ridiculous they ask Democrats this question so much when it was mostly insignificant, it has been addressed it does not deserve non-stop coverage, and it ignores the factor that people who once claimed to be moderate and bi-partisan like Elise Stefanik drink the big lie kool-aid for power, so who is to say if the establishment candidates won they would not start pushing the big lie for power
Dems supported trumpers. Then they put a stroke patient up to debate a heart surgeon on national TV. These guys are amazing 👏
This practice of helping the opposition elect someone easier to beat has been done by both parties for as long as I have been alive and probably longer. I don’t agree with this practice at all.
Heaven help me. Am I suddenly feeling respect for Jake returning to being a reporter?