1. With the backwardness of our economy increment with the price of gas, and alarming rates of unemployment.i must confess our country have taken a wrong turns.vividly I don’t know how else to carter for my expenses

    1. But policies take time…
      We’re feeling the effects of Trump’s tariffs, and his spending and over spending… Republicans will waste time we don’t have, nothing will get done and we’ll lose our democracy…

    2. Unemployment?
      In 4 years Trump lost 2.8 million jobs.
      In 11 months Biden created 6.2 million jobs.
      The GQP won’t fix Global inflation when they don’t even have a plan to fight it domestically.

    3. @Faux Que I’m confused, when trump was president, all I heard from trump supporters was “unemployed is down to 4.7%” now President Biden has it under 4% with record new jobs numbers almost every month of his presidency, and now u all are saying “the unemployment numbers don’t mean anything” 🤦‍♂️I’d respect u more if you’d just admit you’re a partisan hack.

    4. @Faux Que what’s your excuse for the record monthly jobs report? I guarantee I know what your answer will be, I stg u right wingers are all the same person with the same easily debunked talking points that fall apart under minimal scrutiny 🤦‍♂️

  2. They can just ignor the subpoenas like Republicans did. Take it to court and challenge it. Unlikely the courts will support them without a valid cause.

    1. Who ignored subpoenas ? I don’t care what your political views are but when you start pushing your woke liberal crap onto our children then I have a problem.

    2. To take a page from liberals, if the ignore subpoenas then, lock them up !
      Let’s hope they impeach Quid Pro Joe 3 times in the first month !

  3. The World is watching, rather aghast, wondering how it can be that so many Americans seem to be eager to give their vote to people who are clearly not interested in nor capable of doing anything productive for them or the country, eager to give their vote to people who are afraid of, and hence enemies of, Democracy.
    Don’ let them turn your country into a Horror version of Idiocracy.
    Please, all you good and sensible Americans; *VOTE!* 💙💙💙💙

    1. @Jerry Marasco
      Are you honestly disillusioned enough to think that trumphy’s band of crazies are going to make Democrats lives miserable and just let the magat repukelicans alone? You’re in for a very gut wrenching reality. You’re freedom is as much at stake as anyone else’s.

    2. @Doc Holiday 74 countries have rates that are higher than the US, Is Biden responsible for those, and here’s just a few of those 74 countries:
      Mexico-8.7 Italy-8.9
      Germany-10 UK-10.1
      Russia-13.7 Netherlands-14.5
      Argentina-83 Turkey-83.4
      Iceland-9.4 Hungary-20.1
      Greece-12 Iran-52.2
      Lebanon-162 Poland-17.2
      Sweden-10.8 Venezuela-114
      Cuba-34.31 Egypt-15

      -Of the 171 countries analysed – 74 have rates in excess of 10.
      -Almost half the world has double-digit inflation.

      Some things that have caused it:
      -Russian invasion of Ukraine
      -Covid related issues
      -Supply chain issues

    3. @Steffie T not the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s the Biden administration’s response, the insistence of Regime change

  4. I’m a Republican and what concerns me is that a GOP controlled Congress will allow Trump to go free of consequences of January 6th.

  5. By the time they realise they were fooled, they will have more pressing concerns and someone elce to blame.

    1. Hahaha can you imagine being cnn ?? Trump insanity for four years. We find out they lied and were then humiliated when we learned biden was paid by Russia and not trump and they made the trump stuff up to blow liberals and get Biden elected then they get him elected and he’s cheered as the savior wje the adults and then he’s a walking falling down falling asleep disgrace disaster and they cover up and hide as much as much As possible and still yell trump every day and now we get “ if republicans win we will be done …” compared to the decline and totally failure of the last two years ??? That was success in your eyes ??? Jahahahahaha

    2. Just wait until trump and the Republicans have absolute power, they will throw away the Constitution and with that goes your 1st and 2nd amendment. Those hate groups that have been putting their lives on the line for trump mean nothing to him, especially when he’ll have the whole United States military at his command.

      Do you see any civilians baring arms in Russia, China or North Korea? Hell no, only the military.

      It’s going to be a rude awakening but a bit too late.

  6. It’s a risky political move for the republicans to make us all keep thinking and talking about the past 4 years. I’m much more interested into the country making things better. Climate, poverty, public health, infrastructure, national security, social justice, etc

    1. Under the Democratic policies Americans are struggling now more than ever. Who cares about climate change when people can’t even afford groceries. Democrats have their priorities way out of line and that is going to result in a red wave.

    2. Your telling me democrats haven’t been on repeat, who you think it’s coming from? Russia Russia Russia, Jan 6, Jan 6, Jan 6, After y’all burnt cities but you want to bring up a couple broken windows and a red velvet rope that got moved…..

    3. Yes, it’s time for political leaders to do their jobs and work for our citizens instead of playing power games among themselves.

    4. The problem with that is that the Republicans won’t be in control of the Whitehouse. Biden isn’t going to sign any bills they put forth. And they won’t pass any of his agenda. He will be a lame duck. Nothing will be done for the next 2 years. So why not spend the time doing a few investigations on the democrats? It’s better than doing nothing but waiting for the clock to run out. Then when Ron DeSantis, or Trump gets sworn in with control of the House and Senate maybe things will get done

  7. Good heavens, no. Please, go out, vote blue. This is ridiculous. 30 seats? People have lost their minds.

    1. Who lost their minds? Men can get pregnant? Mothers are out, birthing people are in. There are 64 genders. It’s okay to indoctrinate young children with sexual and gender ideology.
      Tell me again, who is out of their minds?

  8. Looks like America is going to return to it’s decline with the dysfunctional GOP. So sad. Whatever happened to sensible American citizens?🇨🇦

    1. I want you republican voters to listen to me here. People in 1930 Germany did not have tv, the internet and most did not have higher education. YOU people are voting for fascists open eyed. They are telling you daily what they will do to us and the country. Shame on you all.

    2. The sensible US citizens ?
      The uneducated spoilt bigoted US citizen is an empty soul who will idolise anything that promises a quick fix – like a starving puppy returning to its abusive owner in the hope it will get a scrap of food, after it has been kicked.

      When has the GOP ever provided anything of substance to the actual citizen ???

  9. I continue to hear that “our” Country has “weathered many a storm”, but is it strong enough to deal without democracy as we have grown to know it?

    1. @AbbieJolie C majority of what exactly? Not the American people. Democrats out number Republicans but Independents are the predominant party, if you can call us a party. We don’t really get polled, and are often called The Silent Majority. We sway elections. Neither party can get any candidate elected without pulling some of the Independent vote. There’s no need to bother telling you which way the Independents are leaning. Let’s just say, we’re not buying the insanity the democrats are selling. There’s only 2 genders and you all blew it insisting otherwise. Your woke crap won’t win you any elections.

      What is the percentage of each political party?
      Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent.

    2. @Faux Que you’re not an independent, you’re just cowardly republican. Actual independents dgaf about gender and it’s not democrats who made the issue political, it’s Republicans because they know their base is too stupid to see past their propagandists pushing their culture war. While they have you worked up about gender, a non-issue that doesn’t effect you at all, they’re giving your money and your country to corporations. It’s a tale as old as time…convince the poorest white man he’s better than the richest black man and he’ll let you pick his pocket. Same exact playbook they been using for centuries and you still don’t get it. Independents see through it, they just believe there’s no difference between parties. You’re not ideologically an independent.

    3. @gary quarty Proof? Any evidence at all. NOTHING.

      Even suckermouth’s appointed RWNJ judges rejected 50+ fraud claims. Even they draw the line at outright, baldfaced treason.

  10. I’m terrified they’re going to make Donald Trump the speaker of the House a lot of people don’t know they can do that

    1. @Bryan B Trump has already said that it was an interesting idea and something that he would consider when Matt Gaetz brought it up to him. He can still run in 2024.

    2. @Joanne Fitzpatrick you are right. Trump can become Speaker. He’s discussed it with Matt Gaetz and said it was an interesting idea. All they have to do is Google can Trump become Speaker of the House.

    3. @Linda Leal No, the best part would be watching Piglosi hand over the gavel to Trump and then have to be ruled by him for a couple of years assuming she wins reelection in November.

    1. Liz Cheney need to spank them (all the dirty players) soundly and send them to bed (DOJ). In Prison.
      I’d vote for her just to bust Trump’s balls. Not really for her courage and faith in Democracy.

    2. Please vote because the Republicans have absolutely no plan for this country of working class people….

  11. We can call it a win (in case of) but it takes a mindset to not seeing or being alarmed of the purpose underneath. Because the purpose is just beneath the basis/basics of Democracy. I get some of the world is relishing in the US’s “new” ways but if nowhere people are seeing the US’s novelty is lowly compared to the recent previous world famous US’s ways, it’s only due to inattention. No one would choose/buy that for his/her own personal comfort.

  12. That Gov. Youngkin says that he wants parents to make decisions for/ with their children about whether to wear a mask or not and without the guidance of a bureaucrat… but would agree to decide what a woman does with her body regardless of her health… Hypocrisy knows no boundaries with the GOP

    1. Women can’t be trusted to reproduce. I say us men need to choose who gets pregnant and who doesn’t. That’s better than abortion.

  13. It’s like watching a horror movie and seeing teens walk into the forest and then split up! Then one hears a noisy growl but goes to investigate it alone. The audience and watching screaming NO at the screen. We all know the horror they are walking into and the stupid choices they are making. They don’t realise it, until it is way too late.

    1. The GOP has become the epitome of the dumb blonde!
      Marjorie Taylor Greene said a GOP-led House would probe firms that stopped donating to Republicans.
      She said some “big corporations” and lobbyists have ceased donations after the Capitol riots.
      Greene also accused these corporations of “corporate communism.” – Business Insider.

    2. @Faux Que
      GOP is now🤪the DBP – Dumb blonde Party. Have [fun]with her. I heard Matt Gaetz did, hence her upcoming divorce. At least he’s going for the older ones now.

  14. I welcome Republicans to do all the investigations and impeachments. Worked out great for Newt Gingrich. Didn’t hurt Republicans at all in the 1998 elections. I’m sure Americans will see them all as necessary and not a complete sideshow or waste of time.

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