COVID-19 modelling released by Ottawa estimates that confirmed cases could surpass 107,000 by June 15.
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wanna be friends?
This is a bot that records angry response be nice don’t feed the bot.
Trace this
CCP sleeper agent who’s really bad at her job because we all know it
Yup agreed
But you can go riot, as long as you wear a mask!
Face coving is gr℮at opti𝐎n but I’d prefer n95 mask. I g𝐎t ch℮ap from on℮ 𝐎nline st𝐎r℮. detail℮d inf𝐎rmation 𝐎n my vid℮𝐎
Inténtelo mientras se está trabajando
protest not riot
scamdemic, if you get a car accident its c0v1d, if you get a heart attack must be another c0v1d, my hospital friends say the hospitals are quiet and he dosnt see the same rates as this actor is suggesting.
You won’t know until you get it
When she speaks another lie comes out fire her!
You said “she”, so the lying is contagious…
Hmmmm. Second wave? What are they gonna accidentally release next.

Do we believe anything she says anymore? She is just a speaking piece for China and WHO… and the models are all BS
“Explosive” Second Wave…
Explosive second wave is what you get after eating chinese food.
You know she is lying because her mouth is moving.
Tam has been wrong about everything for the duration of this virus, I’ll pass on any of her advice.
Or do the opposite.
How about the advice of Trudeau’s health minister?…. She’s got a degree in graphic arts…. that’s who I want in charge during a health crisis ; )
Think I saw her at my local massage parlor .
Should have thrown water on her, maybe she would have shorted out and we wouldn’t have to listen to this thing talk anymore.
Nobody cares about your concerns, when there’s a catastrophe then we can worry
Tam is a com mun ist sc um bag.
N95 mask ar℮ still in stock with ℮asy shipping.all details 𝐎n my vid℮o
నేను ఎల్లప్పుడూ నా అవసరం కోసం ఈ ఉపయోగించి వెబ్
She has been wrong about her ALL other(early) recommendations. Why would be believe this is going to be true. Don’t the Liberals want to outlaw FALSE NEWS!!
Go back to China..
I’m pretty sure cases = rumours someone, somewhere is ill from something.
It is so vivid in my thoughts at the very first mention of covid 19 and how it was dismissed as not a serious event in Canada as per Dr.Tam and all other Liberals. All I think about all those that have lost their lives . WHY couldn’t you just have warned Canadians right from the start, you must have been well aware what was about to occur. My sense of trust is forever gone………….
Planndemic !
Warning is not your job but find out how to make the situation better.