CNN's Clarissa Ward reports on the hurdles Americans and Afghans are facing trying to get to Kabul's airport as Taliban fighters attempt to block access with gunfire and violence. This is a reupload of a previous video that has been updated to correct an editing issue.
#ClarissaWard #CNN #News
Taliban fighters accost CNN reporter and crew

Hi .. thanks for checking out Clarissa’s reporting. This is a reupload of a previous video to update an editing issue.
dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
Go Kabul airport and ask USA troops why you have killed dozen of Afghans ?
Cnn is trash reporting, merely a political attack dog, 4 years worth of fake news can attest to that, you all deserve everything you get.
@Jamie Karlson We have special forces in Russia “Alpha” “Vityaz” “Pennant”, and different assault units, they would “extinguish” the Taliban “forever and ever”
“When you are strong, appear weak”.
– Sun Tzu
So sad to see many people suffering
Not “many”. Only the traitors minority
@Dank Frank Go Enlist
@hochmeisterr right after you
@hochmeisterr I feel sorry for the enlisted that have this Commander In Chief. Yeah, enlist so biden can command you to kill Republicans, your fellow Americans. They are already comparing Republicans to taliban on CNN and Colbert. Biden already said the biggest threat is from “white supremacists”. Who is a white supremacist you might ask? Well to biden and dems it’s everyone who didn’t vote for him.
According to Joe Biden the Taliban are just an idea and all the trouble is caused by white supremacists. Fact!
Meet the New Taliban, same as the Old Taliban. Except now they have Humvees and Wi Fi.
Lol they’re gonna learn fast to hate Humvees as much as we do. Their Toyotas are way more reliable.
!!!WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT! The Taliban BEHEADED an ebay seller in GERMANY for selling a painting of DONALD TRUMP!!!
Yea thanks to America they had to know this from beginning what is our objective to bring democracy to an Islamic country
that’s not gonna happen they will literally die and thats the reason it doesn’t work they made the Russian Army leave its not for country its deeper they don’t care about dying ….me I don’t want to die unless it’s for my family for them its different
We always leave stuff behind.
@Jerri Arriola Exactly!!! I talked to someone who’s daughter is on an air base in Alabama and she said the troops told her that the equipment is old and the Taliban won’t know how to repair them Also the wind storms would corrode the parts and they won’t be able to get replacements. Her husband is active military. You are correct Trump did brag about getting the equipment out. They are also wiping the website of anything having to do with the deal he made with the Taliban.
The taliban are embarrassed at how many people want to leave Afghanistan and not be ruled by them
@Privacy Matters guns are amoral. You give people guns, then it’s “might makes right.”
@Zain Zoala who cut their hands off for having a dream?
@Zain Zoala Biden is going to build back better think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Democrats community to our society. I love driving down there streets and seeing the American flag waving so proudly in every yard. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighborhoods family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. You can witness this by their strict adherence to our local and Federal laws. Their commitment to academic excellence en-riches our schools and services as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as people. Just watching their Special kind of Science change our society is simply amazing. I mean,who ever thought there are 187 Genders? Real estate values are fueled by the mix of Democrat Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of all they have achieve through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creativity drive, we would undoubtedly be poorer as a nation.
Well,except for the Mass Shootings,The Racist, Lawless,Violence, Junkies. Self Entitled, Christian Hating, Antifa, Loving, Police Hating, Pedophile Loving, Hating, Abortion Loving, And Go woke Go Broke, Biden killing jobs, Biden High inflation, Biden open boarder, Biden covid, Biden Afghanistan, Biden administration is
@Sadat Khan thats what the Germans said about hitler
she and they are crazy. that is dedication to the job
You really think this is legit?
It’s time to the Crew to pack up and leave Too danger to have a women Reporter, reporting about the current Afghanistan situation, and preach about Feminism near armed Taliban. Not only putting her in danger but all crew. Must be that Pulitzer Award motivation.
@Edwin Minteynow it’s not “dedication to a job”…pure risk stupidity. A male Reporter, that could understand the language, you’d be less risky.
And the left say usa is oppressive
@Greta Dumberg You should join the Taliban, they are hiring.
Some people need help there and need to be heard by the whole world. Pulitzer does not matter now
!!!WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT! The Taliban BEHEADED an ebay seller in GERMANY for selling a painting of DONALD TRUMP!!!
“It was a mostly peaceful accosting”
Edit: guys please don’t fight with each other. I’m just making fun of CNN, why get insulted over that? You think CNN cares about you? “C’mon man”
Why should CNN care for them? My tax money is for my Nation & my Troops not for Afghanistan.
!!!WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT! The Taliban BEHEADED an ebay seller in GERMANY for selling a painting of DONALD TRUMP!!!
@Baby Maus dude why? We don’t want to see this. We already know they’re f*cking insane
Taliban revenge killings started
U’m sure she’s got more balls than any repugs. Great job Clarrisa
Oh finally they decided to make the personal details of those men hazy…. In the previous video they faced backlash for that…. Such a mistake it was….
They finally though of covering the documents
Seriously journalist should now get out of Afghanistan so the UN can focus on the people, you’re pushing your luck too much.
My heart bleeds

for those that will eventually miss this evacuation opportunity
I am so heartbroken, that first man who talked to Clarrisa looked like he would cry his heart out
@Sweet Peas and Yarrow: A Ranch Diary – just curious, do you think the Taliban is gonna just let US troops overrun their country again without thinking that we’re invading it? If so, you trust the Taliban not to attack US troops over running their country? If not, you think these civilians won’t be collateral damage in another conflict?
He was a crisis actor.
!!!WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT! The Taliban BEHEADED an ebay seller in GERMANY for selling a painting of DONALD TRUMP!!!
Taliban revenge killings started
@R Torres he/she didn’t mean what you are thinking, all he/she meant is if we could just save those people in any way possible. And the collateral damage thing you are talking about, it’s better to just die than to die every day slowly. So we can’t really compare, women are going to be forcibly married, forced to live their lives with people they never loved, think about it! It’s painful! It’s not that easy!
This breaks my heart. And it shows what losers the Taliban are, they have to force their people to stay.
everyone should know that their (TALIBAN) ancestors were JEWS……………. heheheheheheheh. me b now u can unerstand.
@Amithab V not true, there were more than Americans involved in funding and support of Mujahideen. The Taliban is not directly related to the Mujahideen, they have fighters who were part of the Mujahideen.
@Akhbar Snackbar Take a look at the leadership of the Taliban of 1996 . Find a non mujahideen. 1.Hibatullah Akhundzada( figure head and most probably the next supreme leader)
3.Abdul Ghani Baradar(next president)
@Akhbar Snackbar the core leadership and most of the fighters came from mujahideen backed by the isi.
They’re mostly peaceful Taliban, just like BLM and Antifa. Fact!
It’s heartbreaking. You can see while they’re showing her their papers, they’re on the verge of crying cause they’re so hopeless. This is tragic. May God bless them.
If there was a God this wouldn’t happen
@Jacob Reeves …Like you care
@Jacob Reeves How so? This is the free choice of these men to commit these crimes. They chose not to love God and follow Him so they do this now. When you give someone the opportunity to love you that also opens up the possibility for them to NOT love you. And they chose to NOT love God and therefore they do evil.
@Jacob Reeves watch Abby Martin channel Afghanistan dark files death squad and watch what is winning looks like a documentary on vice news
@TooToxicsay that to the children dying of cancer. Or to the people starving. Or the people who have no drinking water. It’s easy to believe in God when you live in America. Cuz you got it good. Either god is all powerful, but not all good. Or he is all good but not all powerful. The amount of suffering on earth is so immense. In the end, the abrahamic God isn’t real. If there was a deity that put the cosmos into motion, he has long forgotten us. Or just doesn’t care.
Native Afghans fleeing for their lives, American woman walks around casually lol.
@D Hill That is a standard trope of the right going back forty years, I know your type.
@Len Black It’s pretty simple actually. Democrats kill babies. No other group supports killing babies as much as dems. If that is the trope than I agree with you.
She’s CIA
@Len Black Dems were the slave holders, the party that supported the kkk, the party who enacted jim crow and the party that voted against the Civil rights act of 1964. Once they lost that battle they kept blacks subjugated by passing the welfare laws that destroyed the black nuclear family. Is that the trope you’re talking about?
“When you are strong, appear weak”.
– Sun Tzu
That men trying to get out looked so sweet. This hurts my heart.
@J. P The ones that worked with us don’t hate us. Educate yourself.
@rockymountainreselleryeah that would fix everything!
@J. P dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
@E M. dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
@rockymountainreseller dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
That taliban was actually being responsible telling her to mask up per the cdc guidelines he probably didn’t want to catch the delta variant.
@Mun Strum dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
@Ovr Lord dems claim russia hack election while break glass 2017 inauguration, but i recall wesley clark 2007 said media jump on bandwagon to kill iraq to syria, history will remember bush with obama presidency all rigged to take out 7 countries just for migrant crisis EU
all that wasted taxes by pelosi and 300 house members could have been used to give all medicare
trumps original plan was gradual withdraw using remainder of 2020 to completely by may 2021, this includes move equip/troops/selected refugees but biden with certain mccain type rep put a halt using russia bounty smear, then they kick can down road to sept11 2021
@Laura D Which group of clowns do you think I belong too? Im just stating facts. Didn’t over dramatize anything.
@Laura D Truth hurts sometimes. It’s great to see that dems are sticking to their “all POC babies must die” narrative
@D Hill Nonsense! Trump and the Republican party was and still is responsible lying to the American people about Covid which ended up killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and the Republican governors are still trying to kill more what an IDIOT!
Clarissa Ward, you’re endangering the people who are asking to help them escape. They’re even showing you their documents in front of the Taliban soldiers. Be more responsible.
The whole crew need to pack it up.. this is not worth dying for
“This is not worth dying for” said not one journalist trying for a Pulitzer prize, ever.
CNN are good friends with Taliban. They’re in no danger.
We’ll see what happens to the Taliban. That definition is actually “Students” But none of them are filled with the Holy Spirit. So we’ll see what they’re made of.
“When you are strong, appear weak”.
– Sun Tzu