Angel's twin sister used their grandmother as a decoy in an epic homecoming surprise. RELATED » Movie night has secret plot twist for little […]
Tag: soldier coming home
Golden retriever flips out when Marine comes home | Militarykind
"Oh my gosh she's back!" Golden Retriever goes wild when he realizes Marine mom is home. RELATED VIDEO » 7 times military members surprised […]
Planned trip to the movies has a plot twist | Militarykind
Tyler thought he was going to the movies with his dad. Turns out his Marine brother had other plans. RELATED VIDEO » Air Force […]
Air Force dad goes undercover to surprise sons | Militarykind
These boys thought the pizza delivery driver was a total stranger…until he took off his mask. RELATED: Our sneakiest homecoming ocmpilation: When U.S. Air […]
Marine makes bride cry on her wedding day | Militarykind
Most brides dream of a fairytale wedding day. For Sarah, having her Marine brother home for 1 special night was all the magic she needed. […]
Continue readingDogs and kids stay awake for homecoming | Militarykind
Who can sleep when Dad is finally home after an extra long deployment? RELATED: Military homecomings aren't just for humans: After a six-month deployment turned […]
Continue readingSoldier sneaks up on football player son | Humankind
Tereis thought it was weird when his coach told him to stand on the field during a time out. Then he turned around… RELATED […]
Air Force mom reunites with kids for “date night” | Militarykind
Announcer can't get through this military mom's homecoming surprise without crying RELATED: Soldier brings the surprises to school cafeteria: Tech Sgt. Ladonna Gardner flew […]
Marine dad gives family the best wake-up call ever | Militarykind
Only one person can get this sleepy teen out of bed. RELATED: Dad tricks daughter at airport: After an extended deployment, U.S. Marine GySgt. […]