Jennavesia melted into her mom's arms when she was surprised with two new furry, cuddly best friends. RELATED » Rapper quits music to start […]
Tag: mother and daughter
Soldier follows in Army mom’s footsteps | Militarykind
Angela saw her soldier mom in a whole new way. That couldn't happen until she became a soldier herself. RELATED » Airman strives to […]
Soldier’s mom tops all-time happy reaction list | Militarykind
The scream this mom makes after seeing her soldier daughter says it all. Spc. Vonqueasha Scott hasn't been able to see her mom in close […]
Continue readingSoldier honors her mom’s dying wish | Militarykind
Soldiers take an oath to selfless service but when Sgt. Megan Freed's mom needed her, she answered the call and stood by her side battling […]
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