This airman mom's surprise homecoming was almost ruined by her eagle-eyed niece. RELATED » Mom surprises kids at date night: In the last three […]
Tag: mom surprises family
Air Force mom reunites with kids for “date night” | Militarykind
Announcer can't get through this military mom's homecoming surprise without crying RELATED: Soldier brings the surprises to school cafeteria: Tech Sgt. Ladonna Gardner flew […]
The surprises don’t stop in this military homecoming | Militarykind
She was so focused on surprising her daughter, she had no idea she was in for a surprise of her own. RELATED: Soldier sneaks […]
Army mom hugs kids for the first time in eight months | Militarykind
The army mom has a huge surprise in store for her daughter, son and nephew
Deployed mom surprises family at Harlem Globetrotters […]