Once this USPS delivery driver learns he is on a doorbell camera, he can't help but show off the dance moves. RELATED: Young baseball catcher […]
Continue readingTag: mailman
UPS driver drives up to parade in his honor | Humankind
Anthony's driven this delivery route for five years. It's never looked like this before. RELATED » Neighbors crowd street for UPS driver: UPS driver […]
Couple sets out snacks out to thank delivery drivers | Humankind
These care packages were made with love for wedding guests. Instead, they're being given with gratitude to strangers. RELATED » Neighbors crowd street to […]
Neighbors crowd the street to thank UPS driver | Humankind
This beloved UPS driver is more than a delivery man, he is part of the neighborhood. RELATED: USPS mailman gifted vacation by neighborhood: UPS […]