A grandma in Texas gave her grandson the best surprise ever when she showed up for lunch at school. RELATED: Minnesota students, teacher raise money […]
Continue readingTag: feel good news
Hundreds of widows receive Valentine’s Day flowers from local florist | USA TODAY
Ashley Manning, founder of the Valentine’s Day Widow Outreach Project, delivered arrangements to 400 widows in 2021. This year's goal is 800. RELATED: Cardi B […]
Continue readingGood Samaritans remove plastic candy bucket stuck to deer’s head for weeks | USA TODAY #Shorts
A group of volunteers in Michigan trapped a deer with a net before successfully removing a plastic bucket that had been stuck to its head […]
Continue readingHeartwarming moment family finds young diver lost at sea in Florida | USA TODAY #Shorts
A family in Florida hopped in their boat when they realized 22-year-old Dylan Gartenmayer was missing at sea after being caught in a current. RELATED: […]
Continue readingPrincipal causes mischief while dressed as ‘Elf on the Shelf’ | USA TODAY #Shorts
An elementary school principal at Southwestern Elementary School in Shelby County, Indiana got into the holiday spirit by dressing as the "Elf on the Shelf." […]
Continue readingKentucky coach Calipari tweets pic of coal miner, son at Wildcats game | USA TODAY #Shorts
Micheal McGuire drove from his coal mining job to the Kentucky scrimmage to take his 3-year-old son to his first basketball game. RELATED: UK's Calipari […]
Continue readingBlack Labrador scared of black cat Halloween decorations | USA TODAY #Shorts
Maverick, a black Labrador, froze in his tracks when he found out he was surrounded by black cat Halloween decorations. RELATED: ‘Elmer the porcupine’ is […]
Continue readingDad loses it when his daughter kicks cancer | Humankind
This grown man jumping for joy is the most wholesome thing you’ll see today. RELATED » Sneaky boyfriend turns surprise party into surprise proposal: […]
Online class tricks teacher for wholesome reason | Humankind
"I log into Zoom, and I see no faces." These students plan a sweet surprise for their beloved math teacher. RELATED » Couples set […]