Dan TDM is one of the world's most popular YouTube stars thanks to his Minecraft videos. Swipe's Chris Creegan caught up with him to see what it's like having more than 15 million subscribers.
A special glove that mimics the sense of touch could be used in VR gaming. Gemma Morris tries it out.
And Luke Karmali gives his take on some of the latest games, including Battlefield 1, Dragon Quest Builders and Civilization VI.
Watch Swipe this weekend on Sky News on Friday at 9.35pm; Saturday at 10.30am, 2.30pm and 4.30pm and Sunday at 2.30pm and 4.30pm.
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AjPlayzMc_x / Minecraft And More! DanTDM sucks
Oh Ok
I saw dan on the news yesterday at school
I love how dantdm has infinity more viewers than the irrelevant skynews