Swan: Krebs Thinks Trump’s Attempts To Undermine Our Election Are ‘A Crisis’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Axios national political reporter Jonathan Swan discusses his interview with former cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs where Krebs emphasized the need to protect our democracy from threats both foreign and domestic, which includes our own president. Aired on 12/8/2020.
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#JonathanSwan #Election #MSNBC

Swan: Krebs Thinks Trump’s Attempts To Undermine Our Election Are ‘A Crisis’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Swan: Krebs Thinks Trump’s Attempts To Undermine Our Election Are ‘A Crisis’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” — Joe Biden

    2. Biden got 10 million more votes than Obama?? Seriously i think not. Trump got 10 million more votes than 2016 and still lost?? Seriously?? Trump had more popular votes for any sitting President and still lost?? Seriously?
      Trump received 26% of minority votes the highest for any Republican candidate and still lost?? Seriously??
      Trump won 94% Primary votes highest from incumbents No incumbent has lost winning over 75%.
      Trump won all but one Bellwether Counties but one by 3 points and still lost.
      It is theoretically impossible for all of this except fraud on a grand scale.

    3. We demand a three year 60 million dollar Biden crime family syndicate. For their corruption in Ukraine, China, and Russia to name a few.
      Tax evasion, fraud, treason.

    4. Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.

    1. Lol oh my god it’s funny cuz if I didn’t laugh id cry …. Or at least become part of the devicive “them vs. Us” mentality that we’re all gonna have to abstain from

    2. They’ll forget about all this nonsense the next time the monster trucks or tractor pulls come to their one horse town.

    1. Yep he’s only partially raised the 340 million Trump owes foreign countries and foreign banks. His base has donated to his fake election fight fund and he’s got about 250 million. No doubt some donated their stimulus payment

    1. Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.

  1. M. McConnell needs to go and repent for keeping money,s from the American people, we the people need a check to survive.

    1. The people in Kentucky are so uneducated and dumb down that they would rather stay hungry than vote out this cancer

  2. Not a crisis treason!!! He’s brainwashing Americans and creating an extremist party and calling for domestic terrorism

    1. Trump supporters are the true definition of low self-esteem, naive, gullible, suckers and losers!
      Trump keep taking advantage of them financially! It’s so sad.

    1. Biden got 10 million more votes than Obama?? Seriously i think not. Trump got 10 million more votes than 2016 and still lost?? Seriously?? Trump had more popular votes for any sitting President and still lost?? Seriously?
      Trump received 26% of minority votes the highest for any Republican candidate and still lost?? Seriously??
      Trump won 94% Primary votes highest from incumbents No incumbent has lost winning over 75%.
      Trump won all but one Bellwether Counties but one by 3 points and still lost.
      It is theoretically impossible for all of this except fraud on a grand scale.

    2. “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” — Joe Biden

    3. MSDNC is fake news the enemy of the people. State run propaganda tabloid cherrypicked fascist provocatures.

    1. Biden got 10 million more votes than Obama?? Seriously i think not. Trump got 10 million more votes than 2016 and still lost?? Seriously?? Trump had more popular votes for any sitting President and still lost?? Seriously?
      Trump received 26% of minority votes the highest for any Republican candidate and still lost?? Seriously??
      Trump won 94% Primary votes highest from incumbents No incumbent has lost winning over 75%.
      Trump won all but one Bellwether Counties but one by 3 points and still lost.
      It is theoretically impossible for all of this except fraud on a grand scale.

    2. “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” — Joe Biden

    3. MSDNC is fake news the enemy of the people. State run propaganda tabloid cherrypicked fascist provocatures.

    1. Funny how people are so blind and brainwashed that they believe Joe Biden got 80 million votes but only had 1000 people view his Thanksgiving speech. Everything the Democrats are saying about the Republicans is what they are doing.
      This was eye opening and scarey…

      Watch “RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)” on YouTube

      Watch “Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.” on YouTube

    2. @jb pb
      You are brainwashed by conspiracy theories. If it sounds hard to believe it’s not true. It’s a lie.

    3. @jb pb What is REALLY Funny is how willing you orange koolaid drinking lemmings are, to PROVE positively what complete morons you are ! Even when you KNOW you are being conned.. swindled out of your money by a career criminal .. When you KNOW tRump lies !! All the time !! He lies because HE knows you are all so STUPID you will believe ANYTHING he says … STILL … you refuse to wake the F up … What it seems ALL of you lack is the “wait just a damned minute” gene .. Never stopping to question.. does this make sense.. Are these the REAL Facts? NO.. you just follow along like insipid, vapid, intellectually challenged idiots !! Do you never look at how foolish you all sound when you cheer and applaud for anything trump says.. My gawd.. he says cucumbers and the crowd goes wild.. HE IS MAKING A LAUGHING STOCK OF ALL OF YOU, while bilking you out of your hard earned money ! Question: Why does a billionaire need to take money from everyday people ??? If you pulled your head out of tRump’s A$$ for 5 minutes and let some fresh clean oxygen into your starved tiny brain cells and actually looked at REAL facts .. you just might have a chance. Based on what I have seen there is slim to no chance of that happening.

    1. Maybe, but they don’t believe it. They are part of the a fascist wannabe regime. They won’t go away and are fearful of anything anti fascist. Says a lot about Trumps cult.

    2. @Jewel l First, let’s clarify who ‘they ‘are. Do you mean Trump supporters?
      Fascist wannabe regime? WTF does that mean?
      “Fascism is a right-wing form of government in which most of the country’s power is held by one ruler. Under fascism, the economy and other parts of society are heavily and closely controlled by the government, usually by using a form of authoritarian corporatism.

      They are fearful. That’s something we can agree on. Thank the 35 year effort by the GOP to convince Americans that big government is bad. It follows that anyone working for government is bad. What do we get? The venal Rat

  3. What Trump is doing is the dictionary definition of a coup. The entire GOP must be held accountable for this criminal act.

    1. Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.

    2. @mark bodman you need a hobby or maybe take some critical thinking courses online. In the mean time here’s a link for ya! Loser.com

    1. “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” — Joe Biden

    2. Biden got 10 million more votes than Obama?? Seriously i think not. Trump got 10 million more votes than 2016 and still lost?? Seriously?? Trump had more popular votes for any sitting President and still lost?? Seriously?
      Trump received 26% of minority votes the highest for any Republican candidate and still lost?? Seriously??
      Trump won 94% Primary votes highest from incumbents No incumbent has lost winning over 75%.
      Trump won all but one Bellwether Counties but one by 3 points and still lost.
      It is theoretically impossible for all of this except fraud on a grand scale.

    3. We demand a three year 60 million dollar Biden crime family syndicate. For their corruption in Ukraine, China, and Russia to name a few.
      Tax evasion, fraud, treason.

    4. Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.

  4. He thinks trump’s undermining? That’s exactly what he’s doing, hello! Just like he’s constantly done for the last 4 years!!

  5. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I can’t stop smiling. Blow up in the Orange ones face. SCOTUS shut it down.

  6. An eyeopener was when the GOP refused to remove tRump from office after he was impeached. The republicans are corrupt enablers.

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