Why didn't the democrats proceed with witnesses during Donald Trump's impeachment trial? Representative Eric Swalwell joins Katy Tur with more. Aired on 02/15/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#EricSwalwell #Trump #MSNBC
Swalwell: We Could Have Had A Confession Signed by Trump, That Wasn’t Going To Change Their Minds
Signed in crayon.
Yup! But you still did a good job and if Trump’s wife, Lindsey wasn’t trying so hard to keep her husband in power, there may well have been some other repuglicans that would’ve voted to convict!
@Rod for one that is very old news, another she was NOT his girlfriend
@New Blue 2 I think there’ll be a few of the main repubilcans implicated in the planning and instigation of the failed coup attempt on the Capitol. All in good time
some might cave and talk.
@Rod How’s tRump’s not so secret ” secret Chinese bank account ” bank account doing ?
Or Ivanka’s numerous Chinese trademark deals ?
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
Trump is laughing at all of us especially the media! He got away with something No other American President would of never gotten away with especially Obama!
Talking about privilege!!
@Jill Nobody cares. What a stupid case of whataboutism! It was Trump on trial, not Biden.
@angela bluebird60 Well he got acquitted on this case. So he did get away with this.
@Melanie S. awwwww Mels does not like to hear the truth. You DEFINITELY are a nutjob. Sputter away you crying hen.
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
Of course Trump is going to spend time in court
most likely wont even has to show , but look how he spins us
The only thing that makes me Soooo happy, is that, he can’t call a press conference to make people listen to his lies. He is an EVIL lil orange beast. I’m so tired of hearing him and seeing him. Go away already dude.

He’ll spend time in court and thanks to the gullibility of the average Joe, Trump will use that as a platform to enhance his fundraising. I’d never thought such a man, as Trump, whom many think is dumb, could out fox millions–including Democratic lawmakers.
@Cat Man 1 can learn a lot from a dummy …..M A G A ; My A$$ Got Arrested
It wasn’t Trump that was on trial it was the Republican party so no wonder they found themselves innocent.
When people are asked to judge themselves they tend to acquit and not convict themselves it is called nemo judes i.e. no one should be asked to judge his own case . The impeahment was legally flawed sham. The outcome was known. I called it wasted effort and time
Nemo judex in causa sua (or nemo judex in sua causa) is a Latin phrase that means, literally, “no-one is judge in his own cause.” It is a principle of natural justice that no person can judge a case in which they have an interest. In many jurisdictions the rule is very strictly applied to any appearance of a possible bias, even if there is actually none: “Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemo_iudex_in_causa_sua
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
@T. R. Campbell
Is this a joke? The Puppet hasn’t accomplished anything in 47 years except stealing an Election. He’s the Dictator you all swore Trump would be and he’s all about America Last. It wasn’t too long ago WE all remember this phrase “Not My President”. It’s gaining momentum even from his 35-40 million voters. The mail-in, dead, harvested ballots don’t trend very well. THIS will make “His Fraudulency” the Worst President Ever & he won’t need our help to fulfill that Campaign promise.
Swalwell is right ! It would NOT matter how much evidence, testimony, video of the event.. trump’s, tweets, rallies.. IT did not matter.. The republican senators who voted to acquit are pure vile garbage !
@JJ Strumr yours is doing REAL GOOD

This tells me that the Republican Senators wanted the Capitol insurrection to succeed. When they voted to acquit Trump, they also acquitted themselves.
@Rod Shhh. That makes them clench thier eyes closed and run in circles with their ears plugged squeeling ‘debunked debunked’
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
I hope they get more and more evidence on trump and get him indited on everything hes done,get those secret putin phone calls and see just what putin has on trump
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
@Mark the thing is that its trump who tried to overthrow democracy with lies and cheating and finally insurectuon,and just because he wanted to be a despot,i fail to see how people can support or shield him from all the things hes done,but then,the germans did with hitler so not much different
@Linda Lovatt Trumps attorneys proved that Trump did nothing more than the Ducking Femocrats have been doing for years.
@Linda Lovatt President Trump Jan 6th rally said and i quote. ” March PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY to the Capitol and let your VOICES be heard”
Of course the Demokkkrats tried to edit it out but that only helped Trump.
The House Managers were fantastic. They proved their case beyond a shadow of a doubt. There was nothing more that they could have done to get the 67 guilty votes. The Republican senators were not going to be swayed. They had already made up their minds to acquit Trump. We the people got a full picture of what happened, why it happened and who made it happen. I am very impressed and proud of the House Managers.
Yes, the House Managers were indeed fantastic, especially Jamie Raskin. I’ve never heard such a brilliant presentation. He should go far. Raskin for president in the future. He has brains and heart. I feel like my brain has been rotting under the incredible stupidity and constant lying of Trump et al. Our leaders should be better and smarter than the masses of people. That’s why they’re leaders. You can’t have leaders who are stupider. It leads to disgrace and catastrophe.
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
The trial was “rigged”…
So much for impartiality!?! What a disgrace the Retrumplican party is!!
@R L T Really dude! That’s the best you got? You definitely were one of the idiots
at the capitol who probably wants a pardon from your orange buffoon ex president lmao
I don’t know it didn’t seem like there was a good case made against Trump. Their argument was that Trump was directly responsible for the riot, even though they showed no proof of him actually being involved in rioting or told anyone to riot. He said the opposite as Trumps lawyers pointed out. And they did the obvious thing by showing how all these other political leaders encouraged protests that turned into riots.
@M TM If you go rob a bank with your buddies but just drove the getaway car doesn’t mean you’re any less guilty of the crime. Trump riled up those weak minded morally bankrupt people into a frenzy and released them on the capitol then when went back and watched Rome burn on t.v. but not matter what evidence that was provided the Retrumplican party was going to acquit the orange buffoon from the outset! Sad and unpatriotic.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
@Mark Lol the decrepit GOP crooks are done! But sure, good luck with that
#Trump4Prison2021 #Trump4Prison2021
He was going to always be acquitted, no surprise. Still doesn’t change the fact that he’s guilty, others are complicit and the whole world knows it.
Republicans said go ahead and let the game of killing start. First to shoot will get to lives. Hate your neighbors it’s your right to kills them. Hate anyone it’s your right to kills them.
Republicans kills officer Brian Sicknick.
Trump was just the tools for Republicans. Trump got used.
So you speak for the world now?? Typical leftist.
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
@Happy Dance ahhhh. NYT just retracted their story on Officer Sicknicks death. Wasn’t a blow to the head as reported. And he died on the 7th.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
The impeachments show that you cannot polish a turd and most Republicans still appear very porcine even after the lipstick is applied.
Beautifully stated. sir!
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
Even if uncle Donald had no defense team, most GOP senators would still have voted for acquittal.
comedians…lol. I think uncle Rudolf was better after his show at “the Four Landscape MOTEL”
Those Republican Senators are the only Truth we have left!
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
@The Truth *McConnell said Trump was guilty and should be held to trial in criminal court. Do keep up*
@S Miller mcconnell and the rest of GOP stablishment rinos are done. Its Trump party now. Mcconnell is also an enemy. He can join the democrats
These Republicans stone walled the trial. They made a political decision. His defense were a joke similar to Trump’s lies and twist.
@Mark not at all. Trump was impeached twice while he held the office of president. Please explain why you think you have a case against Obama? Everyone still remembers the Tea Party lynching and burning him in effigy. But GOP will never admit Obama did more for them than Trump. Trump who added to deficit by benefitting from office and outspending Obama’s 2-term vacation allotment. The tax cut for the wealthy aided the select few. Trump never produced a better Republican health care plan, never brought jobs back, and in fact misled on the pandemic resulting in collapsed economy and increasing death toll. But he’s a *stable genius*
What has Biden done that is impeachable?
Where you gonna hide when it hits the fan ?
@S Miller Once as President and once as a citizen. Impeachment is a two step process. House did not send articles of impeachment to the Senate untill Trump was out of office.
@S Miller Obama administration added 8 trillion to our national debt. With no pandemic.
@S Miller Biden crime family syndicate with crack head sons corruption in Ukraine, China and Russia. And Joe knew all about it.
@joan hesnan Well said, Grandma Joan

But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
Stephene McNeil why have faith in the people? Republicans permitted Trump and his nonsense. Instead of voting it out at any stage, the people voted for Republicans in 2020. Talk about missed opportunity. Trump feels emboldened because nothing seems to touch him. He has a charmed life, it seems, for the most part. He doesn’t seem to pay his debts and yet, not jailed. What’s the difference between Trump & Manson? Perceived wealth and pedigree.
@Brian Holmes Well? What’s the answer ? Genius!
@S Miller Say his name….
Teflon Don
In the end, MSM wants to blame everything on the Dems, but runs and whine to us to clean up the mess. Jan 6 and the resulting events were NOT Dems fault
Nobody in the MSM or anywhere said it was. What we do say is that as usual, the Dems are WAY TOO SOFT on the GOP. AGAIN! WTF do you get such warped info from?
Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
When politics are to political to carry out justice.
Big facts
When politics are too political to carry out justice.
“the fix was in”
No one was going to change their minds. The GOP has decided we do not need a democracy. I am sick of the Republicans crap and I sure will never ever vote for one the rest of my life.
Allot of my family WERE registered Republicans so you have allot of company my friend!
We must all remember that our brave soldiers fought wars to get rid of cancer that have infiltrated our Democracy. I can heard founding fathers crying

Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.
@Mark stop spamming each comment section!
When the criminals are responsible for voting if they are guilty, they will always acquit.
It was just more for my amusing entertainment to watch , although i never take sides on politics .
We need to get those traitors out of our halls of government. They are bringing us to a dark, dangerous place.
Specially Fidel Cruz and Lame Hawley
Perhaps Benedict Donald should go home to pootin

Wow turns out Democrats do not get to choose who Republicans vote for. Democrats are obviously so scared of Trump that they will once again lie, fabricate evidence, take speech out of context, and try and convict him for all the things they themselves do.
But on the bright side. If Republicans take the House in 2022 they can now impeach Biden with no investigation, no witnesses, and no evidence.
Then they can impeach Obama on two counts of accessory to murder. Ducking Femocrats set the precedent and opened a can of worms.