CNN's Erin Burnett talks with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and asks him, "What made you choose to get out of the race now?" #CNN #News
Swalwell: I want to let others have their shot

CNN's Erin Burnett talks with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and asks him, "What made you choose to get out of the race now?" #CNN #News
I think that he made a good Decision On dropping out the race for 2020. I Think That goes to all of the other candidates Who Have no Chance of winning. So candidate Make the right decision Please and thank You. I wish all Caindates good luck
Yeah, and now he gets to keep all the campaign money.
Must have made all the money he needed to make for something he wanted…
@family lowe Gargantuous luxury house(s) on the beach, multiple supercars, and a private yet. And all it took for him is some virtue signalling. Best investment
Yeah and your people, the jihad sharia muslims have always been allies with fascists and communists. So y’all fit in nicely with the socialist dEmOnRaT party.
You type like Trump: Capitalizing every other word.
@John Balnis Yeah, maybe so.
In other words, i can’t win so i quit
He was always going to drop out he just had to fill a spot so someone else from the domocrates who might of given a damn about the constitution could not get on the debate stage in the election. We will see who the elites have chosen to run against trump in 2020 by who the fake news push for president.
Well that really shortened the pack… what is it now? 250?
@Marcus , Yep, I really care about a Eurotard, elitist and all his EU Socialists clap trap. Childish retort there Marcus.
@Keith C ask your doctor if suicide is right for you
@Keith C and stop liking your own comments
It’s pathetic
@Dave Schultz How stupid are you….
Keith C trump 2020
Darn! I was gonna vote for him but the Russians told me no.Its a good thing I listened
LOL what an idiot you are then
WOW who saw this one coming?!?! CRAZY
Ummm, everyone?
Lmao, he was the only one that thought he had a chance. The guy was a trainwreck from the word go.
Turns out they had one Swallower too many. He can come back in drag though. They can’t get enough of those.
This sums up Swalwell perfectly:
@Dave Schultz LMFAO
You never had your car.
A drown roach had a better chance of becoming president
If he wants democrats votes, he should dress up like a woman…
This guy is total tool.
Im sure joe biden will pick up all of swallowell’s 0.1% of the vote
That’s being too generous.
CNN..lower ratings then cartoons lol
O9r Geronimo pound patrol is more realistic.
SwallowWell campaigned far too long on ” Russian Collusion ” he then switched to ” Gun Control ” and ” Climate Change “. If he would have said one word about our economy he might still be in the fray.
Lol, he wants others to have a shot? He never had one to begin with. Actually none of the remaining Clowns do either.
None of those Democrats can touch President Godzilla.
Let others have a chance? Lmao!! You didn’t have a chance to begin with.
Yeah, they’ll really benefit picking up your 2 supporters.
Turns out they had one Swallower too many. He can come back in drag though. They can’t get enough of those.
Turns out they had one Swallower too many. He can come back in drag though. They can’t get enough of those.
Like he was holding the other Democrats back…polling at 0%
Former Swalwell supporters we got you, hop on
next stop 2020 stand clear of the closing doors