Suspicious Deaths in Mississippi Being Investigated As Possible Lynchings

Although the last officially recorded lynching in the U.S. took place 40 years ago, at least 8 deaths in Mississippi are now being looked at as possible lynchings of Black men and teenagers.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Suspicious Deaths in Mississippi Being Investigated As Possible Lynchings

Suspicious Deaths in Mississippi Being Investigated As Possible Lynchings


    1. @Hong King your right, Republicans held far left ideologies during reconstruction. Deomocrats proto-fascism and far right ideologies. Since the civil rights act under the Democratic President LBJ, the right wing ideologies have been under the Republican banner as the left wing ideologies under the Democratic.

    2. @Hong King Yes it was, those post-reconstruction laws were under the Democratic Party, but guess what? That was 120 years ago and things have changed. Is that too much to comprehend for you?

    3. @Ean Stroodle Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory.Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    4. @Ean Stroodle Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South’s popular vote against Democrat Al Smith. Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory.Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    5. @Hong King yes, because there were both Conservatives in the Republican Party, Conservatives in the Democratic Party. Progressives in the Democratic Party and Progressives in the Republican Party. It was not a simple switcharoo. It was a process that occurred after WWI and ended after the Democratic Party under President Lyndon B Johnson passed the Civil Rights Acts. Nixon really just took advantage of the circumstances in the South. It was nothing to do with him. So I am AGREEING with you that the “Southern Strategy” theory is BS. But in the end Lynching transcends Party. I agree that Democratic politicians Pre-70s (and some post) probably halted anti-lynching legislation. I’m simply saying that it is more complicated than how you were presenting it. The Democratic Party has a dark history for sure. The modern Republican Party has a conservative agenda and that is indisputable. The Democratic Party has an agenda farther left of the Republicans.

  1. like back then, it’s ALWAYS law enforcement doing the murders with help from governors, mayors, politicians and in the end covered up by government.

    1. @Ayn Rand – Did you not take a history class in middle school? It’s well documented that lynchings of Black people by racist terrorists has been going on for centuries in this country. So of course people would assume a lynching has occurred if a Black person is found hanging from a tree.

    2. @TaxtheRich Socialist Consider yourself lucky you won’t be learning about that anymore thanks to the Republican party

    3. @Ayn Rand looks like a ton of “evidence” in THIS video alone Why don’t YOU look it up yourself instead of demanding others do it for you? This has been very widely reported for years! YOU may choose NOT to listen or take notice of it That doesn’t mean it’s not happening! As I said look it up for yourself it’s ALL there in black&white!

    4. @blyt50 – LOL!!! You mean the republikkklan party that is the minority in the House, the Senate and whose overweight orange clown was fired from the White House? And those white supremacy dinosaurs think they can block kids from learning the true history of this country in the internet age? LOL!!!

    1. @Brian Jones History of committing crimes against POC? I don’t think your old enough to have an opinion on a subject with this much weight. Get back to your XBox and leave the big talk to adults! And tell your parents to snatch that traitor hat off your head!

    2. @Brian Jones for the evidence listed in the video if you actually listened to the thing you consistently comment on in threads just to whitewash blame to everyone else

    3. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    4. @Hong King Ok “Hong King”, anyone that does know history knows that the parties switched ideology after Johnson signed the voters right act. If your going to accuse someone of not knowing history, you might want to….know your history?

  2. The reason hangings aren’t usually solved is bc its cops doing the hanging or they are complicit in the hangings like covering up the crime.

    1. @Brian Jones you remind me of one of my favorite movies Kung Pow – “we purposely trained him wrong, as a joke”.

      You’re the joke. So stupid that you aren’t even to discern complete and utter bs that my toddler would be able to second guess.

    2. @Ayn Rand I have empirical evidence that “the right to keep and bear Arms” never existed. Its extremely rich history is documented by at least 1000 source period letters. Benjamin Franklin was its origianal Creator. It was written in the form of literal algebraic equation. “the right to keep and bear Arms” was just a sales pitch that was easily sold to the ignorance of 18th century society.. especially the slave owners. You are about to be taught how to read a sentence. A very thick book is coming. You may or may not be smart enough to understand this but time will tell. Benjamin Franklin outsmarted all of 18th century. Not that difficult. He had help in this. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison along with at least 20 others. They were authoring these letters.

      “History may distort truth, and will distort it for a time, by the superior efforts at justification of those who are conscious of needing it most. Nor will the opening scenes of our present government be seen in their true aspect, until the letters of the day, now held in private hoards, shall be broken up and laid open to public view. What a treasure will be found in General Washington’s cabinet, when it shall pass into the hands of as candid a friend to truth as he was himself!”

      [Thomas Jefferson, To Justice William Johnson, June 12, 1823, Letter Founders Online MHI: Adams Paper]

    3. Something tells me that an investigation into the online activities of some of the responding “police officers” could be very enlightening. I wonder greatly what organizations some of them might be found to be members of or supporters of, etc.

    4. @FreshLobster theres a case going on now were a black man was about to be lynched and the prosecution ask him to forgive the white men. He refused so now there charging him for fighting the attackers off. This was a few weeks ago

  3. The South stopped lynching people the same way it tried to stop having Covid cases- by just not counting them any more.

    1. @Brad Randolph Accusing a whole group of people of racism is not talking about it. Labeling people though is racism. Do you even understand what a racist is and the act of it is. You democrats sure do practice allot of race baiting, accusing the other side of it, yet blatantly doing it yourselves. Crt is also racist, you obviously do not know what racism is.

    2. @F Bordewijk Many successful people follow her ideas. She was far smarter and more brave than you ever will be.

  4. I know someone that found a man hanging in a tree in Hidalgo County Texas, suspected illegal and I saw nothing on the news 😭

    1. This shows the conspiracy of the incident , if the races were different the media would have plastered it all over the news .

    2. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

  5. I am surprised. I did not know this was still going on. How sickening! What is wrong with people in this country?

    1. People wants to cancel history in schools because it makes them feel ashamed, yet still creating the same history.

    2. ✨This has always been going on – it’s just that the racist press and cops choose not to report it because they redeem it as little public interest! Sad.

    1. Me too, I can’t understand how anyone in this country in a position of power, does nothing to change the evil deeds being done to people. It’s disgusting!

    2. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    1. @Jan C Democrats and Rino Republicans are the main reason why America is so messed up today and the fake news media

    2. @Jess Palafox, there is no pending bill for Joe to sign regarding this. Blame it on the leftists. After all the created the KKK.


    3. @d aging flower child , John Kerry, Hillary and Schumer owns massive stocks in private prisons. Go check it out.


  6. My mother committed suicide and the police were in the house for more than 6 hours investigating and documenting stuff before they were satisfied. 45 minutes to decide a black man hanging from a tree in Mississippi is suicide is suspect all by itself.

    1. @Hong King Oh, The Insurrection Was Because Of The Democratic Party?? I Didn’t Even VOTE & I Don’t Believe That Sh*T From The GOP

    2. @Drake Fire Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South’s popular vote against Democrat Al Smith. Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory.Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    3. @JAMBERRY every student of history and that meant pretty much everyone with a high school education, knew this. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow, and the Republican Party was the party of emancipation and racial integration. Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South’s popular vote against Democrat Al Smith. Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats.

    4. @Kanez Williams The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow, and the Republican Party was the party of emancipation and racial integration.

    5. @Hong King You do realize that statistical anomalies do happen, and that the Dixiecrats left the Democrat party after the passage of the civil rights act.

    1. @Ksdebris Removal , the truth is you bought into the leftist ideas.
      You are well on your way to self destruction.


    1. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    1. @Dan Mattingly that’s a false Theory. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    2. @Blu Daizee Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    3. @Hong King – You clearly need to do your research about the republikkklans Southern Strategy which was deployed under Nixon in 1968 as a whitelash to the Civil Rights movement. Thats why the republikkklans devolved to nominating someone in 2016 for POTUS who was endorsed by David Duke.

    4. @TaxtheRich Socialist Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats. Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South’s popular vote against Democrat Al Smith. Democrats and Republicans changing parties is a false theory that became popular during Nixon but it’s a false Theory. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats

    1. A lot is terrible here, very true but we must remember it produced these two amazing black women we see here. Things like that give some pride and a lot of hope.

    2. This country is the worst, that’s why they constantly distract us about what someone else in a different country is doing, so we don’t see what’s really going on here.

    3. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    1. @Hong King right but this is not the party of Lincoln, this is not the Grand Old Party. This Republicans have lost their way they have no platform.

    2. @Hong King What does being a Democrat have to do with her statement, how do you know she’s not an independent?

    3. @Paulo Milan Racist, bigotry, hate, discrimination, prejudice, murder by lynching, and etc. are not always political party related but it’s mostly personal and cult related‼️

    1. @Hong King u know who isn’t undefeated? 🤣 u act like u mad about history, everyone knows what u really mad about

    2. @Trump Lost Get Over It Loser you’re a bozo so history means nothing to you. You’re most likely doomed. Those who don’t know history doomed to repeat it

    3. @Hong King I know. The idiots from 1-6 didn’t know. If they did, they would’ve known. The south ALWAYS loses. Prolly karma for all the lynching.

    1. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    1. Nah. I’m a black conservative, and we want our country back from the oligarchs, and globalists that took control of it. It’s really that simple. You guys are being hyperbolic.

    2. @Teenie J Their country was stolen, but they keep electing the very people who helped it get stolen. Those people need to get somewhere and sit down and stfu!

    3. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

    1. @Davey Houston Then let’s give the credit to Buny Mustard, because it’s still true in this country, as long as a black person can’t walk safely on a public road.

    2. Jim Crow and lynching is Democrats learn your history and watch Malcolm X talk on Democrats / Dixiecrats

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