Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) explains why she will vote to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment.
Susan Collins explains why she’s voting to acquit Trump

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) explains why she will vote to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment.
Guilty or not, old gal? Why are you dancing around? Oh, I get it – you want to get re-elected – guess what – you won’t.
Because the Democrats case is based on hate and reading minds only to protect Quid pro Joe and their hypocrisy while investigations into Trumps campaign. What goes around .
@Marcel Robert – You are completely brainwashed. It must really suck to not be able to think for yourself.
@FarginhoodMcBastage Nope. But you are brainwashed and have zero ability to think for yourself. LOL!
Y B Ohhohohohohoooo….Aahhhhahahahahaaa…..whew…. Just a second….. Let me catch my breath……hoooooooo…..good one.
My reply: said they person supporting someone that lies to them on a daily basis. Including your friends, family, spouse, children, whomever you remotely care about. He’s treating you like an idiot, not me, not democrats, the president, and assuming you are gullible enough to not question treating you like that. And apparently, you don’t question it. So, I’m sorry, who’s the idiot?
He’s got buddies going to prison left and right, cheats on his wives, is a peeping Tom, walking into dressing rooms where young women are in various states of undress, is incapable of taking responsibility for anything he does wrong, is the most divisive politician ever, creating rifts in his own country, thinks Kansas City is in Kansas, doesn’t understand that it’s a different time of day in different parts of the world, thought diet coke was a weight loss program, doesn’t read his security briefings, cuz….. Reading (good God!), has no dignity, integrity, honesty, compassion, relatability, honor, consideration, empathy, sympathy, self control, and owns a golden toilet, which is the perfect symbol for him. Now, of course there are at least a hundred other things I could list but we all know none of this matters. Because all that matters is, “me like Trump, me no like peepow who not like Trump, drrrrrrrrr”.
Good day sir.
* Anything you say after this is complete garble….. 1,2,3 Not it!
Sounds like she came from Dershowitz’s class, two faced life long politician
You must be referring to Adam Schitt’s vagina!?!?!?
You mean an actual Constitutional scholar? He knows more about the Constitution than almost anyone else in the entire country, but you say he’s lying because the Constitution doesn’t support your delusion that Trump deserves to be impeached? You’re wrong, get over it.
They should never bring up the constitution and lecture us on it.
Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Have you ever read the Constitution? I thought not.
The Constitution is capitalized.
JACK KNOPF and yet everything Trump disagrees with, he dubs a lie. Hmmmm…. Terribly obvious to most, with emphasis on terrible.
JACK KNOPF you might want to tell that to your prez, please do us a favor and stfu
I knew she was going to vote to acguit him. She was BSing when she said she want witnesses. Pay Attention women in Maine.
Yeah, she and Murkowski apparently owe Mitch their souls.
Translation: ‘He’s guilty but I’m putting my own interests above the country’
That’s a great translation. She’s also trying to manipulate a bit in her talk.
Guilty of what? What crime specifically violated?
Thinks she’s all that and she’s obviously not. Such a con artist, she doesn’t deserve the office. Disgracefully embarrassing.
You know whose done!?!? Is Adam “shifty” Schitt and Nancy Piglosi! I think Adams vagina is way bloodier than Nutjob Nancy’s!


@sharon olsen The Dems are the party of hate, lies and corruption. I’m proud of those who have minds of their own who can see the truth and justice and chose to acquit.
@Kathleen Bittner : Er, it was the Biden family receiving millions of dollars that started this whole charade, numpty.
If there any con artists SuperDougie M, it’s clearly the dems who are corrupt, hateful, deceitful people to put our Country through this sham.
That’s a lot of words just to say “my integrity is easily bought and sold “
Razor sharp, sir.
Or she could have left it at, “the House did not prove a case for impeachment” and made this a lot shorter..
You talking about biden yeah?
They all just act like the man in the WH is god, well he’s their god not mine he is corrupt and lies like a rug
@laharl sama you are ignorant then.. video of biden but you’re not upset.. proof that Hillary destroyed emails and devices but you’re not upset on that proof that dems have said since day one they would impeach before any “evidence ” but you’re not upset. Wtf. You are brainwashed and cant think for yourself
@laharl sama Again….I know you are slow so I will repeat my question to you. Name any policy or bill Obama put in place to create or bring back jobs? It is a simple question. I took care not to use big words on your slow liberal brain. It should be simple to answer.
@Open your Eyes I see, thought I noticed condescension in your previous comment that was age related. Trump sure knows how to bring the US together in his SOTU. I just wish he would talk more about how great he thinks he is. Oh, and shamelessly use people he normally doesn’t care about.
“Moscow Mitch owns me, so, yeah. There ya go”
“Because so many Republicans were involved at the top, that if it all comes out, none of us will ever be elected again.”
@Al Shabob And I “might” be able to make thunderbolts fly out my arse…
@Teresa Dalton Dude, how would you raise your kids? Do you teach them to tread on the disabled, make fun of them? Do you teach them to be greedy and take all the toys for themselves? Do you tell them to pick on smaller kids, less wealthy, maybe destroy the lives of those who come from poor backgrounds? I’m assuming you do and you would. Most Americans don’t think like you…you know how I know? I’ve seen what people are prepared to give on GoFundMe pages, for really sick and disadvantaged people. But, I tell you what. If you voted in a government who you could trust, who supported all it’s citizens, as anyone calling themselves a patriot should, then that money could go so much further, and achieve so much more. That would actually make America great. I’m not American, and very gladly so. I come from a nation whose higher education system is heavily subsided, where the minimum wage is $19.49per hour, where all medications are a pittance of what you guys pay, and hospital stays are free. GoFundMe pages aren’t necessary and very, very rarely used….We give though, because we know how poor your system is. The next four years doesn’t bother me – but it should bother you.
@laharl sama Victim
@car. A I am not a DUDE! I at least taught my kids to recognize that.
@car. A I love my country and my family is doing well. I do not see what you are bitching about. You must watch CNN.
I knew it. I knew she was going to acquit. She does this every time… says she’s going to be a moderate and doesn’t know which way she’ll vote, and EVERY SINGLE TIME… votes down party lines. I called this vote before the trial went to the senate. It’s going to be a party line vote and nothing will change. The GOP has been taken over by criminals and she has decided to vote with them.

“They’re all criminals” I like some of them….
Are you kidding the G.O.P Greedy One Percent, have been criminals since the Reagan cartel took over
When you do the right thing, you dont have to explain it to people.
When you do the wrong thing, you need to explain, explain, explain – Adam Schiff
Falling in with the ranks
a gutless coward.
This woman only voted in favor of witnesses after it was revealed that her vote wouldn’t change the outcome. She is a phony who votes with Trump all the time. Don’t fall for her lies. She should not be re-elected.
@Dobs R Did you watch the basement proceedings?
Listen to all of the bleeding vagina’s in this thread. Man or woman!


She needs to go!!!
@America First Shut up Troll. Trump & his goons are nothing criminals with a low IQ.
“IN ANOTHER-WORLD NEWS TODAY—THE GOP LED SENATE HAS JUST VOTED TO…[Consider the possibility of existing in an alternate universe, which heretofore was just a sci-fi inspired joke. A reality where Donald Trump, a corrupt New York con man, using half a billion gifted and stolen dollars from Daddy, massive bank fraud, convoluted junk bonds, criminal business practices, illegal foreign influence and funds, tax fraud/evasion, and a litany of other criminal acts, still manages to lose over a billion dollars. Then, runs for President using Russian rubles and the same despicable tactics to blackmail, bribe, and coerce key power brokers. Trump loses the popular election by 3 million votes, yet becomes President. Treacherous Traitorous Trump-the Usurper becomes the most ill-equipped, immoral, demonic, unfit, unprepared, corrupt, greedy, psychopathic, narcissistic, stupid (not ignorant), impulsive, mentally unstable, self-serving, lying con man–to ever hold office. This, despite extraordinary debts, massive business failures, unconscionable moral transgressions, and close ties the 666 building. He and his compromised cronies then proceed to dismantle the United States of America and its institutional foundations, for power, money and the continuation of a Putin led, well-planned Russian long game involving strategically placed persons. This President, replete with all his failings and severe character flaws, is a clear and present danger and must be removed and contained, along with his cronies, for the good of the Republic]…NOT CALL ANY WITNESSES TO TESTIFY IN THE ‘PRE-DETERMINED VERDICT TO ACQUIT’ TRIAL OF IMPEACHED PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, DESPITE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE AND ADMISSIONS OF GUILT.”
That was….what’s the word
…oh yeah..unfuckingbelievable.
JACK KNOPF …point out the fiction.
@Doctor Dewbie I know you won’t respond with anything more than insults and deflections but I’ll ask anyway, what part of what D. Folsom posted is false and/or steeped in paranoia?
@JACK KNOPF What specifically do _you_ believe is fictitious in the post above?
LOL el complito ! eee
I enjoy SNL’s Cecily Strong’s “Susan Collins” so much more than this version.
It’s impartial because of the cowards like her with their heads in the sand
The shamelessness to walk through those hallowed halls with her head up…they are all smeared with the same stain of guilt and the stench of corruption. Sickening
This will hurt her, she knows that so shes obviously has special interests finding her retirement
finding her retirement or funding her retirement with some additional millions as sell out?
I used to like this woman but over time I’ve realized she’s the true definition of “a wolf in sheep’s skin.”
Nicely put. She’s definitely not as stupid as she keeps pretending to be. She knows better. Disenfranchising his voters? She knows he’s dangerously egregiously undermining our democracy and our election.