Larissa Boyce was a teenager when she first reported to her gymnastics coach that Larry Nassar abused her in 1997 – more than two decades before he was put behind bars. She testified at Nassar's sentencing, and joins Geoff Bennett to discuss the recent DOJ findings.
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#LarryNassar #DOJ #LarissaBoyce
wow… the problems we face in this world… and… with no solutions… because… *con + scious + ness* … the state… of being… with division… or… the state of being additive…. *in the beginning…* was division… God separated… the first act in thinking?… making distinctions… sorting things out… separating things… segregating things… in the image and likeness.. and.. of Nature’s God…
@Dianna Hill
-@Jon Erlandson , what do your comments have to do with the topic at hand?-
holding hands with perversion…
@Dianna Hill
in the wild… animals will eat other animals poo if they sense they themselves are lacking in some of the microflora in the poo… and… i think humans are the same way…
@Dianna Hill
remember to wash…
@Dianna Hill
dysbiosis.. leaky gut… the beginning of all illness…
@Dianna Hill
all things… are a philosophical speculation… everything that seeks knowledge.. falls under the umbrella of philosophy… everything outside of that realm… is pseudo-science…
Looking for free man meat?
William, I can’t believe it’s not butter!!!!
Wtf is wrong with you?
“smother me in man gravy” – William H Music
Hope the FBI learned a valuable lesson. Catholicism did, begrudgingly.
The Boy Scouts also.
“yes I chugged tRumps baby mushroom” – William H Music
“yes I love man made sausage, wink wink” – William H Music
So over many years we have cut down emissions , cars are cleaner , factories are cleaner , we are recycling and burning less fossil fuels , we have protected lands and rivers in industrial cities have been cleaned up , we have all these agencies set up for protecting oceans and animals and forests , yet climate change is getting worse.
Thanks for watching, I have something real big I’d love to introduce you to TEXT /WHATSAPP+<>1<>6<>0<>7<>9<>6<>8<>7<>6<>1<>6,,,,,,
Annnnnd, this has what to do with Nassar’s abuse of young girls?
That’s what happens when the wolf investigates the wolf.
The FACT Democrats support TRANS-KIDS speaks volumes
The FACT Republicons DO NOT support TRANS-KIDS speaks volumes
Wasn’t the MeToo Movement that took Larry down started by Democrats tho?
Demonic troll spews what?
He would have become Surgeon General in a second Trump term.
If he was pardoned. But then President Trump couldn’t pardon Nassar for state crimes.
Wasn’t it his first term when he got sentenced though?
@ORANGE GENERAL What ever did the glass house do to you?
He’s going to get all that he never expected and more . This man is foul.
This continues to occur as women are viewed as chattel by society.
For libs like me brown eye play is always an option

Who else must bear or share responsibility? Michigan State University, US Olympic Committee, International Olympic Committee, & World Gymnastics Federation. Nassar may have abused US athletes outside the US. And any K-12, college, or graduate school; or gymnasium that allowed Nassar access to their facilities. Or any gymnastics team, league, division, conference, or association that allowed him access to their gymnasts.
What is the F.B.I. saying about this? This is inexcusable! Everyone involved should be terminated from the bureau, and charged with dereliction of duty.
Dirty Dan Schnieder and Pinhead Larry Nassar
W. Jay Abbott, the Indianapolis FBI guy who declined to investigate, and then tried to get a job with the Olympic Gymnastics peeps, should be held accountable. Period. Where is he? Is he collecting a pension? Is he in jail? HE SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!
I have lived with the trauma of sexual abuse for 48 years. I was 5 when it happened. It is an experience no small child should EVER experience! The compassion I feel for women who go through this Never makes it ok for male on Male abuse. I’m sorry.