1. @Ryan After we defund you. Hurry up and hand over your savings and your retirement, there are homeless people starving out here!

    2. @Sam Izdat Every year 1.5-2million people every YEAR use firearms in defensive situations. In just 2021, there were an estimated 1.67M uses of firearms in defense situations.
      CDC data from 2020 showed only 19,384 gun homicides. Which include people who used guns in self defense/justified or accidental(Alec Baldwin)Imagine how higher it be if people couldnt defend themselves.

  1. The Supreme Court cannot regulate the amendments but they can intervene when the 2nd or any amendment is being regulated

    1. @DS A To people that are confused it might be complex. I care little about any maritime regulations when it comes to rights. There is no such thing as “new rights”. Rights are not granted you by a government.

    2. @Underdog Rising The 2nd Amendment doesn’t apply to private property. If a business tells me no guns are allowed, they are not violating my rights.

    3. @DS A Still not seeing how gun rights have been expanded here. The NYC government was preventing people from gaining access to guns for inexplicable reasons.

    4. @Kommisar I mean it can’t be any clearer. The usage of firearms has been EXPANDED. Full stop. Jebus Crikey I’m not talking about how a balloon EXPANDS when you blow air into it.

  2. They didn’t “expand gun rights. All they did was clarified what those rights entail. The Supreme Court doesn’t make law, nor do they expand or contract the scope of existing laws. All they do is make a clarification of the law/right

    1. @Lucien Vandegaart

      Judging by your speech pattern I’m going to assume that you’re not American so kindly mind your own business.

    2. @robinsss You don’t think the rampant and senseless gun violence over the last two decades merits change? You think it’s normal for school shootings to occur with this frequency? I don’t know why so many people insist that guns aren’t the problem when, compared to other countries, it’s the overabundance of guns in circulation in America that’s clearly the one giant variable in the equation.

    3. @Goya Solidar If you think the problem just boils down to “guns” I really don’t know what to say dude.

  3. Need to strike down the “safe act” which has done nothing but restrict law abiding citizens guns no criminal respects the safe act

  4. Didn’t need the
    SCOTUS to tell me my
    constitutional rights. But thanks. Now they can stop telling me where I can carry.
    Not up to them to determine when I believe I’m unsafe.

    1. @Emile Blanche well yeah, but it takes cutting out all the cancer, to really start the healing process.

  5. Got to love the news. In NYS you are required to state the reason that makes you better than everyone else. Based on that reason the issuing body can deny you. There is no piece of paper in NYS which says what the acceptable answers are, so anyone can be denied. Money was key in getting permits here.

    1. @B B Look at how the outcome is reported on. They make it sound like tomorrow morning anyone can walked around with a concealed firearm totally free of restrictions.

  6. Expand? Constitution states the right to bear arms may not be infringed upon. For a century, it was infringed in NY. Y’all just don’t want to follow the constitution.

  7. Why is Justice Bryer bringing up gun violence? That sounds like a political argument not a legal argument…

  8. Any state’s firearm restrictions are unlawful and unconstitutional. Exercise your 2A rights. 🇺🇸

    1. @KPTG In what way? Where in the Constitution does it say that Johnny may purchase a handgun and sell it to Rocket Jones (just out of prison after a felony conviction) for Rocket to use in settling turf disputes? The right to bear arms does not translate into the right to aid and abet crime by supplying arms to known criminals. “Law-abiding” has to amount to more than “Take our word for it.”

    2. @Ian Leary I never stated that, and neither did the original poster. That is also already illegal in most states, to knowingly sell a firearm to a felon.

    3. @KPTG How would law enforcement know, except by tracking the serial number of the gun? A law without an enforcement mechanism is a bad joke.

    4. @Ian Leary they know who the felons are. They know if a firearm is reported stolen. A firearm reported stolen would be reported with a serial number. That is what they will know. The only firearm database that would be acceptable are those that are stolen and/or used in crimes. The serial number of a gun is nothing but a marker for that specific weapon. Even then, the Federal Government should NEVER know. Those databases would all be a state Government responsibility.

  9. “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
    – Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

    1. @FiringallCylinders Neither will the medieval prison system in the US, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be. People could have held their arms in NG armories. Would give the NG something to do, and maybe a little more money to update their choppers. Tax the multi-nationals to pay for infrastructure. We need to do that. But I think SCOTUS stepped on it this time.

  10. “To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.”
    – George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adooption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

  11. Funny that Toobin was caught on zoom call with his concealed weapon out of his pants shooting blanks. 😂

  12. John Stossel did a segment on that years ago, it took him over a year to get a gun license, getting the run around by the nypd, it was not even concealed carry! Super hard for a law abiding citizen, and yet he documented how easy it was for wealthy celebrities to get that very same permit.

    1. Yeah, I saw that clip. He had people wishing harm on him. (Can’t remember if there were any actual threats.) If memory serves me right, the application also cost him like $400, even though his request was rejected. Ben Shapiro made a similar comment about it in LA. He said back in 2015 he had numerous death threats so he applied for a CC license. He showed them the death threats and they rejected him as well. Government should not get to arbitrarily decide who gets a gun.

    2. Not hard to get a ccw if your a politician or connected to one. There in lies the problem…. 2 sets of rules and regulations

  13. The conservative approach to interpreting the Constitution is to read the Constitution as it is written. Doesn’t matter what amendment we’re talking about. The equal rights amendment is interpreted as it is written. Yes, the 2A was written centuries ago because we all know what happens when the people can’t bear arm. History shows us repeatedly. Trusting your government or your police force to protect you from them if they grow too powerful is why we have the 2A, not just for self defense from citizens, but from government, hence the reference to a well regulated militia. What part of “shall not be infringed” don’t you understand?

    1. @Rusty Shackleford Conservatives love big government when it comes to telling a woman what she can do with her own body. If it were up to most liberals, marijuana would be legalized nationwide, but it’s conservatives holding that up. But honestly what I’m concerned about is medical marijuana. It’s legal in 35 out of 50 states….but not mine…which is BS because I have a degenerative nerve disease which leaves me in constant pain, severe most of the time. Medical marijuana might help lessen the pain, but because of my state government, controlled by Republicans, I can’t try it. If you’re for smaller government, then be for smaller government for real. If marijuana helps people in pain, then why not treat it as a prescription drug like any other prescription drug? But it’s controlled by political bull💩.

    2. @Wilt Chamberlain is the GOAT your first statement is incorrect, but everything else is spot on.

    3. @Barry Yup, conservatives definitely fail the consistency test a lot of times too. Still, they are right about this one.

    4. @Barry That’s true. I’m a Democrat, and I’m opposed to overturning Roe for sure. However, I’m adamantly against late term abortion. Because that is murder when it’s a fully formed human being. But really, when that fetus is at the point where it can feel pain, then an abortion should be off limits unless we are talking about the life of the mother, rape, or incest. No 13yo girl should be forced to carry her blood uncle’s baby to term.

  14. The reason for this decision is because New York City was only giving concealed carry permits to the rich and politically connected. Law abiding minorities in the city who lived in high crime areas were being denied. This inequity led to a Supreme Court challenge. Although I am a political independent, I agree with the conservatives on this one because the rules on who was able to get a permit were being misapplied.

    1. @Michelle Farris I agree. There should also be a challenge on the basis that the permit fees are being used as a poll tax to prevent law abiding, low income minorities from being able to obtain the permits.

    2. @John B You can’t say the rules were being misapplied when they were completely arbitrary. If anything the rules worked exactly as they were intended: they gave the NYC government absolute control in who gets to CC.

  15. Great!!!! Finally the law abiding citizens can begin to defend themselves against the criminals who could care less about the law!

  16. When the politicians who are whining about this ruling give up their security teams, then we can take them seriously. In the meantime those politicians (our employees) can just deal with the fact that we have a right to protect ourselves just as they do.

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