The Supreme Court has voted to dismiss a challenge to the Trump administration's efforts to exclude undocumented immigrants from the 2020 census. NBC's Pete Williams has details on the decision and arguments made on both sides. Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#SupremeCourt #UndocumentedImmigrants #MSNBC
Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge Over Effort To Exclude Undocumented Immigrants From Census | MSNBC
Doesn’t the census determine the amount of electoral college votes a state gets?
@SCREAM’N DEMON One we don’t have a left party. Democrats are moderates. Two as for the reasons i stated above to break it down simply conservatives in America have a very long history of racism. To deny that is just being blatantly wrong. This is why in general minorties tend to vote blue not even just brown immagrants.
Also if you really don’t think people should have access to free health care we’ll im curious to see why you came to that conclusion because you know i value people being able to be properly treated and cared for despite them not being in a privileged position. Honestly you just sound like you lack basic empathy or maybe you work for a phramstuical company.
Also the whole welfare argument is just so contraditcory and misleading. Do you ever actually think to help those people on welfare and ask why they’re on it in the first place. Also white people have high rates of using welfare especially ones older in age and they make up a vast portion of the republican base so your statement is just contradictory.
Your mentality on these complex issues are honestly just so naive. Yeah i believe in giving out handouts. Becuase if i was struggling i would want someone to help me back up on my feet. That’s not a leftist ideolgoy that’s basic human empathy.
Also my god you very clearly don’t actually know how reparations would even be given out. Do you really think a black person just goes to some random white dude and demand money. For one it’s government issued money and reperations should be given to black people to help close the generational wealth gap perpueted by systematic racism and the consquences of slavery. It doesn’t matter of they weren’t slave owners white people benefit off the effects of slavery and racial discrimination against black people. Reperations only serve as way to close that gap which would honestly solve a lot of our problems.
@Night Nurse Oh BS. “News”? LOL
Indirectly, and hey this is one way we can get our rural communities to be as violent and poor as we are…VOTE DEMOCRAT!! It could be fun to watch your children struggle!!
@Night Nurse “News”, says that?
Sure it does. 
You’re funny! 
@Arc Yes. A republican voter in fact filled out a ballot for his deceased mother because trump told him to. He admitted he knew it was a crime as he also voted himself. Not one report thus far of any Democrat voters attempting this illegal act, just a republican. Imagine that.
Immigration status wasn’t a question on the census. So how can they count illegal immigrants?
@Donte Curtis His “lawsuits” have nothing to do with a fascination with the courts. It’s purely been a scam to bilk his minions. He’s gotten over $200M since the election. He’s a con artist trying to stretch the game out as far as he can to line his pockets.
@Brian Holmes Where did Trump or his administration defined America as White?
I didn’t go back and read what I wrote but yes you are correct that they ask race and/or ethnicity.
I do know I don’t have a lot of faith in the information collected since it was incomplete and this administration did their best to make sure of that.
@Joe Fletcher
@Alex Sajewski Legal immigrants can’t vote. Children can’t vote. In some states, felons can’t vote. Elected representatives do not exclusively represent voters.
The question I have is how does the census know who is not documented?
Excellent point!
They really can’t. Which complicates this. The Constitution says you have to count all the people in the state so an accurate number of who is legal or illegal isn’t essential.
@Tom Servo Seriously? LOL, who in their right mind is going to admit to a stranger they are not documented? One can ask all the questions they want but, unless it’s a police officer asking the questions, I highly doubt anyone will admit to being undocumented.
Yeah. It’s easy to lie
@Rita Chen
Um..from reading the comments, literally nobody actually understood what happened.
Trump Admin wants to place illegal immigrants on a separate count
Somebody challenged that decision.
Supreme court dismissed that challenge.
Biden will probably get rid of it soon after becoming President.
@N Marbletoe The whole persons wording is because the 3/5 clause used to be a thing
@julius stacy they pay more taxes than trump! #FACTS.

@Patrick Rogers that’s why I figure they had a real problem with zombie limbs in those days.
but seriously i think it’s a “whole number” in other words, when you multiply slaves by 3/5 then round to the nearest whole number. worse than zombie limbs actually.
I think we should also include imaginary numbers, but that’s hard to implement. It would really get to the root of our current negativity.
@thatflyguy Right. As if OAN isn’t a steaming pile of pablum.
Another heartache for Stephen Miller.
What an idi0t you are, Miller (and Trump) won that one! Your comprehension skills are non-existent. On a side note – why do you want illegals to be counted?
@MP197742 How is that ‘On the plus side’? Why foreigners should be counted in OUR census in the first place? If I go to Mexico illegally should I ask authorities there to be counted too? At best they’ll laugh at me but most likely they will accommodate me in a jail cell.
This has his name written all over it
@Serendipity Shop No it isnt.
Hahaha. This decision ruled AGAINST demonRATS!!!
Read the constitution, article 17 and 24. The rights of legal voters.
@Aodhgan Merrimac let me go farther the 14th amendment applies to freed slaves it does not apply to caucasians who already had the same exact rights that are duplicated again in the 14th Amendment. Let that sink in for a second the Fourteenth Amendment was to give freed slaves rights they never had and mind you they have limited rights specified in the 14th Amendment. This is the reason the Second Amendment did not apply to them because it’s not specifically stated in the 14th Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to illegal aliens there is no Clause anywhere in that amendment to say otherwise.
@Aodhgan Merrimac I’ll give you another clue there different kinds of Rights. Some rights are constitutional rights some rights or inalienable rights some are civil rights which are actually privileges not rights at all but by name only to confuse you. You also have a numerable rights. The Fourteenth Amendment does not guarantee all the constitutional rights however it certainly guarantees civil rights which can be taken away by Congress tomorrow without any constitutional amendment being because they’re not rights that all their privileges. Your welcome
@Tom Servo I’m glad you brought that point up Tom. You see my teachers were really old people who knew the truth before history was changed. My family’s been here 299 years so it was handed down from generation to generation. The living and breathing document is a communist Doctrine and has no truth in reality. You’re very welcome
@Bus Man the pebble in the pond
@Bus Man ah yes , Marx and Engels simply translated the US Constitution into German and called it their own. Sorta like what Bollywood does to Hollywood movies
There’s MILLER written in neon letters on this stupid attempt…
@Brad Miller way past Miller time. it’s Jack Daniels time.
@OldManGhost I’m down.
@Brad Miller

@Ryan Ziolkowski More like good Americans want to follow the Constitution, rectumlickums don’t.
@Ryan Ziolkowski You sound like you caught Cali doing something “bad” when all they did was follow their own state laws and constitution. Does your state have laws and a constitution?
Foh wow
oh yes
The court is always right, just like when they said money donated is free speech and not a blatant form of bribery (sarcasm).
@Don Transue provide link to a proper news article, court filings, something to ascertain the validity of your statement.
@Orville Sett we’ll see, I had a WAPO on Obama’s record, but that was 2017, I will look for Trumps here.
Goh wow
oh yes
in this case, the court is right. obviously. read the constitution concerning census. it says to count ALL the PEOPLE. quite simple, actually.
@Nonya Bizness ive read the constitution, it says people. The court needs to decide if the Congress giving President discretion allows him to decide what people are to be representated by the government, all the people whether they broke the law to enter the US or not. If they don’t, then the President may use the law Congress passed with that authority to decide.
The amount of people who have no idea what actually happened in these comments is staggering…
@John Miller-Baron it was rather civil discourse. Can’t have that, I suppose we should resort to name calling. YouTube would probably allow that.
@Jeff Klaubo lol…it might just be a function of YT. I have excellent internet but when I’m on here the connection goes in and out. I will post something, see it posted and then check on it and it’s gone. Name calling seems to be the norm on here
@Jeff Klaubo Have you ever researched the financial benefit the country enjoys from undocumented immigrants? It’s in the BILLIONS $$$$$. I believe there is something about “taxation without representation” in the constitution or the Bill of Rights.
@John Miller-Baron ok I’m 100% sure you have nothing to talk about of any substance. Just spewing what people say on the news and internet. But it’s ok. When you do some digging you’ll see daca was the reason kids are separated from parents at the border. Undocumented immigrants are illegal immigrants. If they come legally they’re documented. You should not encourage immigrants to break the law for ANY reason. And asking for more questions to be asked before they’re let in isn’t wrong. People come legally every day. He’s a billionaire he doesn’t have to care about America. But he did. But you’ll see. Time always has the final laugh.
@Serai3 it’s what happens to the population before something really bad happens
“It’s hard to know how much damage will be done” LOL but they do know it will damage things.. nothing broken here, folks. Carry on.
If it walks like Stephen Miller and Talks like Stephen Miller it is probably Stephen Miller. Proud Boys said they had someone inside the West Wing. Any guesses ?
Goh wow
oh yes
That’s cool, I get it. We can decided if holding a gun to someone’s head and pulling the trigger is unconstitutional but we can tell you that if it kills and harms someone then that’s unconstitutional but we just won’t know until it’s been done.
The damages are done. Scouts, you are not above the law.
Government shutdown coming too. I hope everyone has prepared. Darker days are coming soon to your theatre of operations.
What were they thinking?? How dare anyone collect taxes from an individual and not include them in the census.
Exactly and they dont get tax returns, f**k Republican scum!
Goh wow
oh yes
“We the People” THIS JUST IN!!. The president of the United States, has just made a comment by tweet!. About the issues! that is most concerning, to each and every American citizen!!. The president comment that we all have been waiting for with 3,400 people dying a day of covid is??.. “The Russia hacking is a “hoax”!!. That tweet was most concerning to all Americans!!!.
Fun Facts: Thank’s to our founding fathers. The constitution said count everybody who lives in this country. Regardless of race nor gender. Regardless of citizenship or not. Regardless your religion nor party.
Typical liberal liar. The Constitution does not say count everyone regardless of race, gender, citizenship, etc. Just like the liberal media… full of crap.
Paulla K Gobshite, distorting reality like a true commie.
Toh wow
oh yes
Liberal alert

Ha Ha
another Fail, this was a attempt at trying to prove illegals some how Vote and are milking The system
Kidding right? You really aren’t that stupid are you?
In Cali to vote you just need an id and anyone can get an I’d. Now use your head unless you’re autistic
Hoh wow
oh yes
@Mot Goaiu and pirea
@Youtube Kumpf I live in Cali and that’s absolutely not how it works lol. On top of that you should look up CA Real ID
I don’t think any administration in history has been laughed out of court so many times
Goh wow
oh yes
Trump won this case, as he should have.
He won this one
No he lost. Scotus basically put the case on the back burner and hit pause til Jan 20. They neutered him.