The Supreme Court has rejected a Trump-backed Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election results in four states Biden won. Meanwhile, the FDA has cleared Pfizer's Covid vaccine for emergency use in the U.S. Aired on 12/12/2020.
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#SupremeCourt #FDA #MSNBC
Supreme Court Derails Trump Legal Fight And FDA Clears Vaccine | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I’ve been rejected. I’m the best at getting rejected. No ones been rejected like I have.
@Tim Smith calm down donnie jr……..
@Tim Smith 1750 W 53rd pl 80221 Denver Colorado come meet me
you been duped
EXPLOSIVE Leaked Audio Reveals Joe Biden’s TRUE CHARACTER. Biden Is TOAST As Lefties TURN ON HIM.
@Mark Lennon Meet me in the Coors parking lot!
@Tim Smith no, I gave you my exact address
They MOCKED ME. They disrespected me. THEY DECLARED WAR.
Take your pills grandma, you were wrong before and you still are.
Trump only wants something for his legacy, he thinks this will make him look good.
The Media Has GONE INSANE! They WILL NOT STOP Until Trump Is Defeated, It’s Awful…
TOP DEM CAUGHT IN THE ACT! This Video is ALL the Proof You Need
MUST SEE: Connections of Dems to Ballot Counting Systems PROVE This Election is Far From Legit
Joe Biden ENDS Joe Biden’s CAREER! Theres NO WAY This Man Can Win After This…
Joe Biden CANT RUN AWAY From This One… Biden EXPOSED As Total CON ARTIST By The New York Post!
I love the graphic at the end of this clip. “Manhattan D.A. Intensifies Investigation.” Thanks for that cherry on the sundae, Brian.
@Loukya Grinsted you smoking meth
@Loukya Grinsted DO YOU MEAN SEAT?
@Loukya Grinsted HE IS DONE.
@Loukya Grinsted TREASON TRUMP
Paxton looks like that googly one eyed doll from Toy Story. Clearly has the brain of one too.
You are an example of what Trump has done to America! Making fun of people was really all he knew how to do. Maybe he should have been a comedian and you too!
@Engage360 2 hours ago I was asleep in bed like most people. Trump had thousands at 56 rallies and still lost!
@Steve Barnes you’re so full of it. The mind twists are stunning
@Patricia Jones what people don’t understand is that with trump rallies these people come from all over the country to see their crush-so, there you go- the ones who voted all over the country = the numbers at his rallies. Lost by a landslide
Another coverup from a corrupt Trump Administration official :
Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months — and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.
The nation’s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.
Trump: “Nation achieved the impossible.”
COVID-19 vaccine from a Pfizer-German Government partnership…
Isaac is a lost cause. A casualty of being fed right wing propaganda. Either that or he’s just trolling, because NOBODY can be that stupid. And nobody but Trump cultists are referring to it as the “Trump vaccine”.
All US taxpayer money and research from a pool of OUR universities and facilities……
@Isaac Gonzalez You do not know your facts!!!! How many millions has he infected with his “hoax” calling?
Another coverup from a corrupt Trump Administration official :
Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months — and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.
The nation’s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.
@Isaac Gonzalez The US contributed no money to the development of this vaccine, not a penny.
And Trump’s Stooge-in-Charge-of-Procurement could not do the math — 2 doses per person, for 335 million Americans does not equal buying 100 million doses.
For god’s sake, a sixth grader could figure out the US needed 660 million doses, not 100 million. Bu then, Trump doesn’t know anyone as smart as a sixth grader. He only knows people dumber than himself.
Thanks Mr. TRUMP for the vaccine that you had nothing to do with.
@Loukya Grinsted the Pfizer vaccine was developed by a German company with no funding from the USA. Shhhh we don’t want the Trumpsters to know that though
@Loukya Grinsted Really? Is that what you think? LMFAOOO. You couldn’t possibly be more wrong. I work in biotech, and am ACTUALLY qualified to provide insight here. The companies whose vaccines are about to go live were working on vaccines LONG before Trump and his “warp speed”. Some of them DIDN’T even participate. Ya know, back in the days when Trump was saying it would “magically go away” or to “inject bleach” or to take “hydroxychloroquine”….
Why is trump all of a sudden acting
@Loukya Grinsted Of course, the company that actually developed this vaccine was neither invited to attend Trump’s “summit,” nor was any money or other resources provided to them by Trump.
Trump had a meeting of some of the companies in the US which develop vaccines; many simply ignored him because the meeting was meaningless from the start, just another Conman-in-Chief photo op.
So, the meeting did nothing, literally nothing , regarding this vaccine. Not a word, not a penny.
As has been said, Trump did nothing. Per usual.
Loukya Grinsted ; the scientists and medical world are responsible for the vaccine. Trump just likes to take credit.
How can he sound so proud when he said to his “followers ” it was a hoax !?!!
@Reverend Mr Black Sorry, Rev, for the sane majority if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, we just call it and treat it like what it IS, a duck …
(in this case a very lame and demented duck) ….
@Reverend Mr Black–Be careful Rev. God doesn’t like liars, remember?
How is it that Great Britain has been administering the vaccine for days already! Why’d trump give the vaccine to Great Britain before his own people! Lol. Maybe he’s taking credit when absolutely none is due….AGAIN!! The only “credit” trump gets is for killing 300k Americans! Lock him up! Lock him up!!
@Reverend Mr Black Then why did the liar in chief try to get a vaccine for a hoax ?….because he is bigly honest.
@Tony Yu WOW, great point!!
It wasn’t the US that released the Pfizer vaccine, it was Pfizer. The FDA just signed off its use
I know it’s rediculus. Germany actually funded it and it was developed in Belgium. They didn’t take warp speed money for development just for distribution to the U.S
Another coverup from a corrupt Trump Administration official :
Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months — and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.
The nation’s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.
Take covid vaccine and get HIV . Austriala deemed it unsafe
@lost CubsFan Yes, but you failed to mention that Trump proposed, in each of his budgets, to cut research at the National Institutes by from 30% to 70%.
And all of the research you mentioned was done before Trump took office.
@lost CubsFan
Europeans also paid tax.
Classic america “Our nation has achieved a medical miracle” Yeah you bought the vaccine off a nation with a good healthcare system and 1000 year old university that knocked a vaccine out in record time.
To be honest, the vaccine itself is a testament to how science works. BioNTech is a german company using an mRNA approach invented at Oxford and splicing by the CRISPR method invented by 2 female biologists – one French, the other American. We have a vaccine quickly because of sharing because that’s what scientists do. If scientists had the same kind of attitude we’re told constantly by conservatives we’re supposed to have (i.e. make money first and foremost), we’d probably still be trying to solve this by leech bleeding.
@Reedom Annrica Why are you watching??
Another coverup from a corrupt Trump Administration official :
Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months — and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.
The nation’s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.
@Mike fox Pfizer vaccine was developed by a German company.
@Reedom Annrica you need to see a Psychiatrist.
today we have seen the failure of a desperate man
“I want the world to save itselves”, didn’t he say it was a hoax, why save a hoax
Yes he did and he’s trying to get the credit for the vaccine
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“We” did not deliver a vaccine! Biontech developed the vaccine with money from Pfizer and German governments money!
@Fleur De Lis I will not at all argue.
@Fleur De Lis a little correction maybe. Founded in New York by Karl Pfizer and Family from Ludwigsburgin to be exact.
@LotWizzard and yet it is time to get rid of the pandemic across political an geographical borders. Trump is not the person to get this managed. He is too narrow minded.
@Jo Sch good that we talked about it♥️
We know that. What did you expect trump to say? He’s Mr. No Responsibility All Credit.
He thought the last three justices owed him something, since he thinks he’s a mob boss. Apparently, they owe you nothing, please start packing right now.
He was fired by his own appointees. It is sweet to hear that he was fired by the American voters and fired even by his 3 appointees.
@Reverend Mr Black #fuckyourfeelings
@Priscilla Robb So delicious and satisfying.
@Reverend Mr Black WTF does that have to do with them doing their job?
It’s so hilarious and ironic!! Trump was sure that appointing Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett and Gorsuch would mean that he had allies in the supreme court, and he would be able to boss them around like everyone else. Well, the joke’s on him, because they’re standing up to Trump and saying NO! Guess they just wanted a job.
“Stop playing games and start saving lives!” Talking about himself I am sure.
@Andrew Cowan Don’t think so? Are your dumb?
@Joe Farra He was hoping you libertards would shoot bleach in your veins! We missed you! Don’t worry your life is about to get harder!
@Tim Smith It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
@Tim Smith stay alert people baby Timothy is a pathetic Trump troll. Timothy have you sent money too Donny yet, he wants to fleece all off you. 300,000 covid-19 deaths because of Trump and enablers like you.
He projects so obviously it’s insane
What will our lives be like when no longer dominated by the constant misdeeds of a demented president?
Slump loves the uneducated because he’s one of them – and vice versa.
There is nothing more uneducated than a Democrat voter.
-76 different genders, says the party of ‘science’
-55 years of Democrat programs in urban areas that have gotten worse while a few insiders prospered and no questioning by mindless Democrat minion.
-Chicom spy working for Senator for almost 2 decades during which her husband made almost $100 million promoting ChiCom interests that jack booted Dems think is OK.
-Representative on ntelligence committee with 2 year affair with ChiCom spy that’s considered OK
-Governor threatening jail time rto his subjecs for violating his abitrary COVID rules, yet OK for him to go to an exclusive restaurant with head of his state’s medical association and 32 unmasked other, and mindless little Dems as yourself accepting the superiority of your rulers without question.
….and tens of thousands of more examples of how uneducated Democrat subjects must submit to.
“I just want to stop the world from killing itself”….You cannot make this thing up people! Delusions of grandeur.
The delivery of a safe, effective vaccine was delivered IN SPITE of Trump, not BECAUSE of him.
“WE?” YOU didn’t do anything to create this vaccine Mr. Trump.