Supreme Court Blocks Congress From Getting Trump’s Taxes For Now | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

The Supreme Court has sent House Democrats' request for President Trump's financial documents back to lower courts, ruling that the president is not immune but the request from Congress was too broad. NBC News' Pete Williams has details. Aired on 07/09/2020.
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Supreme Court Blocks Congress From Getting Trump's Taxes For Now | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


  1. Are you ready for a game of, “Let’s Guess who the two holdouts were?” And remember, “Appointees Mean A-Prizes!” 🤣

    1. Jason Boyce … As Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Schiff said after the decision, SCOTUS “provided a path for them to take”.
      Decision opened the door for Committees to begin working on action preventing Trump, if he is re-elected, and future Presidents from claiming exemption from subpoenas, indictment, etc.

    2. @Jason Boyce Yeah. The Court PUNTED on this decision because it was highly political and any decision they made would affect the upcoming election.

    3. Reese Hale that’s what they always do. Same with mueller report. Back to the lower courts so it won’t come out this year. Punting helps trump this year but is better for the country than ruling in trump’s favor. If they ruled congress can’t subpoena a sitting president then we’re screwed long-term, but this is a short-term win for trump but saves therepublic

    4. Jason Boyce … Yes, and Trump is livid!
      No more self-affirmed immunity for Trump or future presidents. 👏👏👏
      Plus the door is now open for NY. to “sic ‘em”.

  2. Not only do I want to see Trump defeated in November, I want to see him spend the rest of his life in prison. 🙂

    1. You take stupidity to a new and delightful low. Ha… One of those who think Trump stole the election, I suppose. HILLARY LOST! LOL

  3. Nothing makes you look guilty like hiding your taxes and fighting this hard. We already know you have dirty money and your broke!

    1. accountability !? lmao.
      tell that to your dumbocratic party first.
      you want perfection ! show that crooked orange guy an example first. release all democrats politicians taxes too. do that or shut up.

    2. @questioneverything2 — Hey genius. He’s not offering himself up for public service.

    3. Mine Finder — You silly people really aren’t good at this. With fancy things like search engines, fact-checking today takes all of 6 seconds>>>”Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. *Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records.* George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.”

    1. coolmodelgirl <<~ triggered “ tool “ . Now rage bish raaaaggggeeee hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

    2. @Dan
      Trump does have a learning disability according to his niece who knows him personally & she’s a clinical psychologist.
      And we all know that’s not his only mental issues.

  4. Wait for it… we’re going to see Trump’s folded arms again! 😂
    He’s self soothing (after a toddler throws a tantrum)

    1. KelZ X
      wait for it…. we are going to hear the Democrats replay their 2016 campaign against Trump with similar
      results LOL

    2. @Alex Hamilton I know right!? They’re just jealous because they’ve been winning so much with Trump they can’t stand it. It’s too good! We’re gonna need a regular President to come down off this whirlwind of success.🤣😂#Stable Genius😁

    3. I NEVER saw Obama fold his arms, ever. tRump does constantly.
      It’s also a form of hiding, as in self-defence.

    1. @ihave35cents alright try it. Im waiting😀 i would love to give you one so lets hear your offer.
      Ps. Im right thou you are a creep.

  5. I don’t understand why in your country elected officials are not required to release their taxes in the first place?? Otherwise how would the public know if they have conflicts of interest or tax evasion…

    1. @David Eby is trump still laundering putins money? is it still ok to put bounties on us soldiers comrade? HMMMMMM…..?

    2. Bunker boy afraid of showing the taxes he promised since 2016. Nothing more i would want to see than Trump in an orange jump suit along with his family.

  6. November 3, 2020 must henceforth be known as America’s Independence Day from Trump’s cronyism and incompetence!

    1. Vote like your day depends on it , because it does he’s killing us by ope I to early and good chance he’d get us into ww3

    2. Democrats are desperate to find something to charge trump with cause they know they don’t stand a chance

    1. Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

    2. @howdareyou41 He is NOT a dictator yet. that’s why he had to hide in a bunker. By the time Hitler had to hide in the bunker, he wasn’t really much of a dictator either. And dump is definitely not a god anointed king, no matter what evangelists think.

      Incidentally, you might be interested to know that in Chinese Political Theory, heaven grants the emperor the mandate to rule. But if the emperor misrules – as evidenced by natural disasters such as famine and plagues and earthquakes and people suffer, then Chinese people have the right to revolt against the emperor and if the emperor falls to the rebels and a new man (it’s always a man!), rises, the Heaven has WITHDRAWN the old emperor’s mandate to rule and given it to the successful rebel.

    1. DC Means I
      Wrong. Read the facts – secondary and tertiary infections aren’t realistic.
      Why don’t you try some other insane libtarded rationale angle: “me want orange man to lose control over the economy…”

    2. @rrmndtqrg8 q
      Death rates in the US.
      United States total population = 320,000,000
      United States total COVID deaths as of 7/9/2020 = 134,000
      .04 percent.

      COVID per country – per capita

      Media Lie # 1
      “Trump does nothing”

      Trumps Daily SARS-nCOV19 action plan and schedule

      Media Lie # 2
      “It’s not China”

      The SARS-nCOV-19 virus has been linked to wild bats, originating in the Wuhan province in China.
      Biologist have been reporting this for years. We need limited trade relations with counties (see China) that allow their population to eat uncooked wild monkey, rats, bats and exotic birds. These all carry flu viruses that have infected us for decades.


      Media Lie # 3
      “This is Trumps virus”

      17 years of Epidemics

      2003 – SARS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2006 – H5N1 Avian (bird flu)
      2009 – H1N1 Swine flu
      2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2014 – Ebola
      2016 – Zika virus
      2020 – nCoV 2019 novel coronavirus not seen in humans

      Media lie #4
      “Infection rates are out of control”

      Current status of SARS-nCov-19 in the United States

      Here’s Trumps daily schedule and SARS-nCOV19 action plan on line.

      Media Lie #5
      “Obama was competent and proactive on the H1N1 pandemic in 2009.”

      There were three epidemics during Obama’s tenure.

      2009 – H1N1 Swine flu (pandemic)
      2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
      2014 – Ebola

      How many died from Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009?
      203,000 +

      How many Americans died?
      12,500 – 30,000 +

      The swine-flu pandemic of 2009 may have killed up to 203,000 people worldwide—10 times higher than the first estimates based on the number of cases confirmed by lab tests, according to a new analysis by an international group of scientists. Nov 26, 2013

      CDC Source:

  7. Delay…delay!!! Ridiculous!!!! 6 lower courts already ruled!!! Now the Supreme Court is sending back to lower courts?!! Disgusting!!!

    1. Maybe ridiculous, but it’s important that the Supreme Court, including his stooges there, have ruled that the President is not above the law.

  8. Good he is not above anyone!! The simple fact that he wants to hide it the more he looks corrupt

    1. ISO Sebryl Help me out if you, me or anyone on this post cheated or were dishonest on their taxes, do you think the Internal Revenue Service, would let you, me or anyone on this post get away with it?. Do the Internal Revenue Service rules or laws not apply to politicians.

    2. @illuminated patriot No , it shows he knows how to evade it for a while but eventually it will catch up with him , and now it has . Remember Al Capone , got away with a lot of murders but finally nailed for tax evasion

    3. Richard Batchelder
      Whaaaaaaaa. 4 years of incessant complaining about Trump has resulted in NOTHING but more “””whaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss”””

      Prepare yourself for their next scream at the sky party in November when Creepy Joe falls asleep on national tv.

      Not only do they ingest the TV Corporate news media and their Chinese propaganda, they mindlessly believe the propaganda and repeat the propaganda. Nobody could be that stupid, yet here they are.

      Progressives say –
      Russia-gate debunked

      The real Roger Stone

      Here’s why we voted for Trump. In October of 2016, the FBI released these files.

      Ray McGovern is a 27 year veteran of the CIA. He confronted Adam Schiff over alleged Russian Interference in the 2016 presidential election. Schiff is ruined and exposed.

  9. Bush Jr breaks into tears as he loses his position as America’s worst president to Trump, the death president.

    1. @John Thomas being from outside USA I can tell you I don’t watch msnbs or other news outlets in the states very often
      I do watch last week tonight and Bill Mar
      Some vice news on YouTube aswell
      The thing is more Europeans are with eyes on usa because we know a cloun when we see one
      We had our fair share to be fair,and we’ve seen close this divide et empera strategy Trump has
      Stop being tribal and think that the world Trump wants is not a world in wich you would like to raise your child

    2. @John Thomas other issue my friend is that the people that somehow control Trump (watch The Family on Netflix) are feeding in Europe far right and far left grups to try to create division here as well but with less success than in the states

    3. @Raz Razvan I was a Bernie supporter and so I do not like Trump. I won’t vote for Trump, but I probably won’t vote for Biden either. But let me ask you something… why do you hate Trump? Biden supporters hate Trump because of covid, but you don’t live here so that’s not an issue. I thought all american presidents were pretty much the same regarding foreign policy (with the exception of george w bush). So I don’t really understand why you hate him so much. I would think you would HATE Obama’s drone policies. Are you Israeli or something?

    4. @John Thomas nope mate
      I don’t condone what Israel is doing now and I didn’t liked the fact that they attacked Syria illegally more than 300 times with no word on any news
      I’m not a Muslim either so I don’t think I’m biased
      I dislike Trump because he has no humanity at all,no values in life,no empathy etc
      To be fair I like Bernie to.we need more Bernie and less Trump in this world

  10. Why is trump fighting to hide his taxes so badly? First he said he’d release them and then he said he can’t cause they’re under audit which is bs. Definitely hiding something..

    1. Space Alien yeah you keep laughing. I promise you a day will come when it won’t be funny. You’ll be crying. Along with all your racist homophobic ignorant brothers and sisters…

    2. @jake barnes Make sure you see the guy’s comment below that points out what a brainwashed tool you’ve become. How does it feel to be a chump?

    3. @jake barnes Yes, you’re correct! Because he will not be elected to a second term. He had more than a chance. He’s gotten away with murder, So the time is at hand for that power hungry, boasting, simpleton to park it and let the real Americans save the country from the mess he’s made!

    4. His supporters dnt want to see them anyway. Trump said he’ll release his taxes back in 2016 but from how defensive he is it seems he was lying to them all along who woulda knew!

  11. He hiding something, most likely he’s breaking the law. The President is a bonafide crook, no doubt.

    1. Rudy Penza
      That is why the Great President of Mexico with his Great People of the Great country of Mexico (and great violent
      Marxist revolutionaries and great systemic corruption and great murderous drug cartels) want you to return home to them.

    2. Dekman99 wow I can tell your an attorney ! Please tell us more about crap you know nothing about!

    3. Lisa Riggs Donald Trump will be the 1st ex President, ever to go to prison. You know I’m right.

    4. @Hildebeast Clinton OMG is this Trump??? This is like something would put out . Fake stuff. Wow!!

  12. Delay delay delay, drag it out an it goes away. trump has used this tactic his entire life. There’s two justice system’s in America, one for the rich an one for the poor. ✌️

    1. Unless u plan on doing something about it. complaining in youtube is pointless

  13. We do not need any more POTUS who are “special”, and who will “shake up the system”. We need men who are normal and who have integrity.

    1. Martin Moyes or non binary gender fluid he/she transvestite intersectional racial neutral fairy tale unicorn bovinescatology

  14. When Mr. “very stable genius” will be out of office, not just the US will celebrate, but the whole world!!!

    1. @Mine Finder trump is already gone mentally! His physical self will be removed immediately after suffering a colossal landslide loss to Joe Biden !🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

    2. @Harry Talachy What are you taking to your boyfrend’s butt since superman took over your duties

    3. That’s forsure,the rest of the world is finally being forced to pay their share!!!!Trump2020!!!!

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