The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that Montana's exclusion of religious schools from state scholarship programs funded by tax credits violates the constitution, NBC's Pete Williams reports. Aired on 6/30/2020.
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Supreme Court Allows Tax-Credit Funded Scholarships For Religious Schools | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
If they can receive tax credits then churches should be taxed.
Time to get rid of tax exemption for churches then.
So all non profit schools
Church and state are separate. The government is funding special-needs schools, not churches.
Do you now what your even talking about .
Doc Man Let us contact our Democrat representatives in the US House and Senate and draft legislation to text churches. Let us do this now. The solution to your suggestion is very simple.
@Wolfgang dayo — what special need, the need to teach about Jesus , what will you say when it’s a Muslim school or a wicken school
Tax all Houses of Worship especially Evil Evangelical ones. They do not respect Roe vs Wade & the Separation between Church & State is why!
Worse than the Evangelicals is the Catholic church. It started this whole antiabortion BS. It is the wealthiest institution in the world, and owns the most land, yet pays no taxes. It regularly breaks the Johnson law, and preaches political action from the pulpit, so it should be taxed.
Especially mosques and synagogues and Scientology and the Latter Day Saints and the Freemasons…
Oh wait. Those aren’t the the targeted victims. My bad
Separate church and state. Those kid diddlers don’t need more tax free money.
This is a question of discrimination. If states are going to allow charter schools and private schools to receive tax vouchers the state cannot then discriminate against religious schools. Let’s remember the Democrats we oppose any form of discrimination.
@Facts trump prejudice Well, that’s one man’s opinion. Reality and consciousness cannot be defined beyond what the human brain can measure and observe. What we have thus far observed cannot answer profound questions of existence and purpose.
@Cool Hand Mark Antifa and leftist agitator punks of the demokkkrat party have infiltrated the protests, that’s just a fact. Go back in your mommy’s basement. Don’t worry, my business is still running, so my tax money will pay for the police to protect you from all 25 of those right wing “extremists.”
@T. R. Campbell Exactly correct. It makes perfect sense.
Join the FFRF
It’s time for the Satanic Temple to start their own religious school.
They already have, because that’s who leftist democrats worship.
Fossil Diver “It’s time for the Satanic Temple to start their own religious school.”
I know you’re kidding, but that might actually be the quickest way to get a law in place to tax all churches, temples, mosques and synagogues.
@O. B. No im not kidding and that is exactly what they are trying to do. Like i said they dont believe in satan or worship satan. They use satanism as political theater to get the point across
Okay…so will these churches be paying taxes?
People living in fear in democrat-run cities with defunded police will be Trump supporters in November
@RowenS Newsroom4am Way to not address what is being talked about. I have noticed that both Trump supporters and Russian trolls don’t like addressing the issue.
@Brother Sanguinary people living in fear is the number one problem in America, and this should be the number one issue in the upcoming election
Not only only are those schools tax free. Our taxes support them and pay the salaries as well
@N A they are better because they are Expensive Private Schools grifting on Tax handouts. Average Americans can’t afford them for their kids. Let them fund themselves 100% from their tuitions and wealthy contributions. No tax money
@genesis Stewart Who is to say what is a bad statue? Do you mean statues of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt? May I also assume you would support removing mosques?
@Jon Doe I agree private schools shouldn’t receive taxpayer funded bailouts.
@Patriot Spring ..I meant to permently closed all churches .An no I do not agree on taking down Abraham licon nor Rosavelt statute iit was figured of speech.”As Bad statutes”
@genesis Stewart Ok, thanks for the clarification.
If they can receive tax credits, then they need to pay taxes. period.
That is just how the scholarships are funded, they would not be using tax credits, it simply includes religious schools as an option for the scholarship, the tax credits would have been sold to investors to convert it in to funding.
Not period. Non profit education school like anything else.
Fair enough, then public schools need to pay taxes also.
Churches want a free handout? Literally believing a Bible is a great way to get rid of critical thinking, their anti-science beliefs is helping the corona to spread.
The government is funding special-needs schools.
Hitler had anti-tobacco campaigns as do public health officials of today. …Because nicotine causes mental awareness through neurotransmitter activation.
Your ignorance of science and neglect to test the ideas of “scientists” is more harmful than the socio-psychological benefits of going to church. Your idiocy spreads through protests.
And helping the republican party…why do you think republicans declared war on education a LONG time ago? The church is their main weapon.
In 10 years America will be last in science education, just watch….
BARGAIN stereo, vintage
From Galileo, Pascal, Boyle, Isaac Newton to countless other christians scientists today have contributed to science, critical thinking and religion.
Which all play equal important role in our lives. And to call Church or bible an “anti science” is just a mere baseless postmodern secular ideology. To shame people of faith.
But most great scientists and thinkers of faith have always seen that on the path to Truth, the Bible and science have a role to play in our society to think and see the truth. Unlike Secular who is closed minded in their own reality.
…tax ALL churches and religious institutions…
The government is funding special-needs schools.
Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion.
Especially mosques and synagogues
@N A …yes them too, but the Evangelical Christian ministry industry is worth much more $$$$$…
Separation of church and state? I hope all those right wingers feel comfortable funding mosques with their tax dollars. Islam is the fastest growing religion from what I’ve read.
Cool. Let me know when the court orders t’rump to disclose his tax returns.

Because nothing says, “nothing to hide” like “I’m taking this to the Supreme Court to hide them!”
@Joe Obiden Speaking of death and taxes, I wonder if the families of those US soldiers who were killed by the people paid bounties by Russians had to pay taxes on their funeral costs.
Ro G I would guess his liabilities are huge but I really don’t care. I am sure he employs hundreds of tax accountants and lawyers to make sure his businesses are in compliance. I am also sure cities and states have him targeted for audit every year.
If you have ever been in business you will know that your financial liabilities are probably very great. First of all you will learn the painful lesson that if you want to go in to business, your chance of succeeding will be 35% or less. You will owe providers, banks, contractors and accountants. You might also have an obligation to cities because you might have to deal with tax increment financing.
I would guess that this is one of the reasons why he implemented the successful JFK tax plan to supercharge the economy. A vibrant economy is always good for business, good for the people and good for the country. I don’t know why Obama didn’t implement this plan because JFK gave us the roadmap for success.
Rather than worry about the Trumpster I think we have to worry about getting the economy back on track after this attack of the Chinese virus.
Ro G Tax returns are very private and should not be released to the public. I wouldn’t want my tax returns released to the public in doubtful you wouldn’t want your tax returns plastered all over the front page is either. This is more likely a question of making sure the laws obeyed. We always like to say that the Trumpster is not above the law but he is not below the law either.
@Ro G you don’t even know if the stories true loser and if it is I guarantee it’ll make your day. anything to make Trump look bad you could care less if they died or not.
Ro G So far this seems to be just a political rumor with no basis in fact. Obviously there would be no taxes on funeral expenses.
God needs that tax evasion money. So santa school should have no problem getting funded now?
I’m waiting for the decision on Trump’s taxes
So All religious Schools get this Money?
Fine print says only ones that worship the “BuyBull:”.
perhaps NOW that Islamic schools are paid for by tax dollars some real history and religion will be available to the uninformed..
I assume this is just for those religions that follows “the bible”?
Why should religious institutions be entitled to public money when *they don’t pay taxes?*
@T. R. Campbell The Montana Supreme Court already ended the tax credits for ALL private school donations before the SCOTUS decision. The SCOTUS basically forced the state to reopen the program unless the legislature votes to end it. As it was, only about $30,000 in tax credit were issued during the short time the program was in effect. This was overreach by the theocratic conservatives on the Court.
w9j15g I am a Democrat, not a Democratic. I know times of changed and so do references. My first campaign was for Hubert H. Humphrey. He was a liberal before that word was ever applied to politics. At that time we were Democrats and proud members of the Democrat Party. Thanks for the post nevertheless.
w9j15g Thanks for the information.
@T. R. Campbell “Democratic” is the adjective form, as in “Democratic lawmakers” or “Democratic Party.” “Democrat” is the noun, as in, “She is a Democrat.” Repubs drop the last syllable of the adjective so that they can emphasize “rat.”
w9j15g Thank you for the English lesson. I’m really not all that concerned about what Republicans do or what they say. As Democratics, we have our own issues. Thanks nevertheless.
So Muslim Madrasa schools can now receive government funds. So can Buddhist schools. Jewish Yeshivas qualify. Great news!
no, this is just another attack on human rights . . . . . . . . organized religion is the source of most propaganda, and human suffering !!!
Also the church of Satan…awesome
First “In God we trust” on a state flag and now this?
This is supposed to be a secular country.
religious schools funded by taxpayers money.
taliban: hurry man, hurry send the application. at last we’re gonna have free schools.