Support For President Donald Trump’s Impeachment Higher Than Nixon, Clinton | Hardball | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki goes to the big board to break down the latest polling behind the impeachment inquiry. Support for President Trump’s impeachment is higher than when Presidents Nixon and Clinton were beginning to face their own impeachment inquiries. Aired on 10/7/19.
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Support For President Donald Trump’s Impeachment Higher Than Nixon, Clinton | Hardball | MSNBC

Support For President Donald Trump’s Impeachment Higher Than Nixon, Clinton | Hardball | MSNBC


    1. @john emeigh Russia controls Iran, Turkey and maybe Syria. Iran and is writing the paychecks for ISIS from Russian money. Putin is perpetrating warfare on us by stealng our election with his puppet. . The elephant is here actually. It will take true patriots to get them out of our govt and culture.

    2. @swimingbird88 , not just lizard people. Satanic Serpent people. Alex Jones also likes to call everything a Satanic conspiracy. These are the people calling everything outside Alex Jones and Fox News “fake new”.

    3. I know man I love endless wars and indefinite US occupation. Why would trump want to stop bombing civilian homes? Lol we have a bank account just to pay grieving families for turning their children into limbs? Who could possibly want to stop this?

  1. 89% support from repubs still. repubs are crazy and dangerous. should ship them all off to an island and build a wall around them to keep the world safe.

    1. Checkmate and congrats Mr.President you have effectively made Biden the new Hillary, now we just sit back and watch the left wing media lie at nauseam and centrist will get sick of it just like

  2. If Clinton was impeached for lying to have an affair what makes trump get away with murder with all those abuses he has done to our country

    1. Checkmate and congrats Mr.President you have effectively made Biden the new Hillary, now we just sit back and watch the left wing media lie at nauseam and centrist will get sick of it

  3. Major mistake in the analysis. Nixon was down to 25% AFTER the impeachment hearings. BEFORE the impeachment hearings he was at 65%. Trump is at 40% and the damage from public testimony in Congressional hearings has yet to begin.

    1. @1manuscriptman its not illegal to ask another state for an investigation, you can confidence hustle all you want, Biden getting cleared by the new prosecutor is quid pro quo ,and Shokin is willing to testify under oath in public instead of the spy that hides in the shadows and feeds the political opposition second hand info, the CIA dosen’t train whistleblowers they train spies, and we both know why Schiff refuses to release Volker’s testimony and why the left wing media won’t show the whole text conversations

  4. Jeff Flake Republican senator said over 35 Republicans in the senate want Ttrump out.He knows his colleagues are sick of Ttrumps lying and it’s time to evict this pos from the Whitehouse..

    1. Hopefully Flake has provided their names to Pelosi so she can coordinate with them to ensure a conviction in the Senate.
      Once that’s done, Trump can’t bluster his way out of it.
      Then they need a party vote to remove Mitch as Senate Leader.

    2. @test Testing Check our Marine Reserves have activated/called up. Trump has cut all communication with the National Security Council.

    3. @Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, the 1sr Rep President. You shame his legacy. Gerrymandering has been a tool primarily of Dem House members.

    1. @Mike Blumenthal the popular vote is irrelevant.
      Funny thing is despite the constant negative coverage of trump. Trump is still more popular than obama

    2. @Dmitri Fukov If you all don’t reelect Trump, the Biden’s and ilk like them will forever more enrich themselves and steal your money..
      Don’t you get it yet? They enter government with average wealth and leave multi millionairs due to legalized corruption.. Trump is rooting that out and you all are apoplectic!

    3. @laphotopix I voted for trump and will do so’s these democrats that need to open their minds a bit more

    1. If you all don’t reelect Trump, the Biden’s and ilk like them will forever more enrich themselves and steal your money..
      Don’t you get it yet? They enter government with average wealth and leave multi millionairs due to legalized corruption.. Trump is rooting that out and you all are apoplectic!

  5. Nixon covered up a domestic crime.
    Clinton lied under oath about a personal matter.
    t’rump used military aid to an ally to coerce a foreign county to help him win an election.
    We’re WAY past Watergate at this point.

    1. @Theone ! Uranium one has no export license. There 9 different people that had to approve it. Your not a fact based person at all, because those are indisputable facts, and yet you spew that nonsense to this day.

  6. Trump has an 89% approval rating with his own party because it is the cult of Trump. The Republican party does not exist anymore.

    1. @Joan Randolph why are you in every thread? ,I keep posting because no on seems to know ,do you know why the Democrats refuse to release Volker’s testimony?

    2. @Joan Randolph you don’t get smarter hanging out with people that agree with you ,and I hate the idea echo chambers, its the very reason we are in this mess ,and one side thinks democracy =Democrat victories ONLY

    3. @Danny v. You have no idea WHAT my thoughts are so you are assuming a lot when you make that statement. You do know what they say about people who assume right? Also unlike you I am not blinded to one way of thinking only. Continue in your ignorance. Bye.

  7. The GOP is now the COP: the Cowardly Old Party! The majority aren’t fit to represent Americans in Congress or the Senate…

    1. Give the Republicans subpoena power!  First one subpoenaed… Adam Schiff!  When Schiff lied and then it was discovered that the ‘Whistleblower’ DID contact his office, Schiff went from being an investigator to being a witness.  I’d love having that liar under oath in front of Jim Jordan…

    2. Checkmate and congrats Mr.President you have effectively made Biden the new Hillary, now we just sit back and watch the left wing media lie at nauseam just like

    3. @H Browning taken from their parents ? ,how do you know its not traffikers? ,and why did they bring their child if knew this was goimg to happen? ,what do we fo with the children have you thought that far?

    4. If you all don’t reelect Trump, the Biden’s and ilk like them will forever more enrich themselves and steal your money..
      Don’t you get it yet? They enter government with average wealth and leave multi millionairs due to legalized corruption.. Trump is rooting that out and you all are apoplectic!

    1. @Len Ovo The Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired never investigated Biden’s son. Therefore, your sarcastic insinuation is a thinly veiled lie.

    2. @KILLAWATTS 804 well you support that traitor Hilary Clinton of course we going support someone who’s been found innocent after 3 year report of Muller where Democrats sent 3 letters demanding Ukraine to support them in not the USA president. Freaking hypocrites every single one of you Democrats who thinks Clinton is innocent and Trump guilty

    3. @Jason Moore keep your foil hat on brainwashed maddow watcher while we keep working 40 a week in paying for your food stamps buddy

    1. Albert Ameperosa Nixon didn’t have the same cult-like following that Trump has, and Nixon was actually intelligent. Trump can be manipulated so easily by the current GOP, and they can sway him any way they want. This is a new era, and one where we will either see patriotism over partisanship in the end, or the death of public trust in our government.

    2. Trump is running into a road block no u turn Republicans are all in this and they all will feel it at the polls 2020.

    1. Americans should not have elected him. Of course the democrats did not present a credible alternative, so what is a country to do. In this democracy, the people do get the leader they deserve. It’s not like any of this should be a surprise.

    2. Checkmate and congrats Mr.President you have effectively made Biden the new Hillary, now we just sit back and watch the left wing media lie at nauseam and the centrist will get sick of it

    3. Well actually he was impeached the very night we won, Maxine waters said impeach that night. Pelosi said impeach two weeks ago. Why are you complaining. He has been impeached so celebrate already! ….?…unless you mean to remove him from the wh? Oh that’s impossible lol we don’t do that, it’s not an American policy. It isn’t a thing…

  8. Trump yesterday used the words: “in my great and unmatched wisdom” in a tweet. Previously, he used “King of Israel” and “the Chosen.” If America is not careful, one day he will call himself “Supreme Leader” or “Herr Fuhrer”

    1. BUT then WHAT do white AMERICANS know about DEMOCRACY in a two party state ??? NO choice at all NOT even a holding-place for the undecided voters. You got to remember that ADOLF HITLER was a right-winger BUT called that Conservative party a “socialist movement”. Donald J. Trump regards his brand of Republican Party as a workers party. So..there you have it.

    2. @Zephnia Mukwa If you all don’t reelect Trump, the Biden’s and ilk like them will forever more enrich themselves and steal your money..
      Don’t you get it yet? They enter government with average wealth and leave multi millionairs due to legalized corruption.. Trump is rooting that out and you all are apoplectic!

  9. Hah. Of course Trump is “popular” within his own party. They haven’t stood up to him once in 3 years.

  10. We’ve all seen the evidence. He even admitted to it on national television. Seems pretty obvious that impeachment and removal is extremely important to our national security and election integrity.

  11. Get that reality tv show host out of the White House! His reality show “the presidency” is the worst show on tv

    1. Joe Bradford glad you asked. Such as pulling us out the recession that the bush administration brought us which later led to what is known as the “booming economy” which is now slowing and possibly soon to become a recession again thanks to none other the reality tv show host in office. Also the affordable care act. Might not have been the best thing but it’s the most prevalent thing to happen to ensure that the American ppl had health insurance. Oh and killing bin laden, the guy that brought on the most tragic day in modern American history… just to name a few. What’s trump doing other than dividing us?? Oh and putting on the worlds craziest reality show 😂. Being that your obviously a fan of the show tell me if America has always been and always will be great what does maga stand for??

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