Tom Mulcair reacts to polling showing support for the CPC is rising, but Justin Trudeau remains the preferred prime minister.
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Hey, Tom, why is the NDP still propping up the Liberals?
Because Jagmeet wants his pension which he will be eligible for if the coalition holds till 2025
Hey buddy, why are the Conservatives a coalition party.
@Penny Yeomans we ALL gave up…WHY???
@roof pizza What a stupid statement lol
How can anyone want to vote for Trudeau, regardless of your political affiliation. He needs to go Paul Martin-like badly
Alot of” free” money
@Penny Yeomans Even his supporters admit it. Poilievre=Trump. Trump calls the shots. Poilievre follows.
I vote for trudeau. I’m a total loser.
@Michael S At least you’re owning your idiocy
Why are you guys always interviewing this guy? Especially if nobody cares about him now?
Cuz he’s on a cheap contract
@Jon Do you know the specifics of that contract? How long until it’s over?
You’re watching. He brings in viewers like you. 3000 and counting! That’s money in the bank for him!
Only misinformed can chose JT.
Roof Pizza and Squidwards house
Trudeau drunk singing in a bar in UK before queens funeral speaks volume……wrong guy in a wrong place in wrong time, time for change in our government
@roof pizza Correction…he can’t even sing unless it’s SUCKDEEP.
@roof pizza Bro who even are you ??
@roof pizza please vote liberal. You’re making me a lot of money while destroying Canada.
@Michael S Happy brand new troll account.
I think the real number for our drama teacher is probably like 2%
@Squidward’s House hello bot
@Guy Souriandt neither have you mamas boy
@Guy Souriandt jt is a trust fund baby who has never had to worry about paying bills in his life.
Have we learned nothing from polls of the past? 17% for Singh?? That’s how you know the polls are wrong, there’s no way he has that.
For Liberals is better to have a battle of 3 and not just 2, that’s why he still relevant here.
I literally don’t know a single person that supports Trudeau anymore. Sooner he leaves the better off we ll be. PIERRE FOR PM!
If there was an election today Pierre would win!
@Daren Sounds like wishful thinking.
@Scalps Paleface Sounds like complete delusion!
@Penny Yeomans Smarten up!!
Yes yes yes….convince Trudeau he’s still #1 and preferred so he’ll call an election!
That attitude backfired three times on the Conservatives. they need to get moderate leaders instead of Trump wannabes like Polievre.
Canadians must get rid of Trudeau.
The Monarch’s reserve power of dismissal of a PM has never been used in Canada, it is time.
Pierre for PM asap
You have a three year wait time before he’ll even have the opportunity to try.
Poilievre for PM. Trudeau must GO
I support Pierre Poilievre!

Pierre 4 PM!
This must be the same poll that Jean Charest was ahead Pierre in Quebec

Nice try. Keep towing the line tho.
The ironic part is that Mulcair is more fiscally conservative than Trudeau and PP put together.
24% for Trudeau, 21% for Poilievre and 17% for Singh. What kind of poll was this – there are 38% of the voters missing. Furthermore, I want to say that Trudeau’s true number is -2%, but sadly the Ontario and Quebec votes are where that inflated 24% is coming from.
I’d like to see the percentages of the other parties as well
24% ?
Yea right … more like 2.4% …