With the leadership debates now in the rear-view mirror and polls showing a close race between the Liberals and Conservatives, the issue of vote-splitting is becoming increasingly significant ahead of the Sept. 20 federal election, according to pollster Nik Nanos.
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How come Maxine was not in the debate.
@roof pizza You do not know what you are talking about
I think you have to have a member or certain amount of members in Parliament.
@roof pizza Please seek help as soon as possible.
Who are the deff and blind voting liberal
@Ashley Plamondon Oh nono, back in august when they were looking at polling for enlisting the parties for the debate. They were looking at the polls like a month ago when making the decision, and at that time they didn’t make it. If that decision was made in the last 2 weeks, then no doubt… but they were unfortunatly planning this debate further out than that.
. Trudeau or O’Toole are one in the same.
Singh has always been a problem for Conservatives and Canadians
Thanks, keep splitting the right wing vote
bernier is a covid denying anti vaccer. no way would i vote for him
I voted for them today! Keep spreading the word! To anyone reading this, don’t let the ape brains who know nothing about the PPC dissuade you from doing your own research! Canada deserves a real change!
Quebec is NOT a nation. A province yes, a distinct community yes, but NOT a nation and they need to understand this.
Yes it is … cause I could says that English Canada is not a nation.. you guys are just shy American.
How sweet ………………….!
@Philippe Drolet wtf are you even talking about.. do you struggle with english?
If those French don’t like it here on Turtle Island they should go back to their home in France. This is Indian country.
@Mac Jones Well Canada hasn’t but our Crimeminister has.
I think the format of the debate didn’t help anyone really get their message out there. They would start talking and then get cut off by another leader or the moderator. (kudos to her though, she had to herd cats for two hours. not an easy job) The whole debate felt rushed. “we’re running out of time!” I really don’t see this debate changing the status quo much. I did like the direct grilling though of each leader by moderators.
Canada hasn’t seen a true debate since the Pierre Trudeau era.
The BQ shouldn’t be allowed. Not a national party.
Go figure he was the only one that brought up real talking points
And the PPC has how many seats?
@roof pizza facts
Well, it is a nationally recognized party, but much of what they do is fight for Quebec sovereignty and, you guessed it, run in Quebec because if they focus there, they’ll win more seats. They do have a lot of em, though.
Support for Trudeau is a problem for our future
Trudeau’s looking increasingly unhinged.
He’s probably never been told ‘no’ in his entire life. He doesn’t know how to handle it.
I personally think it’s ridiculous that they have only one English-speaking debate. As far as I’m concerned, there should be at least 6 to 10!
This is the only english debate Trudeau agreed to take part in, the debate funded by his commission lol. That is why all the questions were easy.
Two in english, one in french
French debate in Quebec. 1 English debate in Ontario. 1 English debate in B.C,
Why is it that I am 60 years-old and I have never been polled on anything?
62 and neither have I.
I was called. Asked how relevant Maximize was. I said little to none.
Vote no to social credit system.
there is no vote on that we only get to choose the party we vote for
wrong it 42 tear old Moms who tend to vote Liberal
Voting liberal is for the uneducated safe space clowns
PPC all the way. I’m not a young male. I know lots of female voting PPC. Go Max Go
Voted … purple wave
@sandra dee Proud of you Sandra! Keep spreading the word, PPC can do this!
I’m voting PPC again, too.
Will Max cheat? And share his vote to Trudeau???
How much need Nanos get for his favourable analysis of Trudeau?
that is politics. should be an interesting election.
Perhaps the way these young males are feeling is justified, just look at the news, the world is a mess.
Can’t wait to vote PPC again.
Diversity in leadership is great but should not be confused with competency as a competent leader no matter what their background needs to be able to represent all Canadians regardless of their background.
I’m from Colombia and living in Canada now , I felt a bit weird seeing a candidate that represents only one province. Why Quebec has their own candidate? Why BC or Alberta , provinces that I love don’t have leaders representing them?
Forgot to mention that the PPC demographics also includes mostly caucasian and high school (or lower) educated.
yet they are smarter than those college brain washed fools they are not voting liberal or conservative like the rest of the brain washed masses
I don’t believe NDP is a problem got the Conservatives!! All this guy did was point fingers but never had any concrete plans for anything!! Singh was not natural!! This is a joke!! Nanos is stupid!