Super Tuesday Preview: Can Sanders Extend His Lead Betting On California? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Super Tuesday is just days after the South Carolina Primary, and Bernie Sanders is betting big on California. Steve Kornacki looks at the latest polls and tells us what to expect. Aired on 02/25/20.
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Super Tuesday Preview: Can Sanders Extend His Lead Betting On California? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. If Bernie wins Texas and California, you might as well put a fork in it. Those are the two largest delegations outside of New York and Florida. And remember in California, it can take up to 30 days to get the full results due to how long it takes them to count the mail in ballots they send out. And folks, be sure you get the right ballot in California . People registered as NPP have to get a crossover Dem ballot. Never accept a provisional one.

    1. @Iceberg Rose you are clueless. You even said it yourself….you don’t listen to anything Trump. So how would you know what’s going on?

  2. Biden said he was running as a candidate ‘for SENATE’ during a SC rally.
    Sorry, we don’t want someone with early dementia as President.

    1. @Yusuf Ginnah The only thing saving biden from the dementia claim is that he was like this for the last 20 Years.

  3. Bernie is not talking about millionaires, he is talking about Billionaires. That’s with a B. Big difference in what a millionaire with a Porsche and a Billionaire who owns Comcast or the Washington post can do to the population. It’s not the 1% that’s the problem, it’s the 0.01%. I’m going to donate $15 to Bernie now.

    1. The cost of bernie’s plan can’t possibly only be funded by billionaires. This is going to hit the middle class harder.

    2. @RiceCakes I personally don’t mind throw a few dollars in exchange for being freed of paying tens or even hundreds thousands if get sick and lose everything I made in my life to hospital bills.

  4. Seats at tonight’s debate went for as much as $3000 in case you’re wondering why Bloomberg got so many cheers

    1. Ross Glasow learn what, how to get tax breaks and make more money while my family, business and net worth grow? Please keep teaching me professor Trump! I’m an eager study 📖

    2. @15k DOW 2022 the press is the enemy of the people, withholding public information, getting rid of the Whitehouse press conference an American tradition when the administration answers to the people. Mmmmmm you’re not cognative.

  5. Bernie took 70% of the Latino vote in Nevada WHEN he does that in California and Texas he’ll clench the nomination and we can unite against the greatest enemy America has ever known impeached president traitor trump

    1. @Patrick it takes a strong religious ethics to want to help your fellow Americans like Bernie does and with Republicans having to set aside their Christian values for the past 3 years to support traitor trump it must seem impossible but there is hope in the Lord.

    1. @Mike Fernandez what prevents you from moving to a red state? Instead of complaining in the comments section, you can change your environment to please your feelings. You can always start your own business & not use social programs if that bothers you

  6. The fact that Bloomberg helped elect Lindsey Graham and tried to defeat Warren should be disqualifying. He should be DONE right now. Absolutely DONE.

    1. @Caleb O’Donnell – Well, there’s footage of him insulting black people, young people, transgender people, poor people, midwestern people, farmers, etc. But he should be done in the Democratic primary already. He was trying to elect GOPers, including a Trump sycophant who said he wasn’t even going to pretend to be a fair impeachment juror.

    2. wolfman02 people keep saying Bernie not being a Democrat should hurt him. It only helps him. Now for BLOOMBERG, that’s actually a strong criticism because of him backing GOP people.

  7. California is Bernie country and none of the Democrats can match his support there or anywhere but especially in California. I love California and San Francisco.

    1. @Jon appleseed I moved away from SF three years ago bc of those issues. It’s a real thing that only a REAL resident of the Bay would understand. It has nothing to do with Fox News.

    2. Larry Byrd when you can refute any of his statements go for the really funny and original insults, works every time!

    1. @Boofer T. Washington That’s just your opinion and it remains to be seen what the country as a majority is going to do.

    2. @Zachary Huffman Not that your wrong, but if he was to win every state even with a 1% margin, it would not look good to not give him the nomination.

  8. “Sanders has an opportunity to potentially surpass Biden” Que? Last time I checked Sanders was the frontrunner and Biden collapsing….

    1. @Sebastian Minney It’s almost as if you’ve never read the definition of Democratic Socialism. The only major change from the current system is health care and education becomes a human right

    2. @Sebastian Minney You must be one of those poorly educated people Trump loves so much. He is not a communist, do u even know what communist means? Of course u don’t, ur poorly educated. Go educate yourself, then come back and make an intelligent comment. We’ll all being waiting, and we’ll be so proud of u when u do. Until then, relax, take ur meds, then open a book.

    3. ​@Aaron Dunsmore I’m Danish and can approve this message! 👍 We are a free ‘capitalist’ market economy. But a social one with taxed-based wealth distribution. We got billionaires and multi-millionaires, as well, but nobody is left dying on the streets here. We prefer the term “social democracy” over “democratic socialism” (which we find misleading). As Americans, hear it as “progressive capitalism” or “social capitalism” (that is what Scandinavia – and Bernie’s policies – really is).

      Greetings from Billund, Denmark (hometown of The LEGO Company)🙋‍♂️

  9. He is not just the ‘frontrunner’ Bernie is walking it!
    Bernie leads in the polls and the hearts and the minds of We The People. BERNIE2020

    1. PreMeditatED Noise but don’t you think he’s a bit too old and naive. I feel like warren might be a better choice

    2. @Xxjyuz No…Leadership requires wisdom, experience, authenticity and credibility – Bernie has consistently held and demonstrated these values for 40+ years.
      Sure Warren is a nice lady and it’s your vote to do what you like with but she just doesn’t have anywhere near the same positive and lengthy record as Bernie.
      Did that help with your algorithm!

    1. @ Paul Harbinson, I totally agree with you. Remember es hen we were bombarded with Biden leading in polls all over the country? It was MSM manufacturing Consent.

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