Super Tuesday is finally here. Voters in 14 states and territories will cast ballots – with over 1,300 delegates up for grabs. Will a crowded democratic field finally narrow? Watch special coverage all day tomorrow on MSNBC.
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Super Tuesday | Decision 2020 | MSNBC
Will young people come out to vote for bernie???? That’s the big question. If they do, BERNIE WILL WIN!!!!!!
Trump is always the undisputed winner whenever one of these crooks open their mouth!! Free, free, free…. LMMFAO
Many young people are not intelligent enough to vote. Think about it. You want bernie because it’s “anti-establishment. Who cares if the economy is destroyed right? Making a statement.But when you are older you will see how crazy that was.
Yeah no. Trump has already won. This whole election show is just that. A show and a formality.
Trumps new name = the tangerine twatwaffle
Send your hard-earned money to Tom Perez in care of the DNC. What could go wrong?
Todd Jenkins So pathetic and desperate. Trumps approval just topped 50%
Thanks for the stupid commercial. Like anyone is interested in their skewed “journalism”. The only thing I will be tuning in for are the Numbers. Because watching MSNBC is turning into FOX news, where as the time you invest with them, you come out less informed and manipulated.
Mike Howard
MSNBC could only pray they turned into FOX news but the ratings prove different LOL
@Alex Hamilton that’s gross. So is fox.
@Supernautiloid Bernie will die mysteriously of an unforeseen heart attack well before the DNC has to make a choice
@Freedom & Liberty Bot
I guess you don’t pay very much attention. Donald Trump has been offering a whole carnival of FREE STUFF for conservatives. FREE border wall, FREE endless wars, FREE handouts for globalist corporations, FREE tax cuts for the ruling elites that are skyrocketing our debt. No one ever asks where the money is going to come from. No one ever asks who is going to pay for it. Everything is FREE FREE FREE. Donald Trump is STEALING trillions of dollars out of the pockets of hard working Americans to pay for all the FREE stuff that conservatives are too lazy to pay for themselves. Because bribing people is the only way a corrupt fraud Trump can get any votes. No sane person would ever vote for an America-hating elitist like Trump without bribes to do so.
@Josef If nothing is free, then why do Trump voters think everything is free?
@Freedom & Liberty Bot
*”Bernie will die mysteriously of an unforeseen heart attack well before the DNC has to make a choice”*
This is the only thing you’ve said that I agree with. The entire DC establishment swamp wants Bernie dead and I am very worried that they will try something drastic to get rid of him. I only hope Bernie is taking precautions. We shall see.
@Supernautiloid IDK you follow him more than me
Bernie is a radical communist who has never earned a penny in his life time. He is a text book looter. Trump 2020 landslide victory
@NDFOOTBALL There is now way for trump to win I GARANTEE IT
NDFOOTBALL I voted for Bernie on Monday. Bone spurs is a lying coward.
Spoiler: Bernie wins the DNC nomination. And America will have to pick b/w two evils again. Either way…The USA is in for a BAD TIME in the next 4 years. Except with Bernie, I hope it will be less painful? Who knows.
@Mohammed Zerrak – I thought after Hillarys lost, we did away with absolutist statements. Just saying…
How do MSNBC think Russians can make americans vote for who they want? I never understood that. You would have to be a weak MF to vote because Russia said so. Do they secretly hypnotize people or what?
That awkward moment when MSNBC re-uploads the same promotion, but with a different thumbnail because everybody was hating on Pete
Will not be watching your bias news coverage.
Straight Path
good idea. I suggest you stop watching any cable news networks .They are all bias. They have been for years. My suggestion is for you
to begin your own network where the reporters will only say what you agree with. Then you will be happy.
What is this? The Super Bowl?
@Freedom & Liberty Bot Thank God Socialism won’t work so we can avoid that! If you want move to socialist country and let me know how it works out for you! Good Luck!
Can’t wait for Super Tuesday so people like Elizabeth and Amy can be finally shut up! The time is now to narrow it down so the official debate and campaign to Take Back America can begin! Hey Trump remember the day after you went raw dog with Stormy? Yeah you remember feeling the burn, will Dodger soon you’re gonna really feel the Bern!
See how many times your favorite MSNBC journalists compare Sanders and his followers to Nazis!
Well he IS a national socialist so they aren’t too far off the mark.
@Mr. Wolf
Bernie is a Communist
‘We’ll be slandering and trying to stop Bernie all day’
Bernie 2020 yes yes
I don’t dislike amy klobachar or joe Biden. The rest can go kick rocks. #Bernie2020
Super Tuesday is going to be

a HUGE Clown Show
I’m concerned that Lizzie Warren will do poorly on Super Tuesday therefore I’m starting the Warren Campaign Sustainability Committee. If you’d like to join dial 1 800 Pander.
Black man here 4 Bernie Sanders!
What excuse will the media use whet Trump is easily reelected?